Something's Off

Miasmic Peck

Omf I can’t believe I left the story at that chapter – I just spent the past hour or so rereading this story so I can now FINALLY update it after getting your hopes up. Even I was like, “What happens next?!” Silly me for not writing that part for you all.
I hope you like it; my writing style has definitely changed a lot, but I’m trying to keep it the same for all you guys in this story! And the fact that I had enough motivation to continue this story means that I will continue to update it for you lovelies :P



Hee Yeon POV

Wow, Jung Jinyoung is quite possessive in true nature, no? I didn’t think he would be so obvious with his jealousy and whanot.

To think he actually grabbed me off the subway and is still holding my hand at this very moment.

“Jinyoung-ah…?” I still have to keep up Hee Yeon’s character though.

“What?” Rude… His voice was already so rough as he continued to tug me along. “And just say Jinyoung. It’s fine that way too. That Sandeul guy was seriously, wow!” Eh… Jung Jinyoung seems a bit off or dizzy in the head at the moment. Perhaps it is adrenaline.

However, I feel like most girls would be afraid or creeped out by this overly possessive behavior.

“Well, I guess I’ll head to my room now… Night.” Seriously, he was not even letting go once we made it back to the apartment complexes.

With an exasperated breath, he finally tossed my hand away, turning to me with crossed arms and raised brows. “Why are you trying to get away so much?!”

“Uh, well, it’s late, you know.” That answer probably irritated him farther, though he merely sighed in defeat.

“Got it… I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?” This felt out of character for the ever so rude and blunt Jung Jinyoung. “Well, I know I will.” I was rather surprised to see him becoming more level headed on his own, leaning his head down quietly to peck the side of my head. “Night, sleep well, okay?” Very polite suddenely… “And no seeing Sandeul!”

Ha, there’s the classic Jinyoung.


Jinyoung POV

No. No…

With my head stuffed in a pillow and thoughts swirling about, I really just couldn’t believe how today turned out.

I like Hee Yeon. The ugly duckl— …My duckling.

My adorable ducking. My cute duckling. My—Okay, okay, that damn Hee Yeon!

She’s good… I don’t even understand how I fell for her of all people. Especially when Lena is around—Lena. Where is Lena?

Hee Yeon was the one they called to get my drunk self; I wonder if Lena even knew…

Well, I know what I’ll do in the morning.


Rising up and early, I went to Lena’s door in the morning only to find Gongchan.

“What the are you doing here so early in the morning?!” God damn him, does he sleep here too?!

I don’t even know if they’re dating or not anymore…

“Ha, nice to see your up early too. No hangover?” Well, I guess if Gongchan knows about my night, Lena would know too.

“Tch, I’d only throw up from seeing your disgusting face.” Gongchan just scoffed at that remark, making me feel stupid since it’s pretty obvious that Gongchan is a ten for girls around him.

I wonder if Hee Yeon thinks of him as more than a friend… Oh that’s right, he’s her disgusting oppa. Ugh, the word is making me cringe. I wonder if she’d ever call me that… Ah, I’m the younger one—Should I call her noona sometime?

She’d probably be shy or something hehe. I’ll try next time I see her. “Anyway, did you just come here to insult me badly and get lost in your thoughts?” Stupid guy.

“No, I came to see if Lena got the writing job at my workplace. Do you know?”

“Oh that, yeah, she did actually. Now let me go back to bed.” That dumb Gongchan shut the door in my face just now, but at least I figured out that my lovely Lena got the job!

Ah, but… Does that mean Hee Yeon didn’t get to keep hers?! I know they were competing and, and… I don’t want Hee Yeon gone. She’s mine.


Heading off to work, I didn’t find my duckling wandering the subways like usual. Hm, I must be too early for work today… Whatever. It’ll look good with the boss.

After settling down at my cubicle, I went searching for the girls; Minhee, Lena, or Hee Yeon, whichever came first.

“Sup, Jinyoung-shi~” The cheerful voice automatically made my heart soar from its beauty, the goddess that is Lena gracing my pupils.

“Congrats on the job! Do you know if Hee Yeon is still around here though? I thought you only get the job if they fire her.”

“Good morning.” I nearly shivered at the small voice behind me. Ah, she’s still here. No need to worry.

“Hey, morning.” I only realized all the stupid stuff I did last night after I got home, so I’m glad Hee Yeon’s unaffected as usual about my actions. She did look different today though… Or no, was it Lena who looked strange?

Something was off.

Ah, I understood. Minhee was the one who got fired.


Hee Yeon POV

Finally, I was able to enact in my plan.

It took nearly a week to make the mask of my face, and thankfully Minhee was able to find a sub to wear that mask.

Minhee’s body type didn’t match mine, so she found someone who did to wear that mask and pretend to be Lena for our mission.

Oh, Jung Jinyoung, you’re in for a heartbreaking ride now.



I hope you guys liked the chapter! Not sure if it was clear, but Hee Yeon got a helper to be Lena by making her wear a facial mask to look like her. That way Jinyoung can see both at the same time :P

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Chapter 10: OMG I'm so happy to see you update! I really like this story! Thank you for coming back~ it's getting interesting with each chapter :)
I can't wait for next chapter already!
Chapter 10: YAY LOL
damn that mask must've been expensive XD
sapphire_sj13 #3
YEHEY! Finally an update <3
Author-nim (y)
Ooglay #5
Chapter 9: Please continue this fanfic :( ive been hooked ever since you started writing it, but no updates~ take your time, but dont abandon or even delete please!!!!
Chapter 9: Never stop this fanfic please. It is so perfect and amazing and I just want to keep reading and reading! You are truly an amazing writer :) please continue the good work author-nim <3
Chapter 9: omg please update.
I'm actually very curious how it's going to turn out.
it seems like one of those dating sim games i used to play (yes I'm a loser XD).
I don't know who she should be together with ^^
Chapter 1: Interesting~ ^^