Chapter 3

The Princess of Soccer

No One's POV:

"Yo!  Rani!"  Yoseob was waving his hand and running after her as the others were just casually walking behind him.  She turned around and saw them.

It was now break time, where students could do whatever they liked.

"Oh. Hi Yoseob."  Rani greeted him.

"Soooo are you still up for our offer??"  Yoseob asked, expectantely

Rani blinked and was confused,*What offer??*..  Then something clicked *OOHHHH....*

"Sorry.. I just dont think that would be a good idea..*  

"WHAT??!!  But YOU'RE AMAZING AT SOCCER!!!  IF YOU DONT JOIN THIS SPORT WHAT WILL YOU JOIN?!!" Yoseob practically yelle d in her ear.

Rani had never thought of that.  She just shrugged, "I dont know... I'm not even sure if i'll play a sport."  She smiled innocently.

Before Yoseob could say anything else, Junhyung spoke up, "So you're gonna let your skills go to waste??  Isnt that kinda selfish?"

She looked up at him and was slightly scared... there was this look in his eyes..

"Well.. I'm sure there are other players who would fit well with your team, so i wouldnt worry too much.  Besides, you guys are the best even before you even knew i existed."  Rani explained.

"No doubt we're the best.  But we wont be able to play if we have a missing spot, and i know that you're perfect for the position."  Junhyung said. 

"Well.. You're gonna have to find someone else."  Rani said, and she was about to leave until Junhyung said something that caught her attention.

"Well.. would you like a challenge??"  Junhyung said, smirking.

She looked up at him, "For what??"  She couldnt resist.

"If i lose then you can do whatever you want at this school, but if i win you HAVE to join the soccer team.  Which also means the soccer club."  Junhyung said.

Rani hesitated, but at the word 'challenge' she was beat.  

"Fine.  But what are we gonna play?? Soccer?"

"Nope.  Something a bit more different."  Junhyung said, while smirking, "Follow me."  

Rani followed, confused, along with the other guys.  Junhyung walked all the way to the track and stopped.

"What are you doing hyung?"  Dongwoon silently whispered.

"Yeah... If you're gonna race her... You KNOW she's fast.."  Kikwang agreed.

Junhyung didnt answer.

"Leave him alone you guys.. He knows what he's doing."   Hyunseung said giving a nod to Junhyung.

Junhyung returned the nod.

"So.  What are we doing at the track?" 

"What does it look like?  We're gonna have a race.  One lap."  Junhyung told her.

Rani froze..  I mean she was fast at running but...only at short distances.  One lap was short but.. she was better at those dashes than laps.  She at running laps.  She always went to fast in the beginning and burned out soon after.

"O-One lap??.."  Rani asked, nervously.

"You cant back out.  You already agreed."  Junhyung said as a matter-of-factly.


"No Buts.  We're starting now."  

before Junhyung could go on the track, Doojoon stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Junhyung.."  Doojoon said, a bit worried.

"Dont worry Doojoon, i know what im doing."  Then Junhyung left him and went on the dirt with Rani.

"On your marks!"  Yoseob yelled.

Rani was starting to get nervous.  Junhyung was just smirking like he usually did.


*AHH what amm i gonna doooo*  Rani thought.

*Right in my trap.*  Junhyung thought to himself.

"GO!"  Then they both set off at the speed of lightning.

"WHOAA!"  Dongwoon and Yoseob yelled while Kikwang was covering his face from the dust.  Doojoon and Hyunseung were just too busy watching the race.

Rani and Junhyung were side by side throughout the beginning but towards the half of the one lap, Rani started getting tired and slowed down a bit.  But she was still extremely close to Junhyung.  

They were nearing the end with Junhyung slightly in front of Rani.  She decided that she had to give it her all and she ran fast enough to pass by Junhyung a little bit and thought that she was actually gonna make it since she was about three more steps away from the finish line, but just as she was about to pass it, she felt a cool wind next to her and saw that Junhyung sprinted across just before she could.  

"Whoo!!  That's our captain!!"  Yoseob yelled.

Junhyung was catching his breath, same with Rani.

"*pant* You *Pant* have to *pant* try out now."  Junhyung said, tired, with his hands on his knees.

Rani stood up straight and took deep breaths, "I know...."  

Despite being soo tired Junhyung smiled that he was able to beat Rani at this.  

"See you after school."  Then Junhyung walked away with the guys patting him on the back and messing up his hair.

"UGHH..."  Rani plopped down on the ground.  *I cant believe im doing this..*


It was after school and like Rani promised, she went to the soccer field and saw a bunch of boys already in groups and playing against each other.

"Ranii!!  You camee!!"  Kikwang came running up to her, eyesmiling.

"Go on and play at our game."  Kikwang pulled her along. 

Rani went on playing right away and one easily against a bunch of boys.

"Whoo HOO!!"  Kikwang yelled while ruffling Rani's hair.  She had to straighten it back up.

"Woops.. Haha.. Sorry.. I forget that you're a girl... NOT that i mean you LOOK like a boy just that I'm used to seeing boys being as good at soccer as you are."  Kikwang said, scratching his neck.  Rani wasnt offended at all.

"Well thanks for saying that im good at soccer."  She smiled.

"Who is she Junhyung?"  Coach Lee asked.

"She's Kim Rani.  sophomore.  The new student.  I think it's safe to say that out of all those students who are trying out.. She's the best."  Junhyung told the Coach.

"Well. Since you're the captain i trust you're judgment.  And i can also see that she has some potential. and skills."  Coach Lee said as he watched you bouncing the ball on your legs with your hands in your uniform pockets.

"Call them altogether.  I'm done."  Coach Lee told Junhyung.

"Right."  Then Junhyung yelled at all the guys, "Hey!  Come in!"

Once everyone gathered, Coach Lee spoke, "All of you have done great during the try outs.  I'm sorry to say that we can only have one person on the team and 5 trainees.  But you can always try again next year.  Captain Yong will say the names of those 6 people.  Captain."  Coach Lee finished speaking and let Junhyung talk.

"Like Coach said, you guys did very well, but that can only get you so far.  I will now announce the names of those who made it as trainees: Mir, G.O, Thunder, Seungho, and Jonghyun."

Those 5 boys stepped up, and even though they tried not to smile, their eyes showed their happiness.

Rani was wondering what trainees were this whole time that she didnt even hear Junhyung call out her name.

"Now.  The one person who will have the chance to play with the varsity regulars in the team, is Kim Rani.  Kim Rani??  Kim Rani!!!"  Junhyung had to say her name three times for her to look up and actually comprehend the situation.

"HERE!"  Rani stepped up and put her hand up like she was in class.  Some of the boys chuckled while others glared at her.

"Why did a girl make the team?"

"Are they going easy now?"

"SHOOT!  I KNOW im better than a GIRL!"

There were all kinds of whispers which made Rani feel embarrassed.

"QUIET!!  These are the people whom we have chosen, if you have a problem with it then say it out now."  Junhyung glared, so no one dared to say a thing.  "Good.  Now i'll give it back to Coach."

"The rest of you are dismissed, Thank you for coming.  And for those of you who have been chosen as trainees come up please."  Coach Lee said, while the others were leaving.

"You are now apart of the club and have to come everyday to practice after school.  Althought you are not part of the team this will gear you up to become better and to have a better chance at making the team next year.  You are allowed on the field at all times, while others are not, and you will get to train as much as you want.  You are now dismissed.  Remember to come straight here tomorrow, after school."   Coach Lee explained.

"Yes Sir!"  The five boys said in unison and then they left, smiling finally and talking about how excited they were.

"And Kim Rani."  Coach Lee turned toward her.


"You too come straight away tomorrow after school, but you will be training with the varsity members.  If they come late though, dont worry, just practice with the varsity field and wait until they come. Junhyung tell her about everything."  And with that, the coach left.

Before Junhyung could say anything, the varsity members congratulated Rani.

"THAT'S GREAT!!"  Yoseob yelled patting her hard on the back.  They treated her as if she has been part of the team for a long time already.  Not to mention.. Like a guy...

"Knew you could do it."  Kikwang ruffled her hair again, "SORRY!!"  

"Nahh its fine."  Rani just straightened her hair again.

"Guess we have new maknae now."  Dongwoon said, smiling.

"ALright you guys, lets goooo.  Oh and congratz Rani."  Doojoon said, smiling.

Hyunseung just followed behind while they were leaving.

"Bye Junhyung!!  Bye RANI!!"  Yoseob yelled while the others were just waving.  Rani could swear that he was the loudest and most hyper one.

"Hey.  What's your size?"  Junhyung plainly asked Rani.

"My size??"  Rani was confused.

"We need it for your uniforms."  He said as a matter of factly.

"Oh.  Its a size small."  Rani said, awkwardly.  She didnt really share her size with someone.  Especially guys.

"Kay.  We'll get it to the tailor. Anyways, for now just bring sweats and practice with those on."

Rani nodded.

"See you tomorrow.  Oh and good job."  Junhyung said and then left her.

Rani blinked.  *That's the first time he actually said something nice and sincere to me..... Kinda weird*  Rani just shrugged it off and walked back home.


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gotler #1
This is a better plot than most. Update soon!
trixieelle #2
Please update... =)
candyxlover123 #4
@blueberry2097 haha yup :P i kinda based it off on that. Oh i thought it the foreword i said i based it off o.O guess not... haha i'll do it when i get back from school :P
joycecute25 #5
great update <br />
pls. update smore =)
hellokittyluvr143 #6
favorite story updated..yup(:
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
blueberry2097 #8
... did you watch Prince of Tennis... cause Junho reminds me of inui and hyunseung is fuji and yoseob is eiji and rani is ryoma and junhyung is tezuka and doojoon is oishi and kikwang is momoshiro and i would think that dongwoon is kaido... am i right? cause i love the series!
oh, this is like prince of tennis XD where that guy brings the weird juice XD hyunseung is really weird! awww doojoon's so cute when he says "aw poop" XD i liked the update :) n lastly "kikwang, stop flirting with yura" XD i loved it <3
oooh! i was just thinking of ur it's been so long since u updated. :( but still...i'm not forcing u to update but i love this story, i found out that doojoon loves soccer and he plays it too XD