
Love is the cure to everything

The next day I woke up to an aroma of breakfast smell from the kitchen. I lazily got out of bed and looked at my alarm clock: 7:00am. Who could be so early cooking breakfast in the dorm? When I reached the dining table, scambled eggs, bacon, sausages and mushroom soup filled the entire table. It was such a big spread and surprisingly, it was all my favorite food. I went to the kitchen and saw a familiar back view concentrating on whipping up other dishes. A smile appeared on my lips as I was touched by what he did.

"You're gonna cook all the ingredients in our fridge for one breakfast." I teased as I leaned myself against the fridge.
He turned behind and finally saw me. "Hey babe." He put down the frying pan and wrapped me in his arms. 
"You rarely cook." I raised my eyebrows and pointed out as I pulled away from the hug.
"I wanted to surprise you and... make up for yesterday... for getting into a fight." He muttered slowly while I let out a chuckle.
"Your apology is only accepted if your food is up to standard." I said as I walked to the dining table and tried the food while he smiled and finished up his last dish, my favorite strawberry pancakes.

"Of course my food is up to standard, I've been learning from Ryeowook for awhile." He winked and started putting food onto my plate as he set across me.
I tried the food and it was surprisingly good! I never tried his cooking before and it actually tasted better than mine. 
"Hmm... a pass I guess." I acted like I wasn't impressed
"Only a pass? My strawberry pancakes are the best in the world!" Eunhyuk exclaimed as he was shocked I only gave him a pass.
"Alright, you're forgiven." I said as I munched happily on another pancake. Wow, these pancakes are actually good.

"My Jihyun is the best!!" He shouted and ran over to my side to give me a hug. 
"Please don't get into a fight again, especially not for me. I don't want to see you getting hurt because of me." I said sternly.
"Okay." He said as he gave me his widest grin.

"Get a room guys." Soomi said lazily as she walked into the dining room with her pajamas on. 
"Why are you up so early, unnie?" I asked. "I have singing lessons at SME today." She grunted as she took a piece of bacon and gobbled it down hungrily.
"Do you want me to visit you later? I'll pop by with lunch because I'll finish my schedule around 1pm." I offered
"Sure! You're the best Jihyun-ah!" She said with a twinkle in her eyes and continued wolfing down the breakfast that Eunhyuk made. 

"Jagi, I'll send you to your schedule later, and do you want to meet me later at SME too? I'm gonna practice for the concert later on, do you want to watch me?" Eunhyuk asked
"Sure! I'll bring lunch for you and the boys as well!" I smiled and finished up my breakfast before we headed out. 


I arrived at the film set and Donghae hadn't reached yet. My scene was going to be with him and I needed to rehearse the lines because I didn't get to rehearse it yesterday due to the SM party. I fiddled with my phone and sent a quick text to Donghae.

Donghae oppa! What time are you going to be here?

Instantly, I received a text.

I'm gonna be a bit late today, I've got some errands to run, I already informed the filming staffs! You rehearse without me first.

I needed Donghae to rehearse the lines to get the actual feel of the scene, and now that he wasn't here, I was a bit frustrated. 

"You alright?" A melodious voice suddenly said as I saw a pair of shoes infront of me. I looked up instantly.
"Y-yes..." I said softly as I recognized the face immediately. It was Lee Minho. Even thought we filmed the same drama, we rarely talked because after his scene would be mine and we often had conflicting schedules, and I rarely see him on set. Today was a rare occasion.
"Do you need help? I saw you looking quite frustrated when I walked in just now so I thought maybe I could help you?" He asked considerately. Damn, he was charming. 
"Uhm, actually I was supposed to rehearse the scenes with Donghae but he got held up somewhere else so I don't have anyone to rehearse with now..." I drifted off and I could feel my fangirl instincts acting up as I didn't dare to look into his eyes. 
"I could rehearse with you!" He let out a genuine smile and I let out a sigh of relief. 
"Thank you so much!" 


After rehearsing with Lee Minho, we have gotten close quite comfortably and quickly as we talked about our lives while he shared with me some acting tips, and even exchanged phone numbers!

"Thanks Minho oppa!" I said before he needed to go for his scene.
"No problem. I hope to see you more often on set, and I'll be watching you on stage. Don't hesitate to call me if you need help!" He said as he ruffled my hair and gave me a boyish smile before running to film his scene. After his scene would be mine and he would've left by the time I am done. 

Just then, Donghae finally came. 
"Hey Jihyun, sorry for being late." He huffed as he breathed heavily as if he was rushing here and I felt bad.
"No problem. I've rehearsed the scene with Minho oppa already, I think I've gotten the feel of it." I smiled and continued to sip on my coffee as I re-read the script.
"Minho oppa?" Donghae cocked his head to the side and sat down while staring at me.
"Yeah, Lee Minho? The male lead of the show?" I tried to remind him
"You talked to him?" He seemed inquisitive about it.
"Yeah! He was really charming and his smile... wow... We even exchanged phone numbers!!" I said dreamily as I clasped my hands together and looked towards the direction where Lee Minho was filming, giving another smile. 
Donghae looked towards the direction I was looking at and gave an evil smirk. "You're cheating on Hyukjae!" 
"No, I'm not!" I whipped my head towards him and said defensively

"You're head over heels over Lee Minho, you even got his number! I'm gonna tell Hyukjae!" He teased and took out his phone while I snatched it away from him.
"No way, Lee Donghae. He's just an idol and Hyukjae oppa is my boyfriend. An idol is different from a boyfriend!" I exclaimed and kept his phone away from his reach.
"Alright, I was just kidding, chill Jihyun-ah!" He chuckled and took back his phone back from me easily while I punched him lightly on his shoulder. 


Filming ended quickly and Donghae and I decided to drop by a roadside stall to get food for the members and the girls. We brought back 4 plastic bags worth of food to the car and while waiting, we even signed a few autographs.
The fans knew we were both filming a drama together and we are close off set as well, so there was no need for disguises.

When we arrived back at SME, we headed straight to the members' practice room and I called Soomi to come down for lunch as well. 
"Food has arrived!" I shouted as we entered the room full of sweaty people from dancing. Instantly, I was swarmed by them and all the plastic bags in my hands were gone. 
"Yah! There's no need to fight, we bought tons of food!" It's true, Donghae and I bought extra because we knew the boys are monsters when it comes to food.

Soomi and Borim walked into the room and I could see Donghae's eyes twinkle while I gave him an evil smirk. 
I sat beside Eunhyuk while Soomi sat beside me and Borim sat beside Donghae. I could tell Donghae was really nervous and shy as he got a packet of food for her.

"Borim-ah, how come you are here too?" I asked
"Oh, I came for singing lessons with Soomi unnie because my schedule will be at night so I have nothing to do in the day!" She said as she munched on the food
"Take care of yourself alright? Eat more food, drink more water, eat, this, and that! You are too skinny! " Donghae nagged as he started piling up a mountain of food on Borim's packet while Borim turned bright red.

"Oppa, don't you think there's something going on between them?" I whispered into Eunhyuk's ear.
"Yea, since last night's party, they've been texting and he was smiling like crazy." He said and we both chuckled. Borim and Donghae, what a cute pair! 


"I'm going to the restroom for awhile." I said and excused myself as I exited the room. After coming back from the restroom, I saw the door from another practice room open and there stood Luhan. Perfect timing. 

"Hi." He said as he saw me. "Annyeong." I said and wanted to leave but stopped in my tracks. It appeared as if he wanted to talk to me too as he walked one step closer towards me. 

"We need to talk." 

We headed to the rooftop of SME in silence. It was an awkward silence since we didn't really know each other and such a thing had happened yesterday at our first meeting. 

"So..." We said together. 
"You go first." I said.

"I just want to apologize for what I did yesterday. I shouldn't have hit Eunhyuk hyung, and sorry if I scared you like that on our first meeting." He said in one go and he looked very regretful about his actions.
"It's alright. I cleared things up with him as well, so don't worry about it." I let out a smile to assure him that everything was okay.
"Really? So can we still be friends?" He asked and I nodded my head as I let out a chuckle. 

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you, Eunhyuk said you told him you knew me more than he does. What do you mean by that?" I asked him curiously. Yes, he looked like someone I knew, but I didn't know whether I was imagining it or was it really him. 

He took a deep breath before he talked.
"Do you still remember who is Kevin?" He asked

Of course I knew who was Kevin. His family had moved here from China and because he was a new kid, he got bullied often at kindergarten. I couldn't stand it and I became his first friend as we ate together during recess and hung out after school as well. Our houses were opposite each other and we always went to each other's house to play, to the extent that our parents knew each other as well. However, one day, he suddenly left without any notice and I was left alone in Korea. I went to his house to knock but his family helper told me they had packed their luggages that morning and left.

"Yeah, I have a childhood friend who's name is Kevin. Why?" I was quite shocked because that name hadn't been brought up for a long time. 
"What if I told you I'm him?" He said as he looked into my eyes, searching for answers. 

"What do you mean?" I widened my eyes as I looked at him.
"What if I told you I am Kevin, and I was the little boy you used to spend all your time with in kindergarten? I was the boy who you stood up for and ate recess with even though everybody was so against me? That I was the boy who used to throw pebbles at your house from your gate because it was late at night and I needed your company? What would you do?" He asked me seriously. 

How did he know all that?

"Why should I believe you?" I challenged him. I could see him let out a small smile as he took my hand and pointed to a small scar. 
"There was once we were running in the rain, and you sudddenly slipped and fell because you were wearing slippery shoes. You ended up with a small bandage on your hand and a scar, and you kept blaming me for not holding you, remember?" He asked gently.

"Oh my god. You can't be..." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. I had been looking for him since he left but I gave up hope a few years ago as Korea was such a big place as the family helper said they had left the country. 
 "Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?" I asked sadly

"My dad got a job at China, so we moved there. I couldn't tell you because it was such a short period of time, but I asked Sophia to pass the message to you!" He explained
"What?! You knew Sophia hated me because I was so close to you, of course she wouldn't have told me!" I let out a frustrated sigh.
"I tried contacting you when I was in China, but I forgot your house number and we didn't have emails back then so..." He drifted off and let out an apologetic sigh. 
"Do you know I waited everyday outside of your house, hoping you'd come back? I was so upset when you left that I refuse to eat my meals for at least two weeks! And you know how much I love food." I pouted.
"You're still a greedy pig, aren't you?" He teased
"Yah!" I glared at him. "I'm kidding, you'll always be the princess that stood up for me." He smiled

"Have you seen me in SM before?" I asked him. Honestly, I have seen him once or twice but that's about it because we usually just passed each other in the hallways.
"Yeah, I did. But I didn't recognize you, till that day at the SM party, I saw a small scar on your right arm, and it was exactly the same one like the one I saw 17 years ago! It was a unique one because it had a shape of a heart." He said and smiled 
"Well, I guess I've grown prettier." I shrugged and let out a smile.
"You sure did. And you got yourself a boyfriend." He said quietly. 

"I'm just so happy you are back! We've got so much to talk about! You don't know how much I've missed you over the past few years!" I exclaimed. 
"Can I hug you?" He asked and I nodded, while he immediately pulled me into a bone-crashing hug. 

"Do I call you Kevin or Luhan now?" I asked as we separated from the hug.
"How about you call me prince potato, like how you used to call me in the past? And I'll call you princess carrot?" He teased as he brought up the nicknames we used to call each other in the past.
"That's cheesy!" I immediately rejected and laughed.
"Well, you came up with those names! Why not we just stick with Luhan oppa?" He said and draped an arm over my shoulder.
"I like it." I said and let out a smile. 

Just then, my phone rang. 

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey babe, are you alright? You've been at the restroom for almost half an hour." It was Eunhyuk and he sounded very worried.
"Oh, I'm alright! I've something to tell you, and I'm heading back to the practice room now." I said and reassured him.
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. Love you." He said. 
"Love you too." I said before I hung up. 

"Eunhyuk hyung?" Luhan asked as I hung up.
"Yeah, he was worried because I initially wanted to go to the restroom but I ended up here, finding my childhood friend." I chuckled.
"Let's exchange numbers before you go. I want to meet you soon, we've got a lot to catch up on." He said as he took out his phone and I typed my number in while he called me for me to save his number.
"I'll walk you back." He offered.

We walked back to the practice room and talked a bit about the past, which made me laugh hysterically as I remembered those silly times. I t was fun relieving those memories and I can't wait for out catch up session! 
The door suddenly swung open and there stood Eunhyuk as Luhan and I had a quick goodbye hug. He started frowing and his eyebrows knitted together as he witnessed the scene. He didn't look happy about it. 

"I'll see you around!" I said as Luhan walked off.
"Very soon." He turned back and gave me a smile as he walked off to his practice room. 
Eunhyuk turned his back on me and entered practice room with his black face while I followed behind. 

"Why are you hanging out with him?" He asked angrily. I got defensive all of a sudden as his tone sounded like he was controlling who I was hanging out with. 
"I can hang out with whoever I want to." I said and sat down on a chair. By then, everybody had turned their attention towards us. 
"What's happening?" Soomi asked. 
"I talked to Luhan and he's unhappy about it." I pointed to Eunhyuk as he sat across me, still staring at me. 
"You know I'm unhappy when he's close to you. When did you two get so close?" He asked in a more gentler tone, and I calmed down a little. 

"That's what I'm about to tell you. Didn't I tell you on the phone I had something to tell you? Luhan's my childhood friend, a long lost friend that I haven't seen since 17 years ago." I explained.
"What?!" Shouts filled the entire room as I made the announcement. 

"Yeah, he moved away when I was around 5 or 6 years old, and I haven't contacted him since then. He suddenly told me today that I'm his childhood friend because he remembered this scar on my hand." I brought my hand up for everyone to inspect while they nodded their heads. 
"That's so cool! Finding your childhood friend after 17 years!" Ryeowook exclaimed while I nodded my head and let out a laugh. I stared at Eunhyuk and I could see him bowing his head down. 

"Hyung, I think you have to apologize to Jihyun." Kyuhyun said as he noticed the silence in the room. 
"I'm sorry babe. I won't jump to conclusions next time." He said as he held my hand. I let out a small smile, I knew he was just being overprotective because of what happened yesterday.
"Don't worry about it, Luhan's just a friend." I assured him and he pulled me into a hug while the whole room went "aww!" 

"I really want to get a girlfriend too!" Leeteuk sighed while we all laughed again.

Author's Note: HELLO!!! I changed the main image, and now there's Luhan in the poster! I'm sorry for suddenly adding a new character and changing the plot, it was a sudden thought, and I think it'll be better with the new addition! So tadah! I hope you like the update and the new poster! Do subscribe and comment! It'll really mean a lot to me, thank you so much! :) 

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12 streak #1
Omg I found my comment down since 2013, and now I am re-reading it
leeaida #2
Chapter 6: Hiiiiii
Such a nice story
Thanks so much
I really love your fiction
Thanks so much
Chapter 22: This is an interesting story! Waiting for updates
Chapter 22: I hope that Luhan will not share a couple of. And I hope that Donghae and Borim be together
Chapter 20: Please, it's such an interesting story =) I look forward to continue. I like all couples
12 streak #6
Chapter 20: when will they make their relationship public ?
Can't wait to read more
hongkitonk #7
Chapter 17: Amazingly written story!! :) *fighting*
Interestingly, Donghae will be with Bo Rim?
Chapter 16: Wow! They are finally together =) I look forward to continue =)
Winodws1940 #10
Chapter 13: I have a bad feeling about IU. Such a good/cute update
Update soon plz ><