Sunshine's Main Rapper

Love is in a Competition



Name: Lee Hana / cindychanx3

Age: 19

Birthdate: April 2, 1992

Partner: Hoya


Generally, I am a bubbly and cheerful person, using aegyo when needed. I’m optimistic in any situation and always have a smile on my face. It’s really easy to make me smile and I get cheered up by the smallest of things. When there is something bothering me, I can't focus on other things and tends to zone out. I'm playful and liked playing pranks on people. During rehearsals, though, I'm really serious, almost like a perfectionist. I won't stop practicing until I can hit every note/dance every step.

At home, the “umma” side of me comes out. I'm really dedicated to and protective over my family and friends and wouldn't think twice to stand up for them, as long as no violence is involved. I like babying others, especially if they are younger than me. I like doing housechores such as cleaning and cooking. Cleaning because I can’t work if everything’s a mess and cooking because I don’t think anyone can work without food! At times, I’ll nag others to take care of themselves or to eat more.

It’s easy for me to make friends, but it takes me a while to fully trust someone. I forgive, but I don’t always forget. I don’t like confrontations, so unless I see it with my own eyes, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I despise crying, and I hate seeing others cry, so I try not to. Even though my heart might be breaking into a million pieces or I feel like crawling into a whole, I just fake a smile and turn away. I rarely get really upset; but when I do, I might stay that way for a while. However, after I get over it, it's like nothing ever happened.

- singing & dancing
- composing, songwriting, choreographing
- cooking / learning new recipes
- photography / scrapbooking
- collecting snow globes / key chains from different places
- reading & drawing manga
- catching up on the newest dramas & movies

- I stutter or shift my eyes when I try to lie on the spot.
- I speed-talk if I’m nervous. And I play with my hair, usually by tucking it behind my ear.
- I bite my bottom lip when I’m thinking hard or when I’m concentrated.
- I twirl my hair, bat my eyes, swing side-to-side and playfully hit someone when doing aegyo.
- I squeak when I get scared (or poked on the sides – I’m really ticklish).
- I bite the rims of cups and straws or zone out when I get bored.
- I dance when I can't sleep or have too much on my mind.
- I can't fall asleep until I know that everyone else is tucked in (at least everyone younger than me)


-MUSIC<3; singing, dancing, composing, songwriting, choreographing
-sweets & chocolate

-strawberry-anything (especially ice cream)

-cute things (i.e. stuffed animals, cellphone charms)

-children (especially babies)

-watching tv/dramas
-sunny days + the smell after it rains + rainbows

-playing pranks (nothing too serious/dangerous)




-liars, cheaters, posers/wannabes

-doing something wrong/being scolded

-rain/stormy weather (especially thunder)


-being alone

Position in group: Main Rapper

Persona: Childish Umma



Hey everyone!! Congrats to cindychanx3!!  
2 more to go and the story begins!! :D


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allfadedlights #1
first one to have pov, YAIIII!!! hahaha, nice chapter, can't wait to the next one. hD, HWAITING!!! hahaha
shimjkang #2
yay finally an update!<br />
infinite going to practice with sunshine in the same room?! wow that would be fun kekekee<br />
update soon :)
junjun- #3
haha~~ this is a great start! i can't wait to see their reactions upon meeting us! ^^~
First chapter :) A battle against Infinite, good luck girls ^^ Hwaiting!
nightstar01 #5
The first chapter is cool. The breakfast looks soooooo yummy....i want some pancakes too...LOL<br />
<br />
A battle against infinite, the girls will need to practice hard! Sunshine fighting!!!!
hahahaha...breakfast is served ladies...*bows* we r meeting our't wait for the games 2 begin...XDD...can't wait for the next update ad...fighting!!!
nightstar01 #7
oh~ Congrats Marshieeunni!!! Thats awesome news.<br />
I cant wait to read your writing.<br />
#8 sungjong has a partner....XDD...hehehehe...can't wait for da fic to begin now...update soon
shimjkang #9
congrats to all chosen girls! can't wait for the story to start! so excited ^.^