Sunshine's First Sub Vocalist

Love is in a Competition


Name: Song Minah /Nightstar01


Age: 19


Birthdate: July 4, 1992


Partner: SungYeol  


Personality: Minah is a girl who is a bit mischievous and a little rebellious. She is a good girl with a good heart but she can be stubborn at times.  She likes to get her way and is somewhat spoiled. She is a very opinionated and smart girl. She is super focused and tries her best to reach her goal and get what she wants. Minah is super competitive and always wants to win. She likes to make silly bets and compete with others. Minah loves to win and will always try her hardest. She can be immature, for example, she sticks her tongue out at people (merong), she makes silly childish faces and when upset she may throw a small cute tantrum like whinning, pouting, and stomping her feet. She is generally friendly and nice to everyone. She cares about others a lot and is a great friend. She takes good care of her friends and even stands up for them if they are wronged. Minah is outspoken and sassy. She likes to make false physical threats to people when they upset her but she wouldn’t hurt a fly. She tends to murmur insults about others under her breath when they don’t give her what she wants. She likes to use aegyo and her charms on others to get what she wants. She guards her heart from love because she doesn’t want to be hurt. She doesn’t fall in love easily but when she loves someone, its deep, full and strong.



·          Dancing and Singing

·          Swimming

·          Reading romance novels and manga

·          Photography

·          Shopping



·          Blink eyes repeatedly when lying

·          Bites bottom lip when nervous, upset or sad

·          Scratched head when confused

·          Use other people things without asking permission (she is spoiled!)

·          Rolling her eyes, folding her arms and blowing out her cheeks when she doesn’t get her way



·          Dance and singing especially when a lot is on her mind and she is stressed out.

·          Eat sweet desserts, her favorite is Strawberry Ice cream.

·          Shopping and buying stylish clothes.

·          Play games, to compete and place bets

·          Obsession with strawberries, using strawberry lotions, showergels, collecting accessories and food.



·          Losing in competitions and bets.

·          Hates when she is not in control of things and cant get her way.

·          She hates messing up her clothes or hair.

·          She hates guys that are arrogant, rude and think they are God’s gift to women.

·          She is afraid of small tight dark spaces like closets and broken elevators and needles

·          Cigarettes and smoking


Position in group: Subvocalist


Persona: Spunky Princess 




Hey everyone~! Congrats to Nightstar01!!

Will update soon as possible~



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allfadedlights #1
first one to have pov, YAIIII!!! hahaha, nice chapter, can't wait to the next one. hD, HWAITING!!! hahaha
shimjkang #2
yay finally an update!<br />
infinite going to practice with sunshine in the same room?! wow that would be fun kekekee<br />
update soon :)
junjun- #3
haha~~ this is a great start! i can't wait to see their reactions upon meeting us! ^^~
First chapter :) A battle against Infinite, good luck girls ^^ Hwaiting!
nightstar01 #5
The first chapter is cool. The breakfast looks soooooo yummy....i want some pancakes too...LOL<br />
<br />
A battle against infinite, the girls will need to practice hard! Sunshine fighting!!!!
hahahaha...breakfast is served ladies...*bows* we r meeting our't wait for the games 2 begin...XDD...can't wait for the next update ad...fighting!!!
nightstar01 #7
oh~ Congrats Marshieeunni!!! Thats awesome news.<br />
I cant wait to read your writing.<br />
#8 sungjong has a partner....XDD...hehehehe...can't wait for da fic to begin now...update soon
shimjkang #9
congrats to all chosen girls! can't wait for the story to start! so excited ^.^