Chapter 1

The Princess of Soccer

No One's POV:

On the way to school:

"HEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Junhyung, Doojoon, Dongwoon, and Kikwang all turned back to see the familiar teddy-bear like figure rushing towards them.

"What's up?"  Doojoon said once Yoseob caught up with them.

"Nothing much."  Yoseob smiled brightly, "Just happy to see ya guys again."

"Missed ya too Yoseob."  Kikwang smiled his killer eye smile, "But where's Hyunseung?" 

"He's right-"  Yoseob looked next to him but didnt see Hyunseung.  "WHA???!!!!!  HE WAS RIGHT HERE A MOMENT AGO!!!!"  Yoseob ran in circles yelling out Hyunseung's name a dozen times.

The four of them chuckled, "Hyung hasnt changed one bit."  Dongwoon said, while giggling.

"Calm down Yoseob, Hyunseung's right there."  Junhyung gestured to where Hyunseung was walking towards them.  

Once Yoseob saw him he smiled brightly again and waved, "Hyunseung!!!WHERE WERE YOU???  WE WERE ALL SOO WORRIED!!!"  

*We?...*  The four of them thought.  Hyunseung just coolly waved and caught up to them.

The 6 of them made it to the school gate where all the other students were coming in chattering amongst themselves.  They stopped at once thought, when they saw the 6 kingkas coming in.  

"OMG KIKWANG!  I LOVE YOU!!"  One girl yelled.

"KYAHHH!!!  THEY'RE SOOO HOTTT!!"  Another yelled, and so on.  

Finally a girl stepped in front of them and stopped them from going any further.

"Oh hey Yura-sshi"  Kikwang greeted with his smile.

"Hey Kingkas.  So tell me how you're summer went."  The girl named Yura had a camera around her neck and had a notebook and a pencil in case there was anything important to write down.  Well anything they said.. she would write down.

"Listen we dont have the time now so we'll see you later.  Ms. journalist/stalker-nim."  Doojoon said jokingly.  Then they all went their way with Yura still following them and writing exactly what Doojoon said to her in her notebook.

"HEY!"  There was a loud female voice coming from a direction.  Everyone looked.  it was the leader of the "HSP (Hot Soccer Players) fanclub" 

"STOP FOLLOWING THEM AROUND!!" This was directed at Yura. 

"I'm a JOURNALIST Jaekyung and in order to get information i HAVE to follow them around."  Yura said a matter-of-factly.

"Well as the PRESIDENT of the HSP fanclub i order you to stop all this nonsense."  Jaekyung said, all high and mighty.

"And i'd like for YOU to stop THIS nonsense."  Yura motioned at Jaekyung's ty outfit (It's a uniform but she made it her own by putting ty touches to it).


"Well for starters..."

"Why you little-"  The 6 boys thought it would be best to leave without being in the middle of the fight that Yura and Jaekyung had almost all the time so they left to their classroom.

"Hwaiting Yura!"  Kikwang eye-smiled and yelled just before leaving.  But Yura couldnt hear him because she was too busy arguing with Jaekyung.

Then the bell rang.


Rani's POV:

"NOOOOO!  I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!!" Rani yelled to herself.  The gates were closing slowly but she mustered up all her energy and ran her fastest through the schoolgate and into the school.

"PHEWW!!"   She took 5 seconds to rest and ran all the way to her class.  


"Alright class!! I hope you had a nice summer vacation."  Mrs. Park said.

Everyone was talking though and couldnt hear her.   She was steadily becoming annoyed.

"LISTEN UP!!!"  Everyone then became silent as she slammed her books on her desk.  

"Good... Now-"

"I'M SORRY I'M LATTEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Rani sped into class and skidded to a stop.  She then looked up and turned red.  Everyone was staring at her..  She HATED attention.

"Ahh.. Just in time Ms. Kim."  Then Mrs. Park turned to the whole class.  "Everyone, this is your new classmate, Ms. Kim Rani.  Please    introduce yourself."

"Hi,  I'm Kim Rani, Pleased to meet you."  She mumbled, while keeping her head down and slightly bowed.

"Alright Rani go ahead and take your seat in the back."  Mrs.Park said.

Rani went to the seat in the back that was completely isolated from others.  And she liked it that way.


Soon class ended and Mrs. Park made an announcement "Alright class, now it's time for your free sports time.  Go and play whatever sports you like.  OH!  And before i forget,Junhyung would you like to come up and tell the class about the soccer tryouts?"  Mrs. Park  made way for Junhyung as he came up to the front.

"We're having soccer tryouts tomorrow so remember to gear up since we have one spot open for any of you who want to join.  Since me and the other 5 are already guaranteed to get in, work your hardest for the last spot."  Junhyung then sat down as everyone clapped for him.

*What a cocky brat... just cause he might be good at soccer he says all those things..*  Rani thought.  She especially hated cocky, self-confident people like him. 

Everyone ran out to play whatever they liked.  Some went to the track to run, some went to the basketball courts and some went to the baseball field.  

Rani was walking around aimlessly until she found herself looking at the soccer field with the same 6 guys from her class.  She saw them play and concluded that they were pretty good but not fantastic.  Like for example, that cute looking guy needed to work on his spin-kick.  He spins so much that it looked awkward even when he was able to kick the ball.  Ehh, whatever.

"Liking what you see?"  Rani was surprised at the voice behind her and saw a girl with a camera around her neck holding notebook and a pencil.

"They're the Kingkas."

"Excuse me??"

"Those 6 cute guys on the field are the soccer Kingkas of this school.  They're the best of the best.  Ever since they came to this school they were ALWAYS chosen for the soccer team.  Along with their ex-captain Lee Joon of course, but he just graduated last year so now Junhyung, the guy who made the announcement in our class today, became the captain and a spot opened of course.  All the guys are gearing up to make tryouts of course.  They want the fame and glory that those 6 guys have.  Dont care about soccer at all.  Only the girls and the fame."  Yura explained while taking snapshots of Yoseob's spinkick.

"Isn't his kick amazing???"  Yura said while taking more shots.

"Not really.. He's spinning too much and barely is able to kick the ball-"  Rani stopped short, SHOOT... She ALWAYS did this when it came to soccer and stuff.. Her stupid mouth...

Yura raised a brow, "Looks like you know some soccer yourself."

"AHHA... No not really... just... my opinion i guess.. hahah...."  Rani nervously said.  Yura just shrugged it off.

"HEY YURA!!"  Kikwang came running over to them, waving.

"Hey Kikwang."  Yura said,smiling.

"Who's your friend?"

"She's the new kid in class remember???  Kim Rani??  Ring a bell??"  Yura said as a matter-of-factly.

"OHH RIGHTT..HAHAH sorry i like to sleep in class."  Kikwang said, scratching his head.

"And that's EXACTLY the reason why you do horrible on tests."

"Hey! I think i do pretty okay."

Yura just shook her head.

"Umm..."  Rani just felt kinda awkward standing there.

"Oh sorry!  Hello.  I'm Lee Kikwang from your class."  He said while smiling.

"Hi.. Kim Rani.."  Rani said shyly.  

"HEY KIKWANG!!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE??!!  LET'S PLAYY!!"  Three of the other boys ran over while two were just walking.

"Oh hey Doojoon sorry.  I was introducing myself to Yura's friend.  The new kid in class."  Kikwang said.

"OH right.  You're Kim Rani from our class.  Hey I'm Yoon Doojoon."  He said, smiling.

"And I'm the cute and adorable Yoseob!"  

"I'm Son Dongwoon.  Nice to meet you."

Rani bowed, "Nice to meet you too."  She was feeling very awkward.

"And those two slowpokes over there are Hyunseung and Junhyung."  Doojoong said, still smiling.

Finally Hyunseung and Junhyung caught up with them.

"What's wiht you guys just leaving the game?"  Junhyung said.

"OH hey Junhyung say hi to Rani the new kid in class."  Junhyung just looked at Rani,"Hey."


"Nice to meet you I'm Hyunseung."

"Hello."  Rani was feeling more and more awkward by the minute.

"Soo.. You wanna play with us??"  Kikwang asked, smiling.

"US?? play with YOU??"  Yura laughed, "You have GOT to be kidding me... You guys are the BESTT  and we're... we're.... well.. NOT.. No offence Rani."

"Not at all."  Rani said, smiling.

Kikwang was scratching his head and smiling.  Being modest about being the best while the others smiled and beamed, except Hyunseung and Junhyung.  

"Come on Yura.  PLEASEEE?? We'll go easy.. PROMISE."  Yoseob and Dongwoon both begged.  Yura kept rejecting and rejecting.

"Just listen to them..  It'll get them to shut up.  And like they said,"  Then Junhyung smirked, "We'll go easy on you guys."

"YOU'RE the one I'm MOST worried about mr. captain.  You're WAYYY too good."  Yura said.

Junhyung just shrugged and walked back to the field, while kicking the soccer ball.

Yura sighed, "I guess we'll play but if you beat us at a blink of an eye dont say i didnt warn ya."  

"YAYY!!"  Kikwang rejoiced and ran back to the field wiht the others.

"Umm..."  Yura looked up to see Rani, nervous.

"Oh sorry... But i guess we'll have to play.. They're CRAZY about soccer and even if we're not NEAR as good as them.. Let's just TRY to have fun alright??"  Yura said.

"Okay..."  Rani was worried though.  She might spat out some stuff about soccer when she doesnt wanna gain attention through that..  *It's okay.. just... play bad... it'll be fine..*  Rani followed Yura out to the boys.

"We'll first test your skills."  Junhyung said, bouncing the ball on his legs and knees, while smirking.  "Kikwang, Yoseob and Doojoon will guard you.  I'll be goalie, and try to get the ball to the net.  Got it?"

"Alright.  Least I'm glad Hyunseung's not blocking... Can NEVER get past him EVEN when he goes easy on me..."  Yura got the ball and got ready.  She started off and kicked the ball.  The first obstacle was Kikwang.  She kicked towards his left side but immediately turned with the ball and made it past him on his right side.  Then it was Yoseob.  She kicked the ball in between his legs and immediately ran around him to get the ball.  Finally it was Doojoon and she stopped for a few moments and immediately kicked the ball around Doojoon.  It was finally Yura against Junhyung.

"Ready when you are!"  Junhyung yelled.  But he seemed totally relaxed.  He had his hands in his pockets and was standing casually.

"GAHH!!  Junhyung!  You look SCARIER standing like that than when you actually try to block."  Yura said, annoyed.  He was toying with her.

"Just kick it already."  He was smirking.

Yura then got ready and kicked the ball with all her might, and for a second she actually thought that it was going to make it since it was aiming right for an open spot far from where Junhyung was standing, but... her hope faded when Junhyung, out of NOWHERE appeared, still looking casual with his hands in his pockets and stopped the ball by putting his foot down on it.  It was NOTHING to him.

"YAHH!! Yong Junhyung!!!  You call that easy??!!"  Yura sat down and was panting.  Junhyung just smirked while holding the ball in his hand.  

"It's alright Yura.  You did pretty well."  Kikwang said, helping her up and smiling.  

"Whatever."  Yura went over to Rani.

"Your turn."

"ALREADY??!!"  Rani was nervous...

"Dont worry.  Just.. remember that even if you dont make it past Kikwang and them.. It's okay.  They're like professionals anway."  Yura said drinking water.

"Hey Rani hurry up!!  You're up!!"  Yoseob yelled.

Rani tried to calm herself down..  Its okay she said...

She got the ball and saw Kikwang ready to block her and she kicked the ball but before she could even try to get around Kikwang she tripped on the ball and fell.

"Owww..."  Rani rubbed the area where she fell.

"You okay Rani??"  Kikwang said, surprised.  

"You okay???"  Yoseob yelled along with Dongwoon.

"Yeah im fine..."  Rani stood back up, redfaced.  She was soo nervouse that she tripped....

"You should be."  Rani looked up and was surprised to see Junhyung next to her.  Just a moment ago he was at the goal.

"That was the most pathetic dribble i've ever seen..." Junhyung said sternly.  "I dont know if you already know this but this school are for athletes... NOT people like you.  If you're gonna be like this then you should just leave already.."  Then he turned around and started walking away.

"Yah Yong Junhyung!  That was too harsh!!"  Yura yelled.  But before she could say anything more, Rani stopped her.

"Fine... You wanna see some real soccer skills??  I'll SHOW you."  Rani said, looking at him with determined eyes.. And when she was like this.. She ALWAYS played at her full potential.  *I'm not showing any mercy this time.*  she thought.

He turned back around still not satisfied,  but he smirked, "Alright.  Give you a second chance."  Then he walked back to the goal.  

The other three also went back to their positions.  Rani had the ball and immediately started dribbling it and made it to Kikwang but before he even KNEW it..  She was past him.

"WTH??!!"  Yura looked amazed.  So was Dongwoon and even the quiet Hyunseung looked somewhat interested.

The same thing happened with Doojoon and Yoseob.  They didnt even have the TIME to block her because she was so fast.  Rani finally made it to Junhyung.  

"You're pretty fast.  But is that all there is to a soccer player??"  He smirked, looking casual again.

"You're right.  Fast IS good.. but..."  Then Rani kicked the ball in the air and did a spin kick.  PERFECTLY. (play this: "You gotta have SKILL too."  Rani smirked as the ball went right past Junhyung and hit the net.  Junhyung's eyes widened as well as the others.  He didnt even SEE that coming... Let alone BLOCK it.... wth was this girl??...

Rani then smiled sweetly again like she always did, "See ya later alligator!!"  Then she ran back to the classroom.

"WTH.... That.. That..."  Doojoon couldnt describe it.

"That was better than MY spinkick.."  Yoseob said, with his mouth wide open.

"She's incredible..."  Dongwoon said, staring off at the direction Rani ran.

"Did NOT see that coming.."  Kikwang said.

Hyunseung just shrugged like he was expecting her to do that.

Junhyung, though, was the only one balling his hands up into fists, "NO ONE gets past me and gets away with it.."

Then they all looked at Junhyung.

*uh-oh.. here comes his competitiveness again....*  Doojoon thought.

Without another word Junhyung left to the classroom, angrily.  And they followed suit behind him.


Oh and the school uniforms look like this:,r:1,s:0

While the soccer uniforms look like this when they actually play,r:10,s:0

And they look like this when they are resting or on benches or wahtnot:,r:9,s:0

Anyways thanks for reading :D

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gotler #1
This is a better plot than most. Update soon!
trixieelle #2
Please update... =)
candyxlover123 #4
@blueberry2097 haha yup :P i kinda based it off on that. Oh i thought it the foreword i said i based it off o.O guess not... haha i'll do it when i get back from school :P
joycecute25 #5
great update <br />
pls. update smore =)
hellokittyluvr143 #6
favorite story updated..yup(:
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
blueberry2097 #8
... did you watch Prince of Tennis... cause Junho reminds me of inui and hyunseung is fuji and yoseob is eiji and rani is ryoma and junhyung is tezuka and doojoon is oishi and kikwang is momoshiro and i would think that dongwoon is kaido... am i right? cause i love the series!
oh, this is like prince of tennis XD where that guy brings the weird juice XD hyunseung is really weird! awww doojoon's so cute when he says "aw poop" XD i liked the update :) n lastly "kikwang, stop flirting with yura" XD i loved it <3
oooh! i was just thinking of ur it's been so long since u updated. :( but still...i'm not forcing u to update but i love this story, i found out that doojoon loves soccer and he plays it too XD