1 year later

Hey, Tutor! You're Mine!
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You checked the time. *Oh no, I’m late for class.* You ran down the many flights of stairs.

“Noona!” A voice called.

You turned your head and your eyes widened, “Kyung!” He smiled and waved from his motorcycle.

You ran over, “What are you doing here?”

“Of course I came to take you to school! You’re late, huh? Hop on!” Kyung put the helmet on you and jerked his thumb to the backseat.

You beamed, “Thanks, Kyung. You’re a lifesaver.” You hopped on.

“Hold tight!” Kyung sped off. *Hold tight. That’s what he always use to warn me whenever we were on his motorcycle.* You wistfully thought as you grabbed onto Kyung.

In no time, you were on campus. You hopped off, “Thanks, Kyung.” You unclipped the helmet and handed it back to him. “No problem, noona.” He said. You turned to leave but stopped, “Um, Kyung?” He looked up, “Yes, noona?”

You bit your lip, “Do you have any news from…”

Kyung softened, “No, noona. I haven’t heard from Zico.”

Your shoulders deflated and you looked at the ground in disappointment. Kyung squeezed your shoulder, “Don’t lose hope, noona. Zico will come back for you. All of us knows how much he loves you. Till then, I’ll protect you.”

You gratefully smiled, “Thanks, Kyung. Go safely.” He waved and left.

You went to your first class. Afterwards, you went to your locker. You received a call from Zico’s mom. “Hello, omonim.” “Did you hear anything about my son?” She worriedly asked. You dismally shook your head, “No, not yet.” She sighed heavily, “Where can he be? Why won’t he contact us yet? What if something bad happened to him?”

“Don’t think that way, omonim. I’m sure Jiho is fine.” You swallowed hard with doubt. “Yes, omonim. I’ll let y

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CozaleSgirL #1
Chapter 62: Can the sequel be open again? I missed reading all your stories
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 62: Even though we didn't get to see him telling her the story, it seems like everything will be peaceful again. Thank you for this wonderful story! It was a pleasant read
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 61: Aw I would have preferred him to show up with an explanation, but he was so nonchalant about it that I would have been frustrated too!
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 60: I'm really glad Block B is there to support her, but I hope she can sense that he wasn't acting strangely for a bad reason!
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 59: Oh man I know he's going to leave. I hope she really remembers his words
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 58: Kyung knows Zico too well. I hope that Kyung warns her that something is off to confirm her suspicions.
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 57: I knew it...Lee Sang would have good info to blackmail him. But now I cant blame Jiho for anything because he'd want to protect his girlfriend and also find his long lost brother.
hazecraze 930 streak #8
Chapter 56: This must be so scary for her....she doesnt know what's going on. Lee Sang seems to be a bigger threat than I thought him to be.
hazecraze 930 streak #9
Chapter 55: i knew jiho would do anything to protect her! my only worry is that lee sang might have a greater price for blackmail
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 54: Oh no! Now Lee Sang could blackmail him with her safety, and knowing Jiho, he'd do anything