Chapter 4

The Princess of Soccer

No One's POV:

Rani awkwardly walked onto the varsity area on the field with her sweats on.  She coudnt see the other varsity regulars or the coach.  Only the trainees were seen playing at their field.  She just shrugged and began practicing her dribble and her kicks.  

"RANI!! HEYY!!"  A voice rang out and Rani immediately stopped the ball and looked to see Yura running towards her with her camera in hand, waving.  

"Oh Hey Yura." Rani said once she caught up to her.

"So i heard that you were able to make it to the varsity level.  Thats amazing!"  Yura smiled.

"Thanks. .... i dont wanna sound all bossy and stuff.. but one of the rules of this club is that no one can come on the field during the time we are using it except for trainees and team members and the coach..."  Rani shyly said.  She didnt want to kick Yura off but she was afraid that she might get yelled at.

"Yeah i know.  But i have a journalist name card so im allowed on the field as long as i just do my job and not disturb anyone."  Yura said, proudly holding up her name card.

Rani then smiled, "Nice Picture."

Yura hurriedly hid the name card.

"No i didnt mean it like THAT.. I honestly think its a nice photo.  People usually dont have nice photos."  Rani explained after seeing Yura's embarrassed face.

"Right... ANYWAYS.."  Yura tried to find something else to talk about.

"Do you know where the others are??"  Rani asked, changing the subject.

"You mean the kingkas??  Well they sometimes come late when there's no big game or anything like that.  But it's rare that they miss practice.  Its okay though, they come later."  Yura explained.

Rani just nodded understanding now.

"HEY!!  LET GO OF HIM!"  Rani and Yura could hear Mir's voice ringing and so they looked toward the direction of the trainee's field.

They saw 2 boys who looked like gangsters and one of them, the slightly more muscular one, was holding the collar of Seungho's shirt and smirked.

Rani and Yura both ran towards their direction.

"Hey!!"  Rani made it to them.  "Let him go now."  She tried to say as demanding as she could.  Yura was hiding slightly behind her though, afraid, *They're from BNS.....*

"And what if i dont"  The guy that was holding Seungho smirked at Rani.

Rani just gave him a stare that told him he better let go or else.  And he finally did.

*I hate guys like these...*  Rani thought, still looking serious, which was different for her. since she always was a clumsy, wallflower type of girl, but what can anyone say??  She stood for justice.

Rani then walked in between the trainees and the unknown 2 guys, still with Yura hiding behind her.

"Who are you??"  

"Us??  Well.. You dont really need to know.  We just came to see Junhyung so why dont you call him out little girl."  The guy smiled, with an eye smile similar to Kikwang's and patted Rani on the head.  Still she didnt back down.

"Sunbae isnt here right now.  Who are you?"  Rani asked again.  This time the one who was quiet this whole time, the one that looked slightly like Junhyung... except.. a bit scarier.. spoke up while walking straight in front of her.

"Well if 'sunbae' aint here right now.. I guess we'll have a little fun before he comes."  The guy smirked.

"I'm not sure if you heard me the first two times.. Who are you?!"  Rani said a bit more demanding.  Yura tugged on her arm to warn her.. These guys were dangerous..

The guy still smirked, "My, my... I guess we've been rude.. The name's Zico.  And this is U-kwon."  

"Hey."  The guy named U-kwon said, while smiling.

"And who are you??  Dont think we've ever seen a girl in this club... did they mistakenly put you in here??  Or are they starting to go easy now??"  The Zico guy smirked.

Rani's face burned.

"I'm sorry I dont know why you're looking for Junhyung nor do i care, but this field are for club members NOT you.  Please leave."  Rani said.

Zico frowned a bit, "Well thats too bad.. But this is really urgent so i'm afraid we cant leave."  Then he smirked again, "Tell Junhyung to come NOW if he doesnt want his precious soccer club trainees to get all messed up."  

U-kwon cracked his knuckles in the back, "now THAT wouldnt be good."

Then Zico made an effort to go after Mir who was behind Rani this whole time, but she walked right in between them, "I wont ask you again. Leave."  She was NOT gonna back down.

"Chill.  Not like im gonna HURT them.. Just a small match.  That's all."  He said.

"If you want to play against someone.  Play against me.  Leave them alone."  

He blinked and then laughed along with U-kwon, "You?? A girl?? HAHa"  U-kwon was laughing while clutching his stomach, "Dont make me laugh.  What makes you think you'll even stand a CHANCE against captain??"  

*Captain?*  Rani thought.  They finally stopped laughing but had an amused look on their faces.

"Listen.. If you dont wanna face the shame of losing REALLY bad.  And trust me you WILL, if you play against me.  Then i suggest you back away and let me deal with those cowards behind you."

"What?? Scared a girl will beat you??"  Rani countered with a smirk.  Then their smiles faded.

"Fine... If you wanna play... Let's play."  Zico then turned around to his side of the field.  With U-kwon going to the goal (goalie)

"I-I'll be your goalie if you want.." Mir muttered.  Rani turned to him, *Poor boy.. he looks scared out of his wits...*

"I wont force you to.."

"N-No i can do it."  Mir said then ran off to the direction of their goal.

"Wait Rani.."  Yura put a hand on her shoulder, "Be careful.. Those guys... are from the BNS club... they're... dangerous..  The way they play.. just is too scary..."

Rani smiled at her, "It's alright.  I'll be fine.  Go ahead and sit with the others, Yura."  Then she walked away.

*I really hope so..*  Yura gave one last worried look and went to the other trainees.

"You ready?"  Zico yelled as she took her position.

"Bring it."  Rani simply said.  He smirked, "Now now... Let's not get TOO COCKY."  As he said the last two words he started dribbling the soccer ball at a fast speed, but not too fast for Rani.  She was blocking him as they were in front of her goal, and to her surprise, he kicked the ball in the air and was winded in a weird position.  Rani's eyes widened.. *He's not thinking of kicking the ball when i'm RIGHT in front of him, is he?*

Once the ball came down, He kicked it as hard as he could straight towards Rani's face.  Her eyes widened further and she braced herself for the attack..  There was no impact.  She opened her eyes and saw him smirking at her.  Rani looked behind and saw that Mir was frozen with fear with the ball at the net.  *How... But he kicked it straight at me..*  She looked forward again as he was walking back to his position, his back to her, and said, "1 point for me... Better start playing more seriously.. Not like you could though."

And then Rani knew... This Zico guy... he played.. using fear... Rani was mentally putting her arms around herself... If he had made one little slip up.. the ball wouldve hit her face and well lets just say... no one would recognize her anymore...

*What is he??*  Rani wondered to herself.. she was now slightly scared.

*who the hell.. are they??!*


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gotler #1
This is a better plot than most. Update soon!
trixieelle #2
Please update... =)
candyxlover123 #4
@blueberry2097 haha yup :P i kinda based it off on that. Oh i thought it the foreword i said i based it off o.O guess not... haha i'll do it when i get back from school :P
joycecute25 #5
great update <br />
pls. update smore =)
hellokittyluvr143 #6
favorite story updated..yup(:
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
blueberry2097 #8
... did you watch Prince of Tennis... cause Junho reminds me of inui and hyunseung is fuji and yoseob is eiji and rani is ryoma and junhyung is tezuka and doojoon is oishi and kikwang is momoshiro and i would think that dongwoon is kaido... am i right? cause i love the series!
oh, this is like prince of tennis XD where that guy brings the weird juice XD hyunseung is really weird! awww doojoon's so cute when he says "aw poop" XD i liked the update :) n lastly "kikwang, stop flirting with yura" XD i loved it <3
oooh! i was just thinking of ur it's been so long since u updated. :( but still...i'm not forcing u to update but i love this story, i found out that doojoon loves soccer and he plays it too XD