Banghim Conclusions

Secrets and Boredom

*pre author's note thing* words in green italics are flash backs. :D 



They all left as quietly as they came, leaving the poor maknae to process what happened. Okay, so they all just left? Just like that? Jongup is probably staring  at that dumb shrine.

Youngjae and Daehyun are probably drooling over those magazines. And then yongguk and Himchan....I don't even want to think about what they're doing. 

Zelo shook his head, ridding his head of any more thoughts like that. He sat there with his elbows propped on his knees and his hands covering his mouth. He was obviously thinking.

He continued like that, recalling other times where he faced similar situations. He suddenly remembered one time that he before had brushed off.


He was siting on his bed, casually reading texts from friends, ever so often smiling at the cute texts from his admirers.

He continued on doing so when suddenly from the next room over he heard playful laughter and giggles.

"Noo~ Yonggukie, hajima~!" The voice belonged to none other than Himchan hyung. "Yonggukie, you know I hate being tickled when we're like this!" His hyung giggled. And he suddenly heard soft groans.

"That's weird." Zelo mumbled to himself and then looked back down to his phone. "Someone must have gotten hurt."


The sitting boy rethought about that situation. At the time he assumed that either Himchan or Yongguk simply stubbed their toe or something. That's why he heard groaning.

Thinking about it now he came to the correct conclusion, "They were having ." 

He stood up from his seat and began pacing the room. So they've had . In this house. WHILE I WAS HERE.

 He began thinking more about it. He remembered once when his hyungs had to shower together to "save water".

 He thought about how when they were first beginning as a group Himchan said to Yongguk that they were in a secret relationship. 

He had ways thought it was a joke. He thought about how they would always look at eachother for longer than deemed necessary.

He thought about fan fiction his friends have told him about, about his hyungs.

He thought about everything that had gone on between the two. It had been made blatantly obvious that the two were a "thing".  

"Am I that oblivious?" Zelo questioned his thinking abilities aloud. "Aish! This is frustrating!" He ruffled his pompom hair and toppled to the couch below him with a thud.

He let out an exasperated sigh. He had never likes knowing things he wasn't supposed to know in the first place. And he was pretty damn sure he wasn't supposed to know all of this. 

What am I going to do? Why did I have to snoop around? He rolled onto the ground and laid on his stomach resting his head on his hands. He was thinking again.

"That's it!" He sat up on his knees with his arms thrown in the air. "Nothing! I'll do nothing!" 

"Do nothing about what?" 

Zelo immediately froze in his spot when he looked over to the direction of the burly voice,"Himchan hyung. I'll do nothing about ......nothing? Yeah, haha nothing about nothing."

Zelo sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly smiled at his hyung. "Um, hyung how long have you been here?"

Himchan worriedly looked tv the maknae for the second time that day,"I just got here a moment ago."

Zelo sighed in relief. Thank god he hasn't been here that long. 

Himchan tried to act like he wasn't worried about the youngest, but his inner umma wouldn't allow it, "I know I asked you earlier, but are you sure you're okay? You've been acting strange today are you sick?" 

Of course I'm not okay! Do you know how many secrets I know right now?! "Yes hyung, I'm really really okay. Hey, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

Himchan smiled as he spoke, "Well, I was thinking that we could all make dinner together tonight. How does that sound?" 

All of us. Making dinner. Together? That's a horrible idea. "That sounds perfect, I'll go tell Jongup. Daehyun, and Youngjae."

With that, Zelo left to go tell the others, leaving a still concerned Himchan umma to worry about his poor Zelo.



Lol....chapter 3

It's a slow chapter prett much for Zelo to come to conclusions about Banghim. 

Te next chapter will probably focus on Daehyun/Youngjae and Jongup 

:D comment, subscribe, love me.



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Chapter 7: Is it done ?!! O.O
angelwhite #2
Chapter 7: haha... zelo sure is innocence.
Chapter 7: Laughing so hard, seriously. Poor Zelo and his innocence XD
Chapter 7: LOLOL !! XDD
Chapter 7: Hahah so funny
Chapter 6: Loving the story so far~ Please update soon, author-nim! ^~^
seizetheday1001 #7
I am absolutely loving this so far! I'm glad I found it. Couldn't help but laugh!! Hoping for updates soon!!
Chapter 6: That diva omma, himchan !!! Really !!! XD
petalcha #9
Chapter 6: Himchaaaaan! Lol that 119 moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But I feel bad for Junhong, his young mind can't take a lot of life-changing info at once...ㅋ
petalcha #10
Chapter 5: Wait I need to comment on this coz I like it. I mean when Himchan said that "..if we want to finish before midnight." ㅋㅋㅋㅋI laughed so hardㅋ