This trip makes me love you even more

The Love Story of a Teacher and a Student

-2 Weeks Later, Dong Bang College-

   The atmosphere inside Mr. Jung's classroom wasn't fun and pleasant like most of the days. The students were really stressed out with final projects, tests and with the graduation preparations, a total chaos. And the loud chatter wasn't helping either.

   "We seriously need a freaking break" Jieun whined, rubbing her neck. "You are totally right. Everything is wearing me out" Hyosung agreed with their best friend. "Not only do we have those bomb tests from Choi and Shim Seonsaengnim, the graduation rehearsal it's taking the toll on everything" Kyuhyun added, bringing Hyosung over to sit on his lap.

   "Can't Yunho oppa give us another thing? I don't think I can't do that final project with those final tests in the way. And you guys know very well that I do my stuff on my own pace" Hana reasoned. The others nodded in agreement.

   And speaking of Yunho, where was he? That was the question that ran through Jieun's mind. He was taking a while though. The light brunette stood up from her chair to look for her boyfriend. The others were oblivious by her disappearance because of their constant blabbering.

   With careful steps, Jieun left the classroom. "That was close" she whispered. She was about to search for Yunho when she felt a pair of strong arms hugging her from the back. "Were you looking for me?" a husky and seductive voice whispered beside her ear. Jieun felt like melting inside the embrace. "Yes I was" she answered, losing the hug before facing her boyfriend.

   Without warning, Yunho held Jieun's face and planted a kiss on those glossy, pink lips. Jieun's eyes widened at what was happening. Obviously, anyone could see. "Why are you blushing?" Yunho asked after breaking the kiss. "We are in a public place" Jieun answered as matter of fact. "I know but, I couldn't resist you" Yunho defended himself and pecked Jieun's lips once more.

   "Hey oppa, I wanted to talk to you about something" Jieun started. "What is it sweetie?" Yunho asked worriedly. "You know that all of us are really stressed out with our finals and the graduation so we were wondering if you could give us something else for our finals" Jieun explained while giving the teacher a hopeful look.

   "I see" Yunho replied shortly. Then, an idea popped into his head. "I know exactly what to do, come on" he winked and opened the door for Jieun. "Okay class, settle down" Yunho half shouted while entering the classroom behind Jieun. The students immediately went to their places, including Jieun.

   Yunho took some steps forward so that the attention was on him. Well, with that y figure, who wouldn't?" I know that all of you are really stressed out by the finals and even more about the graduation" he started and the students nodded. "So, I was thinking that we should take a vacation a week before graduation" he suggested, bringing a smile to their faces. "That sounds like a great idea, Seonsaengnim" Jieun's voice was heard on the back causing Yunho to smile widely.

   "Do you have any suggestions on the place that we should go?" Yunho asked, resting on the desk, his arms supporting him. "How about Paris, France?" she shrugged.

   The students nodded in approval. "Jieun is right, Seonsaengnim. Paris sounds like a great place" one of the students stated. "Well then, Paris it is. I'll go talk with Changmin and then we will settle everything" the students clapped and cheered. "However" Yunho spoke again, quieting down the cheers. "We are going to Paris to have fun, right? But, there's something else"

   The students gave him a really confused look. "Since you guys will have lots of fun on the trip, maybe find the formal clothing for the graduation, having time to rehearse, all that stuff, right?" the students nodded. "I was thinking in associating your final assignment with the trip" Yunho confessed.

   "Oh Yunho Seonsaengnim, that sounds like a wonderful idea!" Jieun cheered, trying her best not to sound like a fan girl. "What do you have in mind?" "I was thinking of visiting one of the most prestigious museums in Paris, and you will write something regarding at the sculpture, painting, or puzzle of your choice. It could be a poem, a short story, anything you feel comfortable in doing. It has to be really creative also" Yunho smiled and the students seem pleased with the idea.

   "That sounds great" Kyuhyun said honestly. "We won't let you down, Seonsaengnim. Besides, we are your favorite class after all" he added causing the teacher to chuckle and the students to do their snob poses.

   It was a wonderful afternoon at the college. But especially for Yunho and Jieun, who were going to have the time of their lives in France, the most romantic European country in the world.

-Kwangju International Airport, 8:36AM-

   Everyone was on time boarding on the plane that will take them to their awaiting destination, France. "All right, I'm going to count heads, please settle down" Yunho instructed; as expected, Yunho tapped Jieun's head first not forgetting to give her a peculiar wink afterwards. Jieun smiled shyly and placed Yunho's bag on the empty sit beside her.

   "Okay, everyone is here. Now, off to Paris, it's party time!" Yunho joked, doing a little dance causing a huge laughter. "Are you ready?" "Hell yeah!!" the caramel haired man grinned at his energetic students. He didn't want to think about the moment they graduate. It would be something really sad since they were like children to him in the years that they have been together. Good times.

   Yunho settled himself beside Jieun who was smiling widely at him. "Are you excited?" he asked with a very sensual gaze. "Of course I am. This will be the greatest trip ever" Jieun responded, hugging his arm.

   The others were totally oblivious of the constant flirting between Yunho and Jieun, except Jieun's friends of course. They are really supportive of the decisions that she made. As long as she's happy, they're happy.

   "They look so cute together" Hyosung whispered to her boyfriend. "Indeed they are. I bet Yunho hyung planned this because of Jieun" Kyuhyun pointed out. "Of course he did" Donghae joined in. "Honestly, I'm glad he did. This way they can spend time together" Sunhwa reasoned.

   "We can study, look for our clothing for graduation, and even have fun all together. I'm glad this trip happened" Hana said dreamily. "I agree with Hana. This trip is worth it. But of course, being happy for Yunho and Jieun" Eunhyuk finished with a gummy smile.

   The six young adults watched with soft eyes at the couple that seemed to be in their own world. Jieun was resting her head on Yunho's shoulder while he was playing with her fingers. Yeah, this was going to be a fantastic trip.

-3 Days Later. Musée d'Art Juif, Paris, France, 11:30AM-

   The favorite students of Mr. Jung were exploring the place with amazement in their eyes. Pictures were taken, notes were written down, and questions were answered. On the other hand, Yunho and Jieun were having one of their famous make out sessions behind a huge sculpture. His hands were roaming Jieun's thighs as she pressed her body closer to him.

   "Mmm~" she moaned softly at the touches. Yunho on the other hand, couldn't help but to place his right hand under the mini-skirt of his student. "You are so y" he growled. "Tonight, everyone will be going to the club and maybe start doing the assignment so, that leaves you and me to have spent time together with no interruptions. I'll tell your friends to arrange everything" Yunho whispered, kissing Jieun's neck softly. "As you wish, I don't mind at all. I just want to be with you" Jieun responded with a really sensual tone. She couldn't wait for the alone time with her teacher.

-Le Mix Club, 10:30PM-

   The night seemed like it would never end. The heavy music was causing the energy to kick inside the energizing bodies of their visitors. Drinks were poured to grab attention. The atmosphere was heavy and provocative.

   Hyosung, Kyuhyun, Hana, Eunhyuk, Sunhwa and Donghae were no different. The six young adults were having the time of their lives dancing their hearts out through the booming music. Of course, they were the ones in charge of the event that was ordered by Yunho. All of them agreed to it immediately because Yunho and Jieun deserve some alone time together. They can't blow their cover. What amazing friends does Jieun have? Always supporting and respecting her no matter what. Friends like that are hard to find nowadays.

-Somewhere Around Paris, 11:00PM-

   Yunho and Jieun were making their way to one of the most luxurious hotels France has to offer. Both sat in the car with their hands intertwined. From time to time, they kissed each other's hand lovingly. Yunho was driving really smoothly through the busy streets of Paris.

   Let's not forget at how stunning they were with what they had on. Jieun was wearing a gorgeous gathered mini dress. It was black, featuring a halter style silhouette that lies around her neck. It was low cut to show her outstanding and plump cleavage. The tri cup bust with a gathered metallic empire waistband adjusted perfectly to her curves, finishing off with a flowing billow bodice with pucker style, gathered bunches. It was really feminine for Yunho's liking. The best part was that the dress goes well with her y, toned legs. To top her dress, she wore some dark grey glitter pumps. Her makeup was simple yet really feminine, complementing the red lipstick that she had on. Her hair had straight bangs with waves. She wore some diamond hoop earrings along with a wide diamond bracelet. How elegant.

   Yunho, on the other hand, was dressed to impress. He was wearing a dark purple, long sleeved buttoned dress shirt. A silky black vest with a purple polka dotted handkerchief inside the left pocket, matched with some black slacks complementing his manly and athletic built. He had polished and shiny shoes. His caramel hair all spiked up. Just like his girlfriend, he wore some diamond jewelry. Studded diamond earrings, a silver necklace with a diamond cross pendant and silver Cartier rings on hid index and pinky fingers, what a hunk.

   This couple knows on how to impress.

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Chapter 8: What more beautiful fanfic!!
A pretty love story... Loved from beginning to end! :)
Yunho and Jieun are so perfect together, I wanted them in We Got Married!! *-------*
Enomal #2
Love story of a teacher n student? Woah... Interestin one .. All it matters is being true 2 one another.
Chapter 7: if it was me i wud have died in embarrassment to get caught like tat in front of my friends lol.. nonetheless the sweetest sin was indeed the sweeeeetest!!! #readinitalloveragain #andlovingittothemax
Chapter 3: eyy.. my comment was the last? ok now im back for more spamming. *mianhe sis*

each time i read the part that yunho saves her and erases the pain on her by giving her kisses.... ahhh i feel he's doin it to myself and i feel sooo precious and treasured... i want a man to be caring and always loving to me... and i'll be the same to him!!!
Chapter 8: OWH MY GOD!!!! i cant believe i actually didnt read this the first day i saw it.. it is superb fantastic incredibly romantic and fluffy!!! aww... if only i have him as my lecturer i wud practically die each time i see him... OMG!!! this is amazing!!! i really loved it!!! especially the sweetest sin wic is not a sin at all!!! u r soooo good!!!!
p/s : all those lovely scenes made me wet like hell... *blushes*
Hoho so much chapters~ I'll read it first unnie. The foreword seems interesting :D
Chapter 8: yeah its no boundaries when it comes to love but if only my teacher esp my favourites are men or my biases LoL anywy dear i finally read this~ mian for taking quite some times on checking ur SecretShinki stories.. its great and everything seemed to flawlessly perfect flown :)
Chapter 8: Sweet ending hahahay XD
Congrats for finishing this ~ :3
Good fic anyway..
Chapter 8: Wooooh...sweet ending....i ship YunEun so much ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 3: Sooooooo adorable yunho you make my heart flutter