We're Gonna Make Dinner Together

Secrets and Boredom


Zelo walked past his hyung's room and walked into the bathroom instead. Dinner. Together? Okay, I see. Should confront them about their 'issues"? "No!" Zelo realized his confrontation idea was stupid and shouted out. 

As Zelo was busy having a nervous breakdown in the bathroom, Youngjae walked by and heard the comotion.He put his ear to the door and heard the odd maknae mumbling something about confrontation. What the hell?

He softly knocked on the door and spoke and a quiet tone not to startle the poor kid, "Zelo-ah, gwenchana?"

Zelo froze out of fear for the second time that day and once again had to think of a believable story, Damnit, what now? "Hyung! Yes, yes I'm fine! Oh by the way, Himchan hyung wants us all to make dinner together tonight together, so I'm just making room in my stomach for the delicious food we'll be preparing tonight!" Zelo faked a few grunting noises and let out a fake satisfied sigh.

Does he mean...? "Okay, too much information. I'm leaving now" Youngjae went to walk back to his room when Zelo's voice stopped him.

"Wait! Tell Daehyun we're going to be making dinner together!"

"I'll be sure to do that." Youngjae walked away this time to his bedroom without any interruptions. 

Thank god I was, I was beginning to think I was sounding suspicious. 


Youngjae walked into his shared bedroom with Daehyun to find him flipping through some magazines. "Yah, Daehyun," No response. "Yah! Daehyun!"

Daehyun seemed to be awakened from his trance, "Oh sorry, I was just..um..."

"I know, you were looking at more . You don't have to hide it. You know I do too." Daehyun was slightly shocked at how loudly Youngjae said this and calm he was about looking at . 

"Quiet down will ya? Do you want everyone to know?" 

Youngjae rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Daehyun" 

Daehyun put down his magazine, "What do you want?"

"Zelo wanted me to tell you that Himchan told him that we were all going to be making dinner tonight."

"Why~??" Daehyun whined like a five year old.

"I don't know. But since it's Himchan we probably shouldn't piss him off." 

Daehyun nodded his head remembering last time the pair screwed up Himchan's plans, "Yeah we don't want to piss him off again. It was kind of fun though last time he wanted to do something together but instead we-"

Youngjae but him off, "We really don't need to talk about what we did."

Daehyun smiled mischievously, "Why not Jae?"

"Because every time we do gets awkward." Youngjae sighed.

"Fine, whatever. I'm gonna continue reading my fine 'literacy' magazines."



Zelo stood crouched outside of Daehyun and Youngjae's room with his hand covering his mouth stifling gasps with his eyes wide open with disbelief. What is it that Youngjae and Daehyun hyung do? Oh dear god. Do I even want to know? Zelo abruptly stood up when he heard footsteps coming towards the door. 

He knew that somebody, probably Youngjae, was leaving the room and he did not want to get caught poking around in other people's business. He hurriedly ran to the first room he saw in which he could hide in. Confidently it was his and Jongup's room.

Less conveniently though, there was Jongup. . Well I guess I had to tell him about dinner anyways.

"Hey Hyung." Jongup seemed to take no interest in Zelo as he was on his laptop scrolling for countless hours on Tumblr looking at pictures of his beloved Chris Brown Hyung. How did you manage to be so perfect Chirs Brown?

"Yah! Hyung!" This time Jongup was able to peal his eyes away from the brightly lit screen and advert his attention to the maknae.

His response however was less than happy, "What do you want? I'm busy!"

Zelo flinched slightly at Jongup's outburst but was able to console himself when he figured Jongup was probably just tending to his unhealthy obsession to Chris Brown and reacted the same way any normal fangirl would. 

"Jesus hyung. Calm down. I was just going to tell you that Himchan wanted for us all to make dinner together." 

Jongup began breaking down inside upon hearing this. Making dinner would mean taking precious time away from crying over a celebrity that didn't even know he existed. He would have protested but Himchan turned into a major if you didn't do what he told you to do, "I uh... okay fine."

Zelo wanted to leave soon, he felt that maybe he shouldn't stick around with Jongup in here -even though it was his bedroom too- so he found himself backing up to the door, "I'm leaving now."

Jongup dismissed him with the wave of his hand. He shut the door behind him and made his way back into the living room and sat on the couch.

He honestly had no ing clue what he was going to do. He wasn't good under pressure, and knowing all these deep secrets surely put a lot of pressure on him.

He exhaled loudly and laid on his back on the couch with his arm covering his eyes. He lowered his voice to a whisper that only he could hear and mumbled, "What am I going to do?"


Himchan peered at Zelo through the doorway. He couldn't deny how worried he was. He didn't know what but he knew something was wrong.

He looked sympathetically at the poor kid one last time before deciding it would be best to probably try and let the bay handle whatever was going on, on his own.

Himchan turned and walked to his shared bed room with his lovely Yongguk.

He opened the door and walked in, "Gukkie~ I think something is wrong with our Zelo."

Yongguk looked up from his music he was writing and looked at Himchan's face with a somewhat worried look on his own face, "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know. Just ever since we left him alone that last time he's been acting strange. You don't think he's sick do you you? Maybe somebody threatened him. Oh god. He's probably so scared. I need to go help him." Himchan's face was full of utter terror.

Yongguk on the other hand just chuckled, "He's not in any danger. If anything it's just hormones. He's only 16 ya know. He's still growing."

A wave of relief spread over Himchan's face, "You're probably right. I should go ask him." Himchan turned to leave the room but was stopped when Yongguk grabbed his wrist. Himchan gave him a puzzled look, "What?"

Yongguk pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead, "Don't. Just stay here with me. He'll be fine." 

Himchan smiled, "Fine. Oh and Gukkie by the way... we're all gonna make dinner together tonight." Himchan pulled away and looked at his watch, "Oh look, it's 6:15. We should probably go ahead and start doing that if we want to finish before midnight."

Yongguk mentally questions Himchan's calculations for time but decided it was in his best interest not to question the ulzzang in something so trivial. "Oh boy. This'll be fun." 



LOL. Okay. I know I haven't updated in like a million years. But I am now. So hehe. Enjoy. The next chapter will probably be a lot more interesting and we'll probably get some further development on what happened between Daehyun and Youngjae. Until next time. Annyeong :) Take care.



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Chapter 7: Is it done ?!! O.O
angelwhite #2
Chapter 7: haha... zelo sure is innocence.
Chapter 7: Laughing so hard, seriously. Poor Zelo and his innocence XD
Chapter 7: LOLOL !! XDD
Chapter 7: Hahah so funny
Chapter 6: Loving the story so far~ Please update soon, author-nim! ^~^
seizetheday1001 #7
I am absolutely loving this so far! I'm glad I found it. Couldn't help but laugh!! Hoping for updates soon!!
Chapter 6: That diva omma, himchan !!! Really !!! XD
petalcha #9
Chapter 6: Himchaaaaan! Lol that 119 moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But I feel bad for Junhong, his young mind can't take a lot of life-changing info at once...ㅋ
petalcha #10
Chapter 5: Wait I need to comment on this coz I like it. I mean when Himchan said that "..if we want to finish before midnight." ㅋㅋㅋㅋI laughed so hardㅋ