Chapter 3

Reuniting The Separated


As you can see, our little guardian here has it all figured out. Kinda. Well, she just went with the flow. Though she did tell Myungsoo to stir some trouble with Changmin that would provoke him. A trigger. That’s what they needed. What she didn’t expect was what was said during the conversation. Shrugging it off, she took her laptop that she had been carrying all day, not that anyone had noticed, strutted towards TVXQ’s couch as if she owns the place and sat down there. She needed something to distract her.


“I’VE GOT IT!” She exclaimed, scaring the members of Dong Bang Shin Ki.


“So… How have you been, Yunho?”


“Fine, I guess. How about you, Jaejoong?”


“Great, just great,”


“But Jaejoong hyung, weren’t you bawling your heart out last-”






An awkward silence filled the dorm. Only sniffling sounds could be heard.


“Awww, Junsu. I didn’t mean to-“


“Changmin-ah, it’s not me,”


DBSK looked at the guardian then at each other and agreed on one thing. They went towards her to see what was wrong though what they found out left them dumbstruck.


“Han Jungwoo,”


“One more time,”


“Han Jungwoo,”


“One more time,”


“Jungwoo-yah~ Han Jungwoo~”


“Didn’t know that our guardian is such a cry baby when it comes to dramas,”




“Uhhh.. Thanks?”


“YOU’RE WELCOME!” She exclaimed as she blew her nose.


“Well that escalated quickly,”




Shocked by the new voices, DBSK turned around to see two girls, looking at them as if they might disappear any moment.


“Ugh, it’s you two. Dudes, meet Nayoung and Jiyoung. They’re here to make my life hell and fill your path towards a reunion with thorns, oceans, apocalypse, you name it. Nayoung’s a TVXQ stan – No, Yunho, it’s not good – and Jiyoung’s a JYJ stan. Why are they called stans? Well, TVXQ stans such as Nayoung, love TVXQ to death but they hate the other three. The same goes with JYJ stans. So, yeah. They love to create fanwars and stuff so it’s never in peaceful in this fandom,” The guardian said as she threw her tissue into the rubbish bin.


“Oppa~ Don’t listen to her, she’s lying!”


Seungyeon rolled her eyes, fully aware with their behaviour.


“Isn’t it time for you to go to school and learn how to actually use your brain? It can be used to do loads of cool things. For example, thinking. Now scurry off,”


“You can’t tell us what to do,”


“Oh yes I can. Haven’t I told you I’m a graduate from Hogwarts? When I was little, I stayed in London so it’s natural for me to go to a school in London. I’m a descendant of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Have you heard of them? Do you want to be put under the Imperius curse? I can make you do things you don’t even want to think off. I guess that’s settled then,”


Taking out a stick her wand, she pointed it towards them and said, “Impe-“


“Alright, alright. We’re leaving!”




“Didn’t know that they were that thick,” Seungyeon said.


“Wait, so that was all just a lie?” Junsu and Yunho said.


“Maybe, maybe not,”


“Prove it,” Changmin challenged.


“I will but unfortunately, I can’t perform magic in front of muggles~”


“Damn, she has a point,” Jaejoong stated.


“Now we will never know if she’s a witch or just pretending. WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?!” Junsu exclaimed.


“Okay now back to business. To the dining room~” Seungyeon sang, leading the way as if she owned the place for the second time.


“Coffee?” She offered.


“Sure,” They chorused.


“Isn’t this our dorm? Why are we getting served?” Changmin asked.


“Let’s just enjoy it while we can,” Yunho whispered.


Putting down the cups of coffee in front of each member and herself, she cleared .


“Guys, it seems to me that it’s not as awkward as I expected it to be. I guess all those years of brotherhood does have it’s perks. I thought I had to send you guys back into the past before the split actually happened and show you guys videos of the present which is REALLY depressing to watch. I still remember watching you perform Bolero, Love In The Ice, Mirotic, Wasurenaide and thinking we might not hear the beautiful harmony of DBSK for a while. I also remember replaying all of your old videos just to watch the five of you have a good time. I also know that deep down, you want to remain as DBSK, wished that the official split never happened but you still get to be DBSK? I knew you five will be able to reconcile but that’s the easy part. Next, we’ll have to deal with the main problem itself, SM Entertainment,”


“Wait, what makes you think that we want to reconcile?” Yunho asked bitterly.


Murmurs of yeahs and he’s right echoed the room.


“You of all people shouldn’t ask me that, Jung Yunho. I guess I’ll have to point it all out. Yunho, you used to have that dorky smile and that mischievous glint in your eyes back in the day. Now, it’s gone. Jaejoong, I know what your songs are hinting at. Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu, I know and I could feel that when you look at other groups, you’re jealous. Jealous because you used to be that way. The ones pranking each other, messing up during practice, tease each other relentlessly, you miss that. With Junsu’s constant musicals and tours and Yoochun and Jaejoong’s dramas, you guys don’t really have time, am I right? You’re not living in the same place too. Changmin and Yunho’s pretty much the same. You moved out of the dorms, am I correct? I’m pretty sure you guys don’t fool as much during practice. Don’t you want things to get better? To be the way it used to be minus the abuse? DBSK. They are legends. What they achieved were extraordinary. The first to do this, the first to be that. As five, you guys pretty much ruled K-Pop. Changmin, I remember you complaining that school children don’t know TVXQ. Back when you were five, a 9-year-old was jealous of Junsu because his girlfriend likes him,”


“Haha I remember that,” Junsu said, smugly.


“Weren’t those the good times? The time when you went to Paris, shouted to a stranger ‘Hey, you want me? I want you!’ and did an acapella version of Champ Elysees?”


“Yeah I remember that,” Jaejoong said.


“Remember the times when you did ‘U-Know Yunho fighting!’ ‘Youngwoong Jaejoong fighting!’ ‘Micky Yoochun fighting!’ ‘Choikang Changmin fighting!’ and left Junsu to do it on his own?”


“Ah yes, the good times,” Changmin said, wiping away a tear.


“Plus, if you didn’t want to reconcile, you would have kicked them out of your house the minute they stepped in and not have a conversation over a cup of coffee,”


“You’re right!” Yunho exclaimed.


“As of now, you are DBSK but only you and I know this secret. The next step involves getting the stans and SM to stop being a . Now there are two options but I think we’ll have to go with option two. Number 1 is to let JYJ go back to SM and number two is to get TVXQ out of SM. As I said, we’re going with option two,”


“Shouldn’t we just wait until our contract ends and then reunite?” Yunho asked.


“Yeah but that’ll take 3 years. I only have a year max to reunite you. A strange old lady told me that if you weren’t reunited now, you’ll never be. Something in the future is going to cause and stuff, making it impossible,”


“This is more complicated than it looks,” Yoochun commented.


“Right. So what happens if you fail to reunite us in a year?”


“You won’t reunite, TVXQ and JYJ will go downhill and I’ll die, literally,”


“That’s harsh,”


“I know, Changmin, I know,”


“How do we get out of SM?”


“Can’t you just terminate the contract, Changmin-ah?”


“We can’t, Junsu hyung. They’ll make our lives hell,”


“That’s true. If you guys just abruptly end your contract, the CEO will know that you will want to reunite as DBSK and if DBSK is revived, heaps of money will come rolling in and not in SM’s direction,”


“So what’s the plan?”


“I honestly have no freaking idea,”


“Let’s just tackle the stans first. What’s so wrong about them?”


“Here, let me show you,” Seungyeon said as she took out her laptop, switched it on and went to tumblr.


~Five minutes later~












“Guys, you now know how frustrating it is to read these litter in the DBSK tag and not being able to punch them in the face real good. It’s also frustrating to get them to believe they want to be back as 5. When we showed them Jaejoong’s video of Yoochun and Junsu singing along to Yunho and Changmin’s part in Hug, they denied it saying they were just making fun of the song. I know, pretty delusional. When you reunite, you’ll lose a good amount of fans,”


“I didn’t know it was this serious,” Junsu stated.


“How are we going to take care of the fans?” Yoochun asked.


“It doesn’t matter if you lose those type of fans but it’ll be better if we can just make them see things,” Seungyeon said.


“And how exactly are we planning to do that?” Jaejoong asked.


“Drop subtle hints? That will alarm the Cassies. It can’t be done too obviously or the media and SM will find out. Use an old reference or something,”


“We’ll figure that out later. What about Operation: Get Changmin and I Out of SM?” Yunho asked.


“Bomb the place down,” Yoochun suggested.


“They’ll just move to another building,” Seungyeon countered.


“Light the building on fire,”


“What I said earlier,”


“Expose SM’s corruption,”


“What about the other artists under the company?”


“Get yourself fired,”


“TVXQ is SM’s money makers in Japan. They’ll forgive their behaviour in a heart beat,”


“Assassinate those who get in the way,”


“It will ruin your reputation,”




“Most reasonable option but also the most risky. This needs time. Here’s what I’ve got. We need to be able to get JYJ on broadcast. We also need to get both TVXQ and JYJ to guest on the same show. A few seconds before you go on air, you’ll have to send your resignation later. This has to be done precisely. I’ll deliver it to the CEO’s desk. Then, you’ll announce your reunion since you’re free from SM. Yea, SM will try to cut that bit out so we’ll have to convince the producers they hit the jackpot. Ratings will skyrocket through the roof. You’ll appear in radio broadcasts and stuff. Then, you’ll have to rebuild your career not as JYJ or TVXQ but as DBSK but I have a question to ask. Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, are you going to leave Cjes?”


“If we leave the company, Cjes will only have Jihyo noona and Yoohwan. Plus, they helped us pull through. I don’t think so…”


“Is it okay for Yunho and Changmin to join you?”


“We’ll ask our CEO,”


“Great. Naturally, our actions will have consequences. SM will smother your reputation so badly, you might not even be able to make a comeback. They might even reveal that YunJae and YooSu is more than just fanservice and you know how homophobic society is,”


“Career suicide. I forgot how low they’ll stoop to get what they want,” Jaejoong spat.


“This seems hopeless. Why can’t we just be TVXQ and JYJ? We’ll meet each other secretly,”


“The easier option isn’t the right option. Didn’t I tell you that the strange old lady, also known as Destiny, told me your careers will go downhill if you don’t reunite. Sooner or later, SM will find out and you won’t be able to see each other again. Plus, isn’t it more fun to be on stage as five compared to two and three respectively? It will take a huge sacrifice but I’m sure it will all be worth it in the end. So are you in?”


“I’m in,” Yoochun said.


“Sure,” Jaejoong shrugged.


“It’s worth a try~” Junsu sang.


“Maybe it’s for the best,” Changmin stated.


“Why not?” Yunho said.


“Operation: Reuniting The Separated… begins!”






A/N: Okay, I'm really really sorry for the delay. I just assumed that I would be free since, well, I don't know. I became soooo busy I barely had enough sleep but enough of my sufferings. I don't really wanna rush things with this story. It might even progress slowly starting from the next chapter. I know, this chapter . I feel so bad. D: I'm really sorry guys. :(


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Chapter 5: Please update soon
Chapter 1: ahhhhhhh it seems interesting! ^^
i like your OC's character~ hihihihihi. XD very blunt like changmin~ (and yes, my bias is changmin.... that's why, maybe :P) and i like the part changmin and her keep asking "what?" "what what?" "what what what?" that funny!!!!

but i have to say.... your POV kinda confusing. maybe before change the scene you can give a line or whatever to separate the scene and telling us who's talking ^^ (oh well, idk if you've changed it in the next chap... so...) off to the next one for now~ :)
cassiedhita #3
Chapter 2: the changes of point of view is very confusing though i find this fic interesting. but you can add time slot to explain whats going on cuz its kinda jumpy
MizzPeel0007 #4
Chapter 3: New reader here, really like this story so far and will subscribe.
Chapter 3: Aigoooo!!! Sleep!! I'll wait as long as I can!! Don't rush!! It's alright!! This chappie did not ~ DON'T FEEL BAD UR MAKING ME FEEL GUILTY ;^; KEkekekekekeke JKJKJKJJKJJKJKJKJKJKJK Just take ur time!! And Hwaiting!! I'll be waiting for ur Updates!! AJAJAJAJAJAJA! HWAITING!
Chapter 1: This is cute~ I'm a bit confused though~ I can you tell me who's point of view are you writing from?
Chapter 2: Update soon, please?? :)
mariadoaluguel #8
Update soon, neh? ^^
DivineShawol #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^