Chapter 6

The Princess of Soccer

No One's POV:

Rani came to practice and, again, the other varsity regulars werent there.

*geez... are they THAT good that they can come to practice whenever they want?*  She thought.  Then Rani kept on dribbling the ball.  She felt kinda weird though.. being the only varsity member who comes on time.

*Maybe i should start coming later too...*  She gave it a thought

"Hey!!  What are you doing here again??!!"  yelled one of the trainees.

*trouble again?????  Seriously...?...*  Rani ran over to the trainees' field to see the problem.  She couldnt believe her eyes.  It was Zico AGAIN??!!!

"Yah!"  She gave him a dirty glare.  "I thought you got the idea that we DON'T want you here."

*She's here again*  Zico thought.  He just looked at her.  This time he was alone.

"If you're looking for Junhyung sunbae again.  He's not here.  Why dont you go and talk to him when we're NOT having practice??  You're bothering the trainees."  Rani said with authority.  Even though he was wayy taller than her... :P

Zico just smirked and walked up right to Rani.  She backed away from him.

"Wh-What?"  Rani was nervous.

He bent down so that their faces were only inches apart, "Now that i look more closely.. You're kinda cute.  What's your name?  Didnt quite get it yesterday."

*What's wrong with this flirt??... Yesterday he was all 'girls are inferior in soccer, blah blah blah...'*

"G-Get away from me!"  Rani pushed him away.  She could feel her face get hot.

Zico laughed, "I was just joking.  No need to take it seriously.. Haha.  You're red."

"Sh-SHUTUP!!"  Rani yelled at him.  "Like i said Junhyung sunbae isnt here right now so leave!"

"I wasnt looking for Junhyung."  Zico said as a matter-of-factly

"Huh??  Then why are you here?"  Rani was confused.  He wasnt here for Junhyung??

Zico then smiled, it was actually friendly... and unnatural..

"Caus i wanted to see you."  

Rani blushed again, "Wh-Why would you wanna see me?"

"Caus you've interested me.  See.. I've never seen a girl use the curve shot before or counter my kick.  You're kinda special."  Zico was still smiling, "So.. Now will you tell me your name??"

Before Rani could respond, she felt something covering her head.  She took it off and looked at it.  It was a... Soccer uniform???

*Where did this come from??*  Rani wondered.

"What are you doing here again Zico?"  Junhyung's voice was serious.

"Oh hey Junnie."

"I thought i told you NEVER to call me that."  Junhyung said.

"Geez. calm yourself."  Zico said.

"Leave.  I dont have time to deal with you right now."

Zico just stood there and blinked, "Sorry but i didnt come here for you Junnie.  You see.."  Then he walked over to Rani and put his arm around her shoulders.  "I've taken a liking to one of your members.  Hope you dont mind."

"WHAT??!!"  Rani yelled and pushed his arm away.

Junhyung darkened, "Dont you dare try to flirt with her like you do with all those other girls Zico.  She's not like any of them."

"I know.. Knew that from when i played her yesterday.  She's different."

"Then Why-"

"I'm not playing with her if that's what you think."  Zico stated.

Junhyung squinted his eyes at him, "It doesnt matter.. Either way you're gonna leave."

"What's her name?"


"I'm not leaving without knowing her name Junhyung.. And you know that i always get what i want."  Zico smirked.

Junhyung glared at him.  And no one said a word, they were just glaring at each other.  One, smirking.

*This is intense... I gotta stop this..*  Rani in, "My name's Rani."  Junhyung and Zico both looked towards her.

*Stupid girl...* Junhyung thought.

Zico smirked, "Thx.  Rani.  I guess i'll leave now.  See you later Rani.  You too Junhyung."  He then started walking away but once he was next to Junhyung, "Remember Junnie.. I ALWAYS get what i want."  Then he walked away.

"Why'd you tell him.."  Junhyung said without looking at Rani.

"Huh??.. Well it seemed like he wouldnt leave ever.. so i thought.. maybe it would just be best to give him what he wants.."  Rani said innocently, clutching onto the soccer uniform.

*Stupid girl...*  Junhyung thought once again.  He sighed, "Nevermind.. Let's forget about that.  the others are coming any minute now, so let's get to practice.  Put on your new uniform."

"My uniform??"  Rani looked down, "Oh this thing??  This is my new uniform??"

"Why?? Dont like it??"

"N-NO I LOVE IT"  Rani said. "Thank you!"  She bowed.

"Tch.. just put it on so that we can get to practice.  We already wasted so much time."

"Right!!"  Rani said, then she left to change.

Junhyung couldnt help to worry about her though... *Zico.. What are you thinking??.....*


*Rani huh?? *  Zico thought.

"Yo Cap!!"  U-kwon came over along with the rest of the BNS varsity.

"Where've you  been Zico??"  Taeil asked.

"Yeah Hyung."  P.O added.

"You werent at practice again."  Jaehyo stated.

"Were you at the club again??....."  B-bomb asked.

"Chill!  I went to visit an old friend."  Zico said.

"OHHH.... Seoul High?"  They said in unison.

he nodded.  "I bet Junhyung refused to play against ya again huh??"  U-kwon asked.

"He always would.  But that's not why i went there today."

They blinked in confusion.

"Just went to visit their new member."

"Her??"  U-kwon recalled.

"A girl??!!!  Is their new member?!"  They exclaimed.

"So are you interested hyung?"  P.O asked.

"Yeah.. She seems... different.."  Zico said.

"Oh no.. here comes THAT zico again..."  Jaehyo said.

"Oh no.."  B-bomb repeated.

Zico just smirked.

U-kwon sighed, "It's the Zico who will do anything to get what he wants.  Right?"

Zico just kept on smirking, "Come on you guys."  


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gotler #1
This is a better plot than most. Update soon!
trixieelle #2
Please update... =)
candyxlover123 #4
@blueberry2097 haha yup :P i kinda based it off on that. Oh i thought it the foreword i said i based it off o.O guess not... haha i'll do it when i get back from school :P
joycecute25 #5
great update <br />
pls. update smore =)
hellokittyluvr143 #6
favorite story updated..yup(:
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
blueberry2097 #8
... did you watch Prince of Tennis... cause Junho reminds me of inui and hyunseung is fuji and yoseob is eiji and rani is ryoma and junhyung is tezuka and doojoon is oishi and kikwang is momoshiro and i would think that dongwoon is kaido... am i right? cause i love the series!
oh, this is like prince of tennis XD where that guy brings the weird juice XD hyunseung is really weird! awww doojoon's so cute when he says "aw poop" XD i liked the update :) n lastly "kikwang, stop flirting with yura" XD i loved it <3
oooh! i was just thinking of ur it's been so long since u updated. :( but still...i'm not forcing u to update but i love this story, i found out that doojoon loves soccer and he plays it too XD