The Harp

The Harp

He wanted to be called G-Dragon, a name bigger than him and bigger than that town. There were many things about his town that G-Dragon did not particularly like. The fact that there were only enough students in his school for one class for each grade, and that the supermarket didn’t sell modern music fit into his list of the many flaws of the town. It seemed that nothing in the town had heard about the twenty-first century and decided to stay in the world of the nineteen-sixties.

The absolute worst thing G-Dragon could think of about the town was its stupid legends. The ghost in the church bell tower that only came out on blustery summer nights; the no longer used science room where the old lab teacher could be seen with the human model, doing some crazy things; the full orchestra out in the forest, an instrument played by mystical fairies.

G-Dragon didn’t believe in the crap his town offered him, and he had intent to go out and make a better life for himself. With his cute little dog, Gaho, G-Dragon began his venture into untamed territory. Gaho was tagging along mostly so G-Dragon could find his way back home that night; he wanted dinner before he officially left and Gaho could sniff out his mom’s chicken from miles away. More importantly, Gaho was G-Dragon’s closest friend and loyal companion.

The forest was windy, like the leaves were on a quest to find another tree and grow on it. G-Dragon shivered with each passing gust and wondered if tonight the chill would be enough to draw out the bell tower ghosts. No, those legends are not true! G-Dragon was too smart to believe in those stupid fairytales anyway.

Lost in thought, G-Dragon let Gaho lead him deeper into the thickening forest. Trees branched off into other trees, and even though most were different plants, the trees still blended together. Climbing boulders stretched higher and farther, making G-D’s mindless wandering difficult. Twice, Gaho led G-Dragon into a bush. Even after he scolded the dog she continued to lead him away from civilization. Determined to make it out without too many scratches, G-Dragon crafted a walking stick from a fallen tree limb.

Where is he leading me? The Chinese Sharpei led him even further into the bundle of quiet life, seemingly following a distinct trail, to him at least. The young adventurer had no choice but to follow the dog, without him he was utterly lost. Gaho remained silent throughout the entire trip, never barking or whining from the lack of attention his human attendant displayed. No, it was Gaho giving no notice to his master; the dog remained in a trance. G-Dragon could not hear it yet, but there was a soft tune playing in the concealed depths of the forest.

The cold of the river attracted him first, his foot found itself planted firmly in mud. This dog! He has led me somewhere interesting! Trust a boy to find the reflection of trees in the river funny, the slick slippery stones a challenge to hop along, the little waterfalls fun to slip down. For a good distance down the stream rushing water over smooth rocks was all G-Dragon could hear, but Gaho could hear so much more. After one more winding turn in the river, a hike over a patch of land, and a small rest to regain strength, G-Dragon finally started to hear what Gaho enjoyed.

Behind a large boulder lay the continuation of G-Dragons stream, he had already claimed it was his, and also sat a harp playing without the help of human hands. So it’s true, he thought, it’s really true. On the ledge of flat stone, a silver harp strummed with the wind, and the song it delivered sedated G-Dragon’s rowdy side instantly. Gaho promptly sat down without being commanded to do so, and G-Dragon followed his dog’s example. The two listened, the music the only sense breaching their minds.

First the harp soothingly told them the history of the forest and how the creatures loved each other and nature. As an ignorant human, (that’s the way G-Dragon translated the strumming,) he would never see the world for its beauty until he opened his heart to the possibilities. To add intensity to the story, a violin joined in with deep and rich notes, the harp still commanded the show. The violin mocked the human for his ways, filled with ingratitude and deadly curiosity. A flute joined in the on the ridicule and called out all G-Dragon’s immature actions. The harp still dictated the flow of the story, adding in bits about the fairies and their beautiful companionship with even the mice. A viola pointed out the flaw in G-Dragon’s appearance, even jested about his height.

The harp described the magnificence of the fairies.

The came in the story, a cello blasted out a scornful message. G-Dragon was just like the other humans. Now that he had found the purity in the forest, he would tell everyone just to receive his fame. Such pridefulness would not allow the fairies to reveal themselves. Unless he swore to honor the might of the fairies, the music would never play for his ears again.

The harp asked him in soothing laughs, “Do you wish to see us?” A slow nod returned.

All the instruments were now in sight, and by each a glowing light grew and hovered closer to him. The shimmer by the harp never left, and the song never stopped. One of the flickering orbs drew close to his cheek, and warmth enveloped his skin with purity and bliss at the contact.

The harp continued the poetic song without faltering. “That is Bom, it seems she likes you.”

I’m so happy to have been wrong.

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really great!
mushroomforyourwish #2
Wow. Pretty. ^^