Sunshine's Main Vocalist

Love is in a Competition


Name: Lee Hyunae / shimjkang

Age: 20

Birthdate: June 3rd, 1991

Partner: Woohyun

Personality: She's a kindhearted girl who's nice to anyone and very lowprofile. She doesn't show her feelings much, so people around her won't know if she has problems or not. If she wants to cry she'll cry alone at her room, unless when she's very upset she'll burst in tears anytime. When she likes a guy, she'll become very awkward and clumsy around him, but she will not - ever - confess or admit it to him. She's a very shy girl when it comes to love. She'll also act a little cold around him, but she doesn't do it on purpose, its just because she's too nervous to act normal. She's also very caring towards the people she loves, but she can be very very mean to people who mess with her or her girls. She'll work hard to impress people or  to get things she wants, including to get the guy she likes, without him noticing.

Hobbies: sketching, cooking, singing, fanservicing (replying fans ufo, reading fanletters, etc), browsing on the internet, and even fangirling.

Habits: smiles to everyone (but when she has no expression on her face she looks very cold), hugging/leaning to ppl's shoulder who she feels comfortable around her, daydreaming / lose her attention when she's bored, eats a lot when she's upset, lost her things easily.

Likes: babies / little kids, red color, mint-choco flavored food, when someone actually care about her, collecting sticker photos, a guy who can sing well

Dislikes: feeling alone, cigarette/someone who smoke, being underestimated, fights, fake girls, anyone who hurts the people she loves

Position in group: Main vocalist

Persona: The Talkative One




Hey everyone! Congrats to shimjkang!

Will try to update as soon as I can. Sorry for not updating for a while T__T

Well, 4 more to be announced (not including the co-author) so be patient!


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allfadedlights #1
first one to have pov, YAIIII!!! hahaha, nice chapter, can't wait to the next one. hD, HWAITING!!! hahaha
shimjkang #2
yay finally an update!<br />
infinite going to practice with sunshine in the same room?! wow that would be fun kekekee<br />
update soon :)
junjun- #3
haha~~ this is a great start! i can't wait to see their reactions upon meeting us! ^^~
First chapter :) A battle against Infinite, good luck girls ^^ Hwaiting!
nightstar01 #5
The first chapter is cool. The breakfast looks soooooo yummy....i want some pancakes too...LOL<br />
<br />
A battle against infinite, the girls will need to practice hard! Sunshine fighting!!!!
hahahaha...breakfast is served ladies...*bows* we r meeting our't wait for the games 2 begin...XDD...can't wait for the next update ad...fighting!!!
nightstar01 #7
oh~ Congrats Marshieeunni!!! Thats awesome news.<br />
I cant wait to read your writing.<br />
#8 sungjong has a partner....XDD...hehehehe...can't wait for da fic to begin now...update soon
shimjkang #9
congrats to all chosen girls! can't wait for the story to start! so excited ^.^