
Hey, Tutor! You're Mine!
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It was the night before graduation.

Zico was at your house. He was leaning against the wall with a empty, blank expression on his face.

You turned your head away from the screen and looked at him. The smile fell from your face and a curious one replaced it. *Is Jiho okay? Ever since that terrible man visited him, he hasn’t been the same.* You scooted over, “Woo Jiho.” He snapped out of his thoughts and looked up.

You rested your arms on his propped up knee and peered at him, “Gwenchana?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Zico asked.

“You haven’t been yourself since Lee Sang came.” You said. He reflexively clenched his fist at that name.

“Have I really not been myself?” He questioned.

You nodded. “Usually you’re cracking erted jokes and looking for ways to annoy me.” You teased.

Zico gave you a small smile, “You miss my erted jokes?”

You shrugged, “Mostly I miss you smiling.” Zico softened.

You worriedly frowned, “Jiho, did something happen when you were with him? Like…” You suspiciously eyed him, “He forced you to join his gang?”

*BULL’S EYE.* Zico nervously swallowed hard and laughed it off, “That’s stupid. Why would I be in his gang?”

“Good. Because I don’t like the idea of you being in a violent, evil group like that.” You calmed down, “Okay if it’s not that, what is it then? Why are you so down?”

“I’m just worried about graduation, I guess.”

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CozaleSgirL #1
Chapter 62: Can the sequel be open again? I missed reading all your stories
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 62: Even though we didn't get to see him telling her the story, it seems like everything will be peaceful again. Thank you for this wonderful story! It was a pleasant read
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 61: Aw I would have preferred him to show up with an explanation, but he was so nonchalant about it that I would have been frustrated too!
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 60: I'm really glad Block B is there to support her, but I hope she can sense that he wasn't acting strangely for a bad reason!
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 59: Oh man I know he's going to leave. I hope she really remembers his words
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 58: Kyung knows Zico too well. I hope that Kyung warns her that something is off to confirm her suspicions.
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 57: I knew it...Lee Sang would have good info to blackmail him. But now I cant blame Jiho for anything because he'd want to protect his girlfriend and also find his long lost brother.
hazecraze 930 streak #8
Chapter 56: This must be so scary for her....she doesnt know what's going on. Lee Sang seems to be a bigger threat than I thought him to be.
hazecraze 930 streak #9
Chapter 55: i knew jiho would do anything to protect her! my only worry is that lee sang might have a greater price for blackmail
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 54: Oh no! Now Lee Sang could blackmail him with her safety, and knowing Jiho, he'd do anything