The Letter | Rain & You & Joon



The man watches quietly from the shadows, a cigarette dangling from his lips, no expression on his face.  She’s beautiful, he thinks, eyeing the happy little girl, just like her mother.

So this is my goodbye
This means we are not together

He walked into the house, a grin on his face and a happy swagger in his step.

“Jagiya, I’m home~” He calls out to the empty house, frowning when he hears no reply.  Slowly, he makes his way to your shared bedroom, finding it empty with no traces of you.

The girl giggles and squeals in delight as her mother pushes her on the swing.  A serene smile graces the woman’s face and Jihoon wonders what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that expression one more time.

This means that you're free,
See who you wanna see, and me,
Well I know I can do better

His eyes pick up on a white envelope placed on his pillow and he reaches to grab it, lowering himself onto the neatly made bed.  He studies the envelope before opening it, pulling out a folded sheet of paper.

But he’ll never be, he’s reminded of this as a man joins the pair, wrapping his arms around the woman’s thin waist.  He can’t ignore how the lady’s face lights up as the man’s dark hair tickles your cheek when he brushes a light kiss against it, nor does he fail to see how the little girls eyes light up, their shape matching the exact same one as her father.  A faint smile finds its way onto his face, how funny, he’s been one-upped by his own student.

This makes it official, you've lost me forever
We are now the past, and it's kinda sad
That you had to read it in this letter

His heart drops as he scans the words scrawled across the page, unmistakably written in your neat handwriting. His face goes expressionless and the hand holding the letter drops to the bed beside him.  Damn it all, he should have seen this coming.  He should have never screwed up.

He runs his hand through his hair, a sad smile on his face.  You’re happier now and you deserve it.  He’s glad for it as he takes on final puff of his cigarette before putting it out, turning to leave.

At first I wrote it "dear you," then it turned,
"to whom it may concern."
I began it in this way because
I needed to express through these words,
how deeply I was hurt,
and how distant from you I now was.
Normally I would say
these words to your face,
but this time that I just can't do,
‘cause I know the way you been moving
and the things you been doing
and right now I can't stand the sight of you.

By the time you finish this
I'll be gone for good, your lesson learned.
Where it is I'll be, and who's loving me,
sorry baby, that's no longer your concern.
And tell your lil' friend she'll be in my prayers,
‘cause just having to deal with you
is enough to break your soul.
I just hope she knows exactly
what it is she's getting into.

Not that it matters to you,
but I wrote this with clear and dry eyes.
The years of being mistreated by you,
I've cried all the tears I can cry.
So this is the end, done and over with.
Believe me when I say that you won't be missed.
No hug, no kiss, signed sincerely.
P.S. Forget you ever knew me

This is my good-bye.




The characters can be whoever you want, but theyre supposed to be Rain and Joon ^.^ So I was listening to Heather Headley and I got this idea.  I struggled so hard to pick the right character; I don’t think I’ve done a Bi  fic so I hope this works out.  I think most of my fics are kind of angsty, I really need to get out of that.   Might be a little complicated… eh.

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Chapter 5: kekekeke... Jaejong... ~ ~ ~
great job!
Chapter 5: "well howdy Hubby"
and the "I love you too"

ahahaa funny as hell..
awwwwwww...<br />
sooo cute.....sone one is always perfect in anothers eyes!<br />
wow..<br />
lookin fowared to the one of hongki!!!<br />
update soon please
Thank you very much! Glad you liked it!
"I'll give you half a mil!" Jaejoong interjected quickly.<br />
<br />
"Well howdy hubby~"<br />
<br />
LMAO!! this one was fantastic too :) great job.
Thank you!! ^.^
Love love love "the letter"!! You pulled off the triple views perfectly.