Chapter 27

can the pain be cured?

Nichkhun freezes in his place. They stay like that for a while. The silence is too much that Wooyoung can’t stand it. He raises his head and he sees Nichkhun standing very still. Nichkhun’s face is pale white. He looks like he just seen ghosts.

“Nichkhun?” Wooyoung calls him, but nothing happens. He’s still standing very still.

“Nichkhun?” Wooyoung tries again. Louder this time. He sees Nichkhun moves a bit. Nichkhun turns his heads to look at Wooyoung.

“Are you alright?” Wooyoung asks. Nichkhun nods weakly.

“Do you hear everything?” Nichkhun asks weakly, feeling weary and nervous. Wooyoung looks at him guiltily.

“I guess…” he answers. Nichkhun turns paler.

“Even the part where I say i…I say…” Nichkhun can’t continue talking. He’s afraid. Truly feeling afraid.

“What if Wooyoung rejects him? What if Wooyoung decides to avoid him and moves out from his house? …and what Nichkhun fears the most is what if Wooyoung hates him?” the thoughts keeps spinning in his head. If it does happen, Nichkhun will be devastated by that. To make Wooyoung hates him is the last thing Nichkhun wants to do.

“I’m sorry…” Wooyoung says weakly. He feels terribly guilty. Nichkhun can hear his heart broken to pieces when he hears the word. He feels his eyes become teary. He feels like he loses the strength in his leg and he starts swaying, feeling likes he’ll fall down.

“What is the meaning of that sorry? Is Wooyoung rejecting him?” Nichkhun can’t help but think negative thought.

“Nichkhun…are you sure you’re alright?” Wooyoung walks closer to Nichkhun clearly worried. Nichkhun shook his head.

“I’m far from alright…” Nichkhun speaks almost in whisper. He fells to the floor. Wooyoung rushes towards Nichkhun to help him and hugs him tight.

“I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to hear anything last night right?” Wooyoung asks. Nichkhun don’t say a word.

“If you feel more at ease if I’m not knowing, then I’ll pretend that I don’t hear anything.” Wooyoung says trying to calm Nichkhun.

“What do you mean?” Nichkhun asks confuse.

“I’m just saying, if you feel burdened by the fact that I know your real feeling towards me, then I’ll act like I don’t have a clue.” Wooyoung explains again.

“You’re not rejecting me? Nichkhun asks still feeling insecure. Wooyoung start blushing. He moves further away from Nichkhun’s position and bows his head low.

“N…Not really…” he answers timidly. Nichkhun can’t help but smile a little.

“Does that mean that you love me too?” Nichkhun asks feeling hopeful.

“I don’t know.” Wooyoung answer sincerely. Wooyoung bows his head again and plays with the ring in his finger. Nichkhun recognizes the ring immediately. It’s the ring that Taecyeon left for Wooyoung. Nichkhun somehow understand Wooyoung confusion.

“I understand…but Wooyoung…give me a chance to love you…to love you like he did, maybe more and…give me chance to make you love me…please?” Nichkhun said almost pleading. Wooyoung doesn’t give any reaction. He looks a bit shocked. Nichkhun sighs heavily. He moves closer towards Wooyoung and held his face with both of his hands.

“Let me do this properly this time.” Nichkhun speaks before taking a deep breath. He stares directly into Wooyoung’s eyes.

“Jang Wooyoung, I love you, I had fall for you since the first time we met. Ever since then, I keep on falling for you, everytime I met you in the morning at the balcony, I fell in love with you, when I see your smile, I fell for you, when I ate the food that you brought, I fell for you, even when you cry, I fell for you, even when you woke up from your sleep screaming someone else name, I still fell for you. I had fallen to deep that it hurts more not loving you. Wooyoung…please, let me love you, let me care for you and give me a chance to make you the most special person in my life.” Nichkhun says what’s been bottling up inside him all this time. Wooyoung eyes become teary hearing Nichkhun’s confession. He nods weakly.

“Let’s give us a try…” Wooyoung answer slowly. Nichkhun smiles wide hearing Wooyoung answer and pull him into a hugs.

“Thank You Wooyoung…thank you.” Nichkhun hugs Wooyoung as tight as he can.


After the confession both of them moves separate ways to do their business. Wooyoung continue cooking and Nichkhun go to clean himself. They enjoy their dinner together like they normally do. After dinner, Nichkhun review the works from his office and Wooyoung gone to clean the kitchen. Nichkhun was too absorbed in his work that he didn’t realize it’s already late. He looks at the empty kitchen and he start moving to his bedroom to tuck in for the night when the realization hits him.

“Where’s he going to sleep?” he wonders to himself.

“Since we become lovers, it must be awkward for me to sleep with him this early right?” he wonders again.

“But I don’t want to sleep on the sofa…” Nichkhun complains to himself. He stares at the sofa in his living room wearily.

“Maybe I should discuss this with Wooyoung.” Nichkhun decides before moving into the bedrooms. Once he enters he sees that Wooyoung already lying on the bed, asleep.

“Woo…” Nichkhun calls for Wooyoung. Wooyoung sit up suddenly from his position and looking frantically everywhere looking for someone. When his eyes catch Nichkhun’s figure at the door, he smiles in relief. Nichkhun looks at him shocked.

“I thought you were sleeping?” Nichkhun asks curious.

“I’m just starting to drift off when you shocked me.” Wooyoung explains toward Nichkhun.

“Sorry, maybe I’m not supposed to call you Woo.” Nichkhun said a bit disappointed. He knows from Wooyoung’s reaction earlier that Wooyoung searching for particular someone. Nichkhun knows that Wooyoung searching for Taecyeon since Woo is what Taecyeon used to call Wooyoung with. Nichkhun realizes that but he loves the nickname and he thought it’s alright for him to use it too. Nichkhun smiles bitterly.

“Don’t be Khun, I love hearing you calling me Woo, and it’s just that I don’t hear someone calling me that for a long time that I thought…” Wooyoung stops suddenly and smiles toward Nichkhun.

“Just call me whatever you wants, but I’ll love it if you call me Woo because I reserved that nickname for someone special only.” Wooyoung smiles genuinely. Nichkhun feels happy to hear Wooyoung saying that. Wooyoung was starting to lay back to sleep when he notice Nichkhun doesn’t move an inch from where he stands.

“Why are you standing there?” Wooyoung asks confuse.

“Hurm…Woo…where should I sleep?” Nichkhun asks timidly.

“On the bed of course.” Wooyoung answer coolly not realizing Nichkhun discomfort.

“But Woo…since we become lovers…don’t you think it’s weird to sleep together this early?” Nichkhun asks unsure. Wooyoung blushes when finally the realization struck him.

“Maybe I should move back to my house.” Wooyoung answers weakly. His voices trembles a bit.

“No, please don’t.” Nichkhun stops Wooyoung.

“Then how, Khun?” Wooyoung asks back to Nichkhun.

“Maybe I’ll just sleep on the sofa.” Nichkhun said weakly.

“But you hate sleeping on the sofa.” Wooyoung said back knowingly. He knows that Nichkhun suffer some sore muscles everytime he slept on the sofa. That’s the first reason why Wooyoung asks Nichkhun to sleep in the bed with him in the first place.

“Then, what should we do?” Nichkhun asks completely feeling lost.

“Just…sl…sleeps on the bed. I’ll put chick in the middle so you won’t do anything funny.” Wooyoung said while blushing a bit. Nichkhun blushes too when hearing Wooyoung words.

“I won’t do anything funny.” He said a bit loud. Nichkhun feels completely embarrassed.

“Just get on the bed, Khun.” Wooyoung said frustrated. Nichkhun moves to the bed and snuck under the cover. Wooyoung was facing another direction.

“I want to make this works, Khun.” Wooyoung whispers slowly to him. Nichkhun smiles and turns his body to face Wooyoung’s direction.

“Let’s make this work, Wooyoung.” Nichkhun says before both of them drift off to sleeps.


The next day Nichkhun goes to work with dark circle under his eyes. Junho looks at him weirdly when he gets in the office.

“What happen to you?” Junho asks with a smirk in his face.

“I can’t sleep.” Nichkhun answer simply.

“I can guess that. But why?” Junho asks again trying hard to hide his smirk. Nichkhun sits on his chair facing Junho and he smiles widely.

“I did it. Finally I did it.” Nichkhun said happily.

“Did what? Did you do anything funny to Wooyoung last night?” Junho asks accusing. Nichkhun blushes at Junho question.

“No, I won’t do that if he doesn’t let me. Besides Woo put chick in the middle so I can’t really do anything.” Nichkhun said in a rush.

“That’s weird. Why would Wooyoung lets you do anything funny to him and what’s with the Woo?” Junho asks pretending to be confused. Nichkhun keeps on smiling as wide as he can. Junho keeps on playing with Nichkhun pretending he doesn’t know what happen.

“Don’t tell me…” Junho stops to watch Nichkhun facial expression. Nichkhun looks clearly anticipating Junho answer. Junho smirks.

“I know it already Khun. Channie told me earlier this morning. He said that you finally confessed directly and Wooyoung said yes…and it’s about time too.” Junho explains while giving his witty remarks.

“But how? By the way Wooyoung don’t really say yes.” Nichkhun explained.

“Try being woken up by someone that hugging you to death…Wooyoung calls Channie early in the morning to tell him the news and the next thing I knew is that I’m being forcefully awake short on breath.” Junho complains and Nichkhun breaks into laughter.

“Oh that killing hugs. It’s been so long since I experience that.” Nichkhun comments casually.

“If you miss that hugs so much, I’ll gladly give it to you. By the way I don’t really understand the part where you say that Wooyoung don’t really say yes. What do you means?” asks Junho clearly confuse. Nichkhun smiles again.

“How can I take that hugs from you. The hug is especially for you. The only time I remember Chansung used that hug on someone else is with me and Wooyoung and that’s only once.” Nichkhun pointed out clearly. Junho rolled his eyes annoyed with the facts that he knows too well.

“…and I still trying to feel glad about it…Just explains about Wooyoung parts Khun.” Junho said feeling a bit weary. Nichkhun laugh a little.

“Oh, about that… well after I confess he was at loss, I guess. I said to give me a chance and he says he’ll try, that’s the only thing I need to keep moving on.” Nichkhun speaks while blushing a bit. Junho nods in understanding.

“Now I get it. Then try your best to win him Khun.” Junho said supporting Nichkhun.

“I will. But I’m afraid.” Nichkhun said unsure.

“Why?” Junho asks detecting Nichkhun nervousness.

“Well, even when Wooyoung says he’ll try he’s still wearing the ring Taecyeon left for him. I’m afraid that he wants me to replace Taecyeon’s place. To be like Taecyeon…I can’t do that Junho. I’ll be lying to myself but worse I’ll be lying to Wooyoung by giving him false hope. I don’t want to do that.” Nichkhun speaks his worried to Junho. Junho smiles towards Nichkhun.

“How can both of them worried about the same thing?” Junho wondered.

“Don’t worry Khun. Just give Wooyoung some times. It’s hard for him to moves on but we know that he’s trying too. Just like when you ask Wooyoung to give you a chance, you need to give him a chance too.” Junho speaks calmly. Nichkhun smiles and nods to Junho’s words of advice.


Several days had past and they carry their routine like they usually did. Nichkhun doesn’t feel any different in his relationship with Wooyoung. They act like they usually do.

“This is not how it supposed to be.” Nichkhun thought to himself. He takes a glance at Wooyoung who was busy doing something in the kitchen. It is the weekend and they just being stuck in the house. Nichkhun remembers what Chansung told him a few days back.

“With Udong you need to take the leads Khun, he doesn’t really have any experience in this. The only relationship he had is with Taec hyung…and by Taec hyung forward characters, Udong doesn’t need to do much and just go with the flow.” Chansung explained.

“But the only dating experience I have is with a girl, this is my first time so I don’t really know what to do.” Nichkhun said frustrated.

“Then treat him how you used to treat Vic, remember Khun, you’re just in love with another person. Don’t discriminate.” Junho said joining the conversation. Chansung nods in agreement. Nichkhun feels guilty that he feels that way.

Nichkhun keeps glancing at Wooyoung’s back when he recalls the memories. He inhales a deep breath before moving to the kitchen.

“Woo…” he calls. Wooyoung stops his work and turns to look at Nichkhun. He tilts his head a bit looking impossibly cute that Nichkhun feels the urge to kiss him.

“Yes?” Wooyoung answer while smiling. Nichkhun lets out an awkward laugh and rubs his neck in nervousness.

“Woo, I was thinking that we should spent more time together…you know…since we are a lover…” Nichkhun says a bit unsure. Wooyoung blush suddenly and look a bit confuse.

“I…I means lets go out on a date.” Nichkhun said quickly and stutter a bit. Wooyoung nods a little.

“But…where are we going?” Wooyoung voice was too slow that it sounds almost like a whisper. He feels really embarrassed right now. Nichkhun continue to rubs his neck. He is truly nervous.

“Maybe we should go to the ice-cream store like the last time?” Nichkhun suggested. Wooyoung raise his head to look at Nichkhun when he hears the words and he beams happily.

“Ice-cream? Ok, wait for me. I’ll go and get ready.” Wooyoung was practically jumping when he went inside the room to get change. Nichkhun is smiling widely from ear to ear. This will be their first official date.


A/n: This update is quite short right? anyway hope you'll enjoy. ^-^

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i'm sorry for the late update...i've been focusing on other thing this few weeks.


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NobelVictoria #1
Chapter 35: It seems that they become lovers agin after that 3 painful years

It's good though... I'm happy for the both of you :)
NobelVictoria #2
Chapter 25: It's sad that Taec needs to go...
Chapter 5: Hhahahaha Nuneo forgot Channie's birthday . He's in trouble.... big trouble....i'm loving this story!
AryaValamor #4
Chapter 3: Oh baby ,what happened with you?
don't cry~
AryaValamor #5
Chapter 1: Who is That boy? KKKKK~ who make Khun like this lol
awannano91 #6
Chapter 34: worst ending ever....they through so many hurt. but the happy stories is too short..
Chapter 35: really nice story <3
now chanho have to admit they're a couple ;)
Chapter 15: i like the idea of woo's drawer of picture frames and that he repeats this action of break-repair-break-repair over and over again.
Chapter 35: this is such a cute story.. I cried a lot when taecyeon died.. poor him.. wooyoung must have suffered a lot..but thank God nichkhun is there to protect him.. I really really love this story.. authornim.. I really love your story