Chapter 2

Reuniting The Separated


“My mission is to reunite DBSK!”


Cue a falling Yoochun, a Junsu dropping his morning paper and an idol who just chocked on his own spit, named Jaejoong.


“WHAT?!” The members of legendary group, JYJ yelled, oh-so-softly, making their appointed guardian choke on her cheesecake.


How did she get the cheesecake? Let’s just say she borrowed it permanently from a certain singing and dancing food monster when he wasn’t looking.


“Really?! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!” Junsu said as he enveloped the poor guardian in a tight hug.


Sensing the dark aura beside her, she did the only thing she is capable of apart from being mischievous, constant teasing, eating, sleeping, lazing around and sarcasm.


“Junsu-ssi, I’m honoured that you feel very grateful. However, your actions are making a certain someone here glaring holes into my head and I do feel quite uncomfortable with the fact,”


Yup, you guessed it. Being blunt.


Her statement made Junsu blush uncontrollably and left Jaejoong and Yoochun shocked.


“How did…”


“I didn’t, Yoochun-ssi. I’ve told you guys before that I’m a Cassie so it’s natural for me to have OTPs I ship. I ship you with Junsu-ssi and when I witnessed what was going on, my conclusions have been confirmed,”


Again, her bluntness left everyone dumbfounded.


“Do you ship me with…” but before our poor Jaejoong could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a squeal.




After recovering from her fangirling mode, she quickly bowed to the three flabbergasted idols.


“Har har har.. I.. har har har..” She laughed awkwardly.


“So you’re a YunJae shipper, eyy?” Jaejoong said, smirking. Though the guardian could easily see through his façade.


“So what if I am?”


“It’s just… Help me,” Jaejoong said, voice cracking.


Jaejoong could feel all of his bottled up emotions being set loose as he finally broke down. Oh how he missed his Yunho, his Yunnie, his other half. It drove him insane to the point of insomnia.


Countless of nights, he drank away, wanting to drown away in his misery, his sorrow. It got worse and Yoochun knew he had to put a stop to it. One night, he confronted Jaejoong, punching him back to reality. That was the day Yoochun threw his stash of alcohol away. That was also the day Jaejoong cussed at Yoochun, pushed Junsu away and ran out of the dorm. He regretted it, of course.

Being forced to promise he won’t touch alcohol ever again, he began busying himself with work. Overworking himself on purpose just to forget the feeling. The feeling of love, longing, sadness, misery. It was tiring for Jaejoong as he constantly puts up a façade around those who didn’t know him. His fans, his friends, his colleagues, the CEO. Only Yoochun and Junsu were there for him. Only they could see past through his whole façade. Oh how he wished he could show the world what he was feeling but he is an idol. An idol who needs to maintain an image in this harsh industry. An industry that changed his life forever.

It hurt Jaejoong whenever he watches fancams online, seeing Yunho and Changmin having the time of their lives during SM Town concerts, guesting on variety shows, pretending as if the other three didn’t exist. As if TVXQ was a two-member band from the beginning. But, he found hope from the fans. The fans that wouldn’t stop believing.

Always keep the faith. Jaejoong loves that sentence. He was happy and proud that some fans are still hoping. Hoping to see them on stage as five again. Hoping for what Jaejoong has been hoping. They shared an unspoken connection. Jaejoong longed for someone outside of JYJ to know what he’s going through. To see past his façade. To see past all the lies.

It tortured him seeing what once was a big and beautiful fandom divided. Seeing what once was a big family turn into enemies that hate each other from the bottom of their hearts. Jaejoong could only smile bitterly. He knew it was because of him but it was the right thing to do. He never wished to be separated from DBSK. All he wanted was justice. Ever since they became JYJ and TVXQ respectively, Jaejoong yearned for the day a miracle would happen.

One night, Jaejoong was counting the stars in the night sky. That is until he turned to his right and saw that a few of them were shining brighter than the other stars. One, two, three four and five. Jaejoong thought as his finger traced the stars, connecting it, as if trying to form a shape. Jaejoong let out a knowing smile. Cassiopeia. Suddenly, a fast movement caught Jaejoong’s eyes. A shooting star! Jaejoong quickly closed his eyes, making a wish. Oh how he hoped that it would come true.


It scared the guardian to see Jaejoong break down, then smiling, then crying and smiling. She was beyond confused and that was an understatement. She looked over at Yoochun and Junsu, shocked to see that they weren’t surprised at all. That can only mean this happened often. She suddenly felt the urge. The urge to succeed. With determination coursing through her veins, she stood on a chair, putting her right hand on her left chest.


“I, Lee Seungyeon, appointed guardian of DBSK, will try my best to help these idiots reunite with their brothers, that PMS idiot with his lover and Changmin with his cheesecake that I- OMO! I FORGOT THAT I PERMANENTLY BORROWED HIS CHEESECAKE!”


Fearing for her life, she dropped the speech and quickly rummaged through JYJ’s kitchen looking for ingredients to make cheesecake. Mutters of ‘Aish!’ and ‘Why can’t I have baking powers instead?’ were heard constantly as the said guardian tried her best to bake a cheesecake.


To say Jaejoong, Yoochun and Yunsu were shocked is the understatement of the century. The sounds of pots and pans crashing brought them back from their shocked state.




Full blown laughter erupted once the ridiculousness of the situation dawned upon them, causing the guardian to be quite annoyed. What they had not notice though was that the guardian safely put the cake in the oven, dipped her whole hand into the leftover batter, carried a bowl of flour on her other hand and was approaching them with a devilish grin. The poor idols were too busy laughing away when they felt a gooey substance on their faces, followed by a powdery substance. The laughter ceased and was replaced by a deadly silence. The only sound came from the guardian, laughing evilly. They shuddered. This feeling was all too familiar. It was a feeling they once experienced on a daily basis. Voldeminphobia. A fear of Changmin’s evil side, Voldemin. As the girl was about to attack, the oven ding-ed.


Saved by the oven. The hallyu stars thought. They went over to their kitchen, peaking on the girl’s actions. They were quite surprised to see the girl that was so intimidating a few seconds ago, putting so much effort into the cheesecake, decorating it with pretty lines and stuff. Hey, they, excluding Jaejoong of course, weren’t an expert. Then, they saw her writing on a card, picking up the cake and ‘poof’ she was gone. The trio smiled, fully aware that the guardian had ‘poof’ed her way to DBSK’s dorm.


On the other side, however…


Changmin was panicking over his missing cheesecake. Only he was at home so that meant Yunho couldn’t have eaten it.




Thunder roared, causing Changmin to jump. He glanced out of the window, staring into the stormy night sky. Changmin reminisced the old days when he would put on a mask, creep up on his Junsu hyung and shout, scaring the daylights out of him. Changmin let out a soft chuckle. He loved seeing the face of his hyung when he was terrified. But they’re not here anymore. Changmin thought bitterly.


Lightening struck, robbing the dorm of electricity. Aish, now where’s that candle. Changmin searched high and low for the only source of light in the dorm. After 89021382104 minutes of searching, he finally found them. Feeling triumphant for finding the candles, he lit it up, went to sit on his favourite chair and pondered.  Who or what could have taken my cheesecake? Could it be?


“Who could have deleted our audio?” Jaejoong spoke. “I think it could have been a ghost. Maybe she’s a fan and wanted to insert her voice but she accidentally deleted it,” Yunho answered. “PUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA” “CUT!” The director exclaimed, angrily. “Changmin-ssi, you have got to stop laughing. This is the 27th take,” “I’m sorry, sir but it’s too funny because Yunho hyung might actually say that if it ever happens,” Changmin said, high-fiving Yoochun hyung and getting hit by no other than his Jaejoong hyung in the process. “I understand but no more, okay? You can’t eat if you mess it up again,” Changmin tried really hard to control himself but he failed. Miserably. True to the director’s word, he couldn’t have any food. Changmin sat in the waiting room, listening to his grumbling stomach. Suddenly, he heard the door open, revealing his hyungs. “We’ll share our food with you!” Junsu said as he, Yoochun, Jaejoong and Yunho placed their uneaten meal in front of Changmin.


The guardian was beyond puzzled as to why the legendary Max Changmin is smiling to himself. Maybe he lost it when he found out that his cheesecake was missing. The girl crept up on Changmin, looked at him straight in the eye, though he failed to notice, and said one word, barely audible but she knew it will make a big impact.




“OH MYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!” Changmin screamed at the top of his lungs, startling Jung Yunho who was about to enter the dorms. Their neighbour, Super Junior, heard the ruckus and came barging into their dorm.


“What’s wrong, Changmin-ah? Did you see a ghost? What happened?”


Changmin, too shocked to answer, pointed at the guardian. Little did Changmin know that only DBSK can see her.


“Oh, it’s you again! So, what do you mean by that letter?” Yunho asked, oblivious to the fact that Super Junior were giving them weird stares.


Kyuhyun shook his head, knowing that his best friend finally lost it. He trudged back to the dorms with his hyungs, muttering something about ‘mental institution’, ‘poor dude’ and ‘can’t wait to get back to Sungminnie’.


“You don’t know? Oh well that’s right since I only told JYJ about that. My mission as your appointed guardian is to reunite DBSK!”


Silence engulfed the room. It was becoming more awkward by the minute. The guardian thought that they would be happier since their welcome party was warmer. Deciding that she needed to do something drastic, she gave the cake to Changmin and poofed away.


Changmin looked at Yunho. Yunho looked at Changmin. Changmin looked at the box that contained the cake. He noticed there was a note on top of the box.


I’m really sorry for eating your cheesecake. I was extremely hungry and it … it… seduced me with it’s enticing smell! You can’t blame me, right? Anyways, I baked this cake during my stay at JYJ’s dorms and I was distracted since those idiots decided to laugh at my fear for getting eaten alive. Hey, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do and I consider baking a replacement cake for you one of the conditions to stay alive but I had my revenge. >:] One does not simply get away that easily. I attached a picture. A result of my… returning of the favour oh so generously. It can serve as blackmail because they look absolutely GORGEOUS laik no waiiiiiii <3 Right now, they’re spying on me but they think that I didn’t notice them. Time to depart in STYLE so this note ends here. GET YOUR PICTURE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN BECAUSE THIS NOTE SELF DISTRUCTS IN 5, 4, 3, 2, just kidding. :D Toodles~


Changmin took a look at the scandalous picture and laughed. His first genuine laugh since the split. He laughed and laughed, unable to form coherent words. He could feel his eyes water, his saliva escaping his mouth and abs forming. After a few minutes, he finally let go of the picture and handed it over to Yunho, anxiously waiting for his reaction.


As predicted, even the Jung couldn’t hold back the laughter that was threatening to come out. I mean, who could? First, you have the eldest, hair covered with flour and a face mask made purely out of cake batter, sprawled on the floor, looking like a retarded drunkard. Then, we have the middle child, doing his infamous ‘Chun face’, also covered with flour and batter. Finally, we have the youngest also covered with flour and batter but… what was he doing? Standing up, hand on his chest, looking proud and stuff but then laughing, causing his head to be unintentionally blurred. Combine them altogether and what do you get? A scandalous picture.


Changmin laughed. Yunho laughed. Changmin laughed. The guardian held onto Yunho’s shoulders and recited a catchphrase from “Gag Concert”.


“What’s wrong with them? Is it normal for people to take turns laughing? This is the uncomfortable truth found in dramas but the uncomfortable truth doesn’t end here,” She narrated in a monotone voice, creating the much desired effect.




“I know, right? But Yunho hyung looks worse~” A voice sang.


“Hey! No criticizing my Yunnie. He is perfect the way he is,”


“Whipped!” The guardian commented, receiving death glares from both Jaejoong and Yunho.




“What’s with our guardian?”


“I don’t know, Yoochun, I don’t know,”


“Hey but she’s helping us reunite. Shouldn’t we be grateful? She even teleported us here. It’s a good thing that they can’t hear us, though,” Junsu said, innocently.


          Oh, Junsu.


          Little did he know that they can hear and see him perfectly well.


          “Poor, innocent, duckbu- Junsu. I never said anything about them not being able to hear nor see you. Where did that perception come from?”


          JYJ froze, realization kicking them from behind. The guardian laughed, sounding evil though she had no intentions to. Yoochun inwardly kicked himself.


“And when I thought our guardian would be sweet and caring. She’s as evil as Changmin if not worse. Oh wait no, she’s worse. I think I’m developing a case of Seungpitol phobia,” Yoochun said, a little bit too loud.


“Seriously, Yoochun-ssi/hyung that’s the best you could think of? Lame,” Changmin and the guardian said.


          They exchanged high-fives.


“We should team up sometimes. Along with Kyuhyun, that punk,” Changmin said, laughing.


“I’d love too but Kyuhyun can’t see me,” The guardian replied, dejected.


“Why not?” All of those who were present asked.


“Since I’m your guardian, I can only be seen by you. Somewhere in Seoul, my human-self is doing my usual routine. My human-self doesn’t know about this, though. It’s like a robot is controlling my life, not me. But in my guardian form, I control me and I have cool powers,”


“But you wished for baking powers instead,” Jaejoong said, bravely.


Yoochun and Junsu laughed at their little inside joke, leaving Yunho in the dark. Changmin’s got it all figured out, though.


“You made fun of her which resulted into this,” Changmin said as he showed the photograph.


Yunho and Seungyeon laughed, fully knowing that JYJ were shocked…. And embarrassed.


“Seungyeon-ah~” An unfamiliar voice echoed throughout the dorm.


“What do you want, Myungsoo?”


“I thought I told you to call me L?”


“I won’t be like those fangirls of yours,”


“Aren’t you a fangirl yourself?”




“Aren’t you a Cassie?”


“I’m an ELF too, you know,”




“I wasn’t talking to you, Yunho-ssi. Sorry,”


“Oh well, never mind,”


“Ehem, Seungyeonnie~”


“What do you want?”


“Can’t I have a goodbye kiss?”




“Please?” Myungsoo whined, pouting.


“You heard the girl. So leave,” Changmin said, a dark aura emitting from him.


“Are you perhaps, jealous?” Myungsoo said, walking towards Changmin.


“So what if I am? Stay away from her and that’s no way to talk to your sunbae,”


“What are you going to do about it?”


“I’ll ignore your human-form. You do know that DBSK’s the most influential group in K-Pop, right?”


“Problem is, you’re not DBSK anymore. It’s all in the past,”


“Just you wait. We’re going to reunite and crush K-Pop,” Changmin hissed.


Step number 3, success.

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Chapter 5: Please update soon
Chapter 1: ahhhhhhh it seems interesting! ^^
i like your OC's character~ hihihihihi. XD very blunt like changmin~ (and yes, my bias is changmin.... that's why, maybe :P) and i like the part changmin and her keep asking "what?" "what what?" "what what what?" that funny!!!!

but i have to say.... your POV kinda confusing. maybe before change the scene you can give a line or whatever to separate the scene and telling us who's talking ^^ (oh well, idk if you've changed it in the next chap... so...) off to the next one for now~ :)
cassiedhita #3
Chapter 2: the changes of point of view is very confusing though i find this fic interesting. but you can add time slot to explain whats going on cuz its kinda jumpy
MizzPeel0007 #4
Chapter 3: New reader here, really like this story so far and will subscribe.
Chapter 3: Aigoooo!!! Sleep!! I'll wait as long as I can!! Don't rush!! It's alright!! This chappie did not ~ DON'T FEEL BAD UR MAKING ME FEEL GUILTY ;^; KEkekekekekeke JKJKJKJJKJJKJKJKJKJKJK Just take ur time!! And Hwaiting!! I'll be waiting for ur Updates!! AJAJAJAJAJAJA! HWAITING!
Chapter 1: This is cute~ I'm a bit confused though~ I can you tell me who's point of view are you writing from?
Chapter 2: Update soon, please?? :)
mariadoaluguel #8
Update soon, neh? ^^
DivineShawol #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^