Sunshine's Lead Vocalist

Love is in a Competition



Name: Kim Eun Sung - rhane0015

Age: 19

Birthdate: March 13, 1992

Partner: Kim Myung Soo ( L )

Personality: known to be the calmest member of the group. a mature one, though she acts a child sometimes. a lady who loves to smile. barely get angry, but once she gets angry, the whole crowd around her became silent. a humble and protective one. She laughs easily. A type of person who keeps pain within herself only. doesn't cry in front of anyone. Quite clumsy and prioritize family, few friends and work than herself. has many acquaintances, but has few people considered as her friends. A boyish type, but turns to be a fine lady during when it's working time. Burns dishes (worst on cooking, hahah). Because of having a painful love affair in the past, she keep on distancing herself to those people who confessed their love on her and to those people she thinks she'll fall in love with. However, she doesn't mind if the other members picked her as the member who they wishes to be their date if was a guy.

Hobbies: sleeping, drinking any beverages (alcoholic && non-alcoholic), reading & writing stories (her real dream is to be a novelist, but she end up being an idol. however, she both love the two said fields. ^^), loves to eat and listening to music, watching her favorite seniors/idols online. freestyle dancing,

Habits: smiling, covering while laughing. if she can't refrain herself from laughing, she always end up hitting her thighs or the arm of someone near her. it goes the same when she's afraid, however, the difference is she's screaming, not laughing. hahah. blinking twice or thrice due to confusion. end up doing something terrible due to nervousness. poking a friend's cheeks. nodding when someone is talking. don't usually talk. 

Likes: chocolate, pastries, fruits, novels, white stuffs, dance covers, After School, T-Ara & X-5 hahah

Dislikes: all things related to horror and suspense. surprises, sermons && lectures she hates her ex-boyfriend. if it's about personalities, she hates people who acts the best but the true is she is the worst. 

Position in group: Lead Vocalist

Persona: The Quiet First Daughter





Hey everyone! Congrats to rhane0015!!

3 more to go!!! Woooohoooo! :DD


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allfadedlights #1
first one to have pov, YAIIII!!! hahaha, nice chapter, can't wait to the next one. hD, HWAITING!!! hahaha
shimjkang #2
yay finally an update!<br />
infinite going to practice with sunshine in the same room?! wow that would be fun kekekee<br />
update soon :)
junjun- #3
haha~~ this is a great start! i can't wait to see their reactions upon meeting us! ^^~
First chapter :) A battle against Infinite, good luck girls ^^ Hwaiting!
nightstar01 #5
The first chapter is cool. The breakfast looks soooooo yummy....i want some pancakes too...LOL<br />
<br />
A battle against infinite, the girls will need to practice hard! Sunshine fighting!!!!
hahahaha...breakfast is served ladies...*bows* we r meeting our't wait for the games 2 begin...XDD...can't wait for the next update ad...fighting!!!
nightstar01 #7
oh~ Congrats Marshieeunni!!! Thats awesome news.<br />
I cant wait to read your writing.<br />
#8 sungjong has a partner....XDD...hehehehe...can't wait for da fic to begin now...update soon
shimjkang #9
congrats to all chosen girls! can't wait for the story to start! so excited ^.^