Pissing Me Off

Miasmic Peck


“Aigoo…so cute…what…nooo…better…no…yah…” My phone’s ringtone woke me up from my sleep, making me realize that I was hugging my pillow tightly in my arms. I know I had a nice dream, but haha, my grip was really tight… Anyway, I answered the phone, pleased to hear Lena’s voice over the line.

I had such a pretty dream about her last night. She looked like a fairy again~

“Aren’t you waking up? Haha, you’ll be late for work if you don’t leave now.”

“Ah, but today’s Saturday. Are you going in for work today?”

“Yeah, it’s my first day! The boss is starting his trial period for me today at least.” Ah. This is brilliant!

“Oh, I think I’ll be in today. See you there?”

“Yup! Bye, Jinyoung-shi!” I smiled to myself, rushing to take a shower and get dressed.

This is so perfect!

Saturday is not a mandatory work day, but some workers still go in if they have a lot of work to do. So, if I go in today, just about no one will be around. Thus, Lena and I will probably be the only few workers in the office. Meaning that we can get to know each other better! It’s just too perfect now!

Seriously, Lena will be mine by the end of the week if things go like this from now on!


Hee Yeon POV

I took the subway to work, keeping a small smile on my face, wondering if it was really this simple to fool Jung Jingyoung. Dressing in different clothing and showing my hair, saying that I have a different name… How easy.

I walked towards the office building once I got off the subway, getting bumped by a man walking by.

I immediately met his glaring eyes which soon turned softer, “Ah, sorry.” I scoffed a bit, knowing it wasn’t accidental. You think I didn’t recognize you? That I, of all people, didn’t notice?

Ha, those mad eyes gave it all away too. I’ll deal with that guy later; Jung Jinyoung is most important at the moment.


Jinyoung POV

“Ah, Jinyoung, you actually came in on a weekend?!” I smiled right after I got into the office.

“Of course, Sir. I wanted to work on a song I’ve been writing. Well, I’ll see you later, Sir.” The boss must have been shocked by my sudden drive to work, but my eyes searched for Lena.

Where is she~? I found the cubicle she was in, seeing that it was Hee Yeon’s. I hope Lena gets this job rather than Hee Yeon!

“Morning, Lena-shi~” I smiled mischievously, meeting her eyes when she turned in her chair.

“Ah, morning, Jinoung-shi.” She smiled back. “Do you know where the copy machine is? The boss didn’t tell me and I feel bad if I just wander around for it…”

“Oh, sure. Come along.” I led her to the machine. “You know how to use it, right?” She scoffed a little with a laugh.

“Yah, I’m not stupid~ Haha, so how’s work going?” She asked while she copied her small pile of papers.

“Good. How about your day? Do you need any help with things? You should definitely ask me first.” I smiled, watching her head nod uninterestingly. Look this way!

“So…” I let my voice trail with my thoughts, “Are you free after work? I want to talk more haha.”

“After work? Uh, sure. Do you want to get something to eat with me?”

“Sure.” I smiled, noticing the boss staring down the hall at us. “See you later then?” She nodded, me leaving.


I waited long hours for Lena to finish her work. “Ready to go?” I asked with a small smile, getting her nod in return.

We walked to a coffee shop together. “I’m getting an Americano. How about you?”

“I like tea better… I’ll get some lemon tea.” Ah.

“To be honest, I like tea better too, but most people think it’s weird to not get coffee haha. I’ll get some orange tea instead.” I don’t really mind drinking either, but I want to appear to have the same taste as Lena.

I brought back our drinks, sitting across from Lena. “So…what do you want to talk about?”

“Uh…I don’t know haha.” She took a sip of her tea, letting me think up a conversation.

“Did you have a fun day at work? Did the boss say anything?”

“I had fun, but the boss didn’t seem too impressed…” . Hee Yeon pretty much dazzled the boss on her first day when she wrote that song. Lena needs to step up her game to get the job instead of Hee Yeon.

Maybe I’ll just help her out a little.

“Oh yeah, tomorrow the office is closed, so what are you doing? It’s sad, but I usually just sit around on my weekends these days.” Actually, I always find cute dates to play with hehe.

I just never find the right girls though…

They’re either too pushy, too boring, or too dangerous… I just want a fun girl to play with me and not be too committed yet! Is that too much to ask for?! Oh, and she has to be gorgeous to me. Hehe, I suppose that one condition can be a deal breaker.

“Ahhm… I think I’m free, but I just moved here a while back, so I might be exploring town haha.”

“Oh! I can show you around if you want!” My voice must have been too eager and loud, but she just smiled, laughing a little.

“Actually, my friend has lived here a long time and he offered to help already.” HE? It’s a guy… . Longtime friends can turn into couples in an instant!

“Oh, have fun then.” I kept my smile, drinking some of my tea.


Hee Yeon POV

Hmm… I expected Jung Jinyoung to sadden when I mentioned I was hanging out with a man. I suppose I am actually going to be dealing with another man tomorrow; the one who bumped into me this morning.

That idiot is so obvious… He even went as far as showing me his presence in this city. It almost makes me sigh since this person is also an assassin.

That man and I are both in the assassination business. This means that we are competitors. There aren’t many assassins left these days and the two of us are in the top class of the few that remain. We are supposedly the best.

The only difference is that he is a man and I am a woman. And he also charges more.

“Yah, are you listening?” Ah, I totally forgot where I was. Tch.

That’s the problem with that stupid other assassin. He always makes me think about him too much! I despise him so much.

“Haha, sorry. What did you say?” I responded sweetly. Faking personalities is simple.

“Are you done? I finished my tea a while ago.” Already? I finished as well, but I thought Jung Jinyoung would want to try and sway my heart over this tea.

“Sure. Let’s go.”


Jinyoung POV

Hmm…She seemed distracted after the mention of that other guy. What if she was thinking about him?! Need to think of a topic fast! “So, are you going to another club tonight? Haha, you didn’t get to have fun last time since your friends passed out early, right?”

“Oh, yeah. Nah, I’ll go another night. Maybe with a guy this time haha.” A guy…Always mentioning some guy to me! Ah. What if she’s just trying to make me jealous and catch my attention?!

“Well, I might go tonight with a girl, so you should come. Maybe with your longtime friend?” I smiled nicely, kind of wanting to see the guy who preoccupied her thoughts from me.

“If you want to tonight, I could.” Wah! The way she smiled… I want to drink with her tonight for sure~



Hey, are you here yet? ---- Jinyoung

I wish she would come fast! I’m already in the club with this other girl I agreed to go out on a date with. I hope she doesn’t act to affectionate in front of Lena though; I should look single to her haha.

Coming in right now! Where are you? ---- Lena

Ah, she’s inside! I looked around, somehow finding her quickly. Who’s that guy…? He’s actually good looking.


Hee Yeon POV

“Ah, that’s him.” I mentioned to Gongchan.

“That guy? He looks like a girl.”

“Really? I thought he was cute.” Gongchan and I stared at each other, laughing a bit while we walked over. “Hey, Jinyoung-shi! This is my longtime friend I told you about!” I pushed Gongchan forward a bit.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Gongchan.” They shook hands, but I could tell Gongchan was not enjoying this haha. I already had to force him to come with me, saying it was for work.

Gongchan and I have been good friends for a while now, but he used to be an assassin as well. He was just polite enough to help me out when I needed to find a male friend to bring with me.

“So~” I titled me head to the side, smiling to the girl with Jinyoung, “Who’s your friend?”

He smiled, turning to her, “This is Jieun. She’s a cutie, right?” I nodded with a smile; Jung Jinyoung is only making this easier for me!

“Yah, I’m going to take a smoke. I’ll be back in a while.” Ah…That’s Gongchan’s only real problem; he’s totally addicted to cigarettes. I don’t get how he keeps that cute face when he smokes so much…

“Ah, he smokes?” Jinyoung asked after he left. I nodded with a frown, talking to Jung Jinyoung carelessly for about 30 minutes.

“I think I’m going to go outside for a minute, okay?” I kind of just wanted to be sure that Gongchan didn’t leave after showing his face to Jung Jinyoung. I really just needed them to meet and he could have left if he wanted to.


Jinyoung POV

“They’re taking a while…” The girl I brought kept trying to touch me, but I didn’t want to.

The only girl I wanted to be kissing tonight was outside with some other guy now.

“Maybe they just left? They looked like a couple, kind of.” She kept annoying my brain with her words… I stood up from the place we were sitting, saying that I’d be back in a bit. “Wait, no!” She grabbed me around the waist, not letting me leave easily.

I sighed, getting irritated. I’m just using the girl to make Lena jealous, and she won’t come back inside! “I’ll come back for sure, Jieun. Just a minute, okay?” She shook her head after she let go, making me groan. “Fine, fine.” I cupped her face, giving her a kiss. “I’ll be back, okay?” I smiled when she nodded, getting out of the club soon. I wonder if I should even go back to her afterwards~

I looked around outside, seeing Lena and that guy talking outside. They looked like they were fighting… Maybe that’s a good thing.

“You’re just an idiot then!” I could hear him yelling a lot, but I didn’t hear Lena saying much. Should I step in?


Hee Yeon POV

“Seriously, Gongchan?” I tried to keep my voice down to appear weak. Gongchan and I agreed to stage an argument when Jung Jinyoung came outside, but I didn’t think Gongchan would act so well.

“Yeah. Are you going to keep ting around like this, or what?”

“Yah, it’s just one guy…” Gongchan’s words didn’t upset me, mainly because half of his sentences were just being yelled at me to attract Jung Jinyoung’s attention.

I glanced over to the side, catching sight of Jung Jinyoung watching. Bingo.

“And why do you keep trying to look away from me?!” Gongchan grabbed my face, smashing our lips together, but it didn’t really matter to me.

I knew he was being a good friend and acting with me.

He was doing a good job too.


Jinyoung POV

Tch. I started walking home, pissed off.

Who the hell comes to a club, walks out, and kisses some guy? Hmph. Stupid chicks.

Hey, where did you go…? Your date said you went outside. ----Lena

Ha. Now she wants me to come around?

I left. Aren’t you still with that guy though? You should have fun. ---- Jinyoung

She can’t know I’m mad though. She wouldn’t care if I got jealous right now; we barely know each other.

Are you sure…? Um, me and that guy got in a fight… I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other again for a while. I just left and am actually walking home now haha. ----Lena

Fight? I saw that, what she didn’t mention was that kiss. I scoffed at the memory. It’s not like she wrapped her arms around his neck or anything, but she didn’t really push him off either.

I’ll take that as him winning her over.


I rode the subway, sighing to myself the whole time. Maybe I should have just stepped in when they fought and chased that guy off… She probably would have been with me then.

Yah…you seriously left? ----Jieun


Yeah, sorry. Can we have our date another night? ^^ My boss called me and I had to leave… Sorry! >.<

That’ll do. Ah. Lena said she was going to hang out with that guy tomorrow to look around the city, but now that they fought, they won’t meet! Wah~ I smiled brightly to myself. You are so smart, Jinyoung!


Hee Yeon POV

“Yah, you seriously cut my lip…” Gongchan just laughed while I complained, looking in the mirror at my house.

“Yeah, but he got mad, right? So, my job was done.” I rolled my eyes, nodding. “Plus, when he sees the cut later, he’ll get mad again haha.”

“I guess so… Ah, did you know, that guy’s in Busan now.”

“That guy…? Who’s in this city and why?” Ah…

“It’s not like I know his name. You know, that other assassin that’s still working.”

“Oh, him! Really? Why’s he here in Busan?” I looked at Gongchan with crossed arms. “Yeah, yeah, he probably has a job haha.”

“Yup. He bumped into me on my way to work this morning and was glaring at me. Then he quickly changed his attitude, giving me a, ‘oh, sorry.’ That guy still pisses me off.”

“Haha, I suppose you always hated him? He seemed to be friendly with you though.”

“Yah, Gongchan.” I threw a pillow at him, making him laugh.

I think Gongchan is the only person I can joke around with in this world. I only talk casually around him as a friend and well, I actually call him a friend. That means a lot coming from me.

He makes me smile too.

“So, are you done with work for today?” He asked, sitting on my couch. I shrugged my shoulders, sitting next to him. “Ah, that kiss from before…”


“Did you enjoy it~?” I laughed when he did, knowing it was just a joke.


I had to bring Gongchan into this chapter. OTL I wanted to introduce Sandeul! Haha, I guess Gongchan is now apart of this story~

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Chapter 10: OMG I'm so happy to see you update! I really like this story! Thank you for coming back~ it's getting interesting with each chapter :)
I can't wait for next chapter already!
Chapter 10: YAY LOL
damn that mask must've been expensive XD
sapphire_sj13 #3
YEHEY! Finally an update <3
Author-nim (y)
Ooglay #5
Chapter 9: Please continue this fanfic :( ive been hooked ever since you started writing it, but no updates~ take your time, but dont abandon or even delete please!!!!
Chapter 9: Never stop this fanfic please. It is so perfect and amazing and I just want to keep reading and reading! You are truly an amazing writer :) please continue the good work author-nim <3
Chapter 9: omg please update.
I'm actually very curious how it's going to turn out.
it seems like one of those dating sim games i used to play (yes I'm a loser XD).
I don't know who she should be together with ^^
Chapter 1: Interesting~ ^^