
I was lying in my bed staring up in the ceiling. I couldn’t believe myself. I couldn’t stop thinking of ~~~~~, and every time I thought of her I ended up adding new lines to my new lyrics. I blinked a few times before sitting up and grabbing the paper closest to me on the sheets. I read my latest edited version of the song text. It’s not good enough. I picked up my pen and rearranged the order of the lines for the umpteenth time. After several (more) hours I gently took my guitar and started improvising a melody for my lyric.

“Not enough feeling,” I muttered to myself. I tried one more time. A new one. Suddenly my fingers formed the perfect chord for the feeling I had inside. Automatically I played the next one and suddenly I had the melody for her song. It sounded cute, and hopeful. It was supposed to reflect my own mood. I’m not sure if I was feeling very cute… but hopeful is a good word. I was hoping that I would have the guts to call her. I was hoping that she would pick up. I was hoping I would be brave enough to ask her to meet me. I was hoping she would say yes. Hoping that I would have the courage to play her the song. Hoping that she would get the message. Hoping that she could accept my heart. Hoping that… hold on a minute now, Yonghwa. You just met the girl! I had to keep my cool… I couldn’t, have to call her, hear her voice. I flipped my phone open, but I couldn’t bring myself to dial her number. Yes, I had already memorized it ten minutes after I had gotten it. I fell backwards and let my body bounce on the bed and returned to stare up in the ceiling. I was going to call her tomorrow.


It was 10.47 in the morning. Was it too early to call her? I chewed nervously on my lip. I flipped my phone open, again, and pushed the numbers. My hand trembled as I pushed the dial button and put the phone to my ear. It’s ringing, it’s ringing!


“…” I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth.

“Hello? Who is this?” Her voice was beautiful even through the phone.

“It’s me,” I said stupidly.

“Who?” She sounded confused. I face palmed myself. It’s not like she would recognize my voice.

“Yonghwa.” I nervously played with the strings of my guitar. There was a moment of silence.

“Oh, hi…” She must think I’m a crazy stalker.

“Jae Mi gave mi your number,” I explained. She didn’t even ask, stupid.

“Okay…” There was another moment of silence. “Was there something you wanted?”

“I… actually I, uh… would you like to do something?” Did I say that? Did those words actually come out of my mouth!? I pumped my fist in the air. Good work. I hadn’t sounded very cool, but still…

“Yes, that would be great.” Did she say that? Did those words actually come out of !? They were the most beautiful words I had ever heard. She wanted to see me. I lay on my back in my bed and kicked in the air out of happiness. I calmed down.

“How about we meet in the park?” I suggested and tried to sound cool and calm.

“Meet you there in an hour?”

“Yes, fine, wonderful, lovely, terrific…” Good boy, that’s enough. ~~~~~ giggled.

“Bye, Yonghwa. See you soon.”

“Yeah, bye…” She hung up and I was left with an insistent tone ringing in my ear. The phone fell out of my hand. I had trouble breathing as I stared into space. I had a date.


I ran up. What was I going to wear!? I opened my closet and looked through all of my clothes. I held up one piece of fabric in front of me and then tossed it onto the bed. I reject one clothing after another. I’m running out of time! My mum suddenly opened the door to my room and gave me a weird look.

“What are you doing?” she asked. I groaned.

“I’m meeting someone, and I have no idea what to wear. I don’t have any clothes!”

“Can’t you just have what you’re wearing?” she asked confused. I looked down at myself before glaring at my mum.

“Mum, I’m going on a date! I can’t wear this!”

“But, it’s just so you. Shouldn’t you show the person you’re going on a date with who you really are?”

“It’s a girl…” She’s so open minded, she never wants to judge before asking. Even though I’ve told her a hundred times that I’m straight.

“Well, you might want to change into a pair of jeans,” she added.

“Mum, these are my pyjama pants, of course I wouldn’t go out in them.” She held up her hands in front of her in defence.

“I’m just saying…” She turned around and headed out of the room. “Keep the sweater.”


I can’t believe I followed my mother’s advice. I was now sitting outside the entrance of the park in my ugly sweater and a pair of jeans waiting for the most beautiful girl in the world to show up. I pulled my sleeves nervously as I scouted for her. Suddenly I spotted her coming, just around the bend. I stood up, picked up my guitar case and hung it over my shoulder.

Hwaiting, Yonghwa! 

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azelawonnie #1
super sweet!<3 i love the story :)
xbabieveex #2
Awe, it was a really cute story ^^
This is very sweet ^^
awWw..so sweet..^_^
definitely subscribing! :D