❅ chapter one

-chocolate macchiato

chapter one

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Kyuhyun slowly creeps towards the front counter, still shivering, and rings the bell. He stands there with a very annoyed look on his face. All he wanted was something warm to drink, so that he could go home. Today has been a long day for him, and he really needs to unwind himself. S.M apparently thought that he was a magical creature who could just pop up anywhere with the snap of a finger, but this wasn't Alice in Wonderland. It was reality.

Getting even more annoyed than before, he slams his hand down on the bell once again. The young man was literally jumping in circles, trying the best he could to get warm. A sudden crash of glass falls to the floor, and Kyuhyun stops in his position. He looks around the tiny coffee shop, hoping that he didn't knock down any of the merchandise that were on the shelves near him.

"Aish..." A mumble comes from behind the counter as a man bursts through the door, a broom in hand. He looks over in Kyuhyun's direction, making the other blush, even though his cheeks were already redder then a cheery. "I'm sorry, may I help you?"

Kyuhyun didn't answer, because all he could do at the moment was stare at how handsome that man was. "Umm...I uh..."

"Would you like anything?" The one behind the counter smiles, showing that he has dimples. Kyuhyun was on the verge of pissing his pants, because he was just so good-looking. 

"Oh my god...he has dimples.." Kyuhyun smiles, trying the best that he could to keep the thought in his head. "Um..yes please." he flips his honey-orange hair out of his face, and takes a long while to look at the menu above. "I would like a...Chocolate Macchiato, h-hot please. What is your biggest c-cup s-s-size?" Kyuhyun's teeth are chattering, and he covers his face with the flimsy scarf that he was wearing, but that was no help.

"Our biggest cup size? It's a Trenta, sir." He smiles again, Kyuhyun's heart is melting. "Will that be all?"

"Y-yes." Kyuhyun pulls out his wallet, his hands shaking violently from the cold still seeping into his skin.

"Okay, that'll be 5000 won, please." He then takes a sharpie out of his pocket, and uncaps it. "May I have your name?" He winks, and that was almost it for Kyu. He was about done.

"K-Kyuhyun..Cho Kyuhyun." 

"That's a nice name. I'm Choi Siwon, nice to meet you. Your order will be ready in about 5 minutes, that's fine?" Siwon caps the smelly marker up, and places it back  in his pocket.

"That's alright, I-I can wait.." Kyuhyun feels as if he was about to explode in millions of pieces.

He goes over to one of the little tables closest to the wall, and sits down. The walk was only a few steps, but to him,  it felt more like a trek from where he was to China. He was freezing cold, and there was a possibility that he may have frostbite, from how bad his leg was hurting. "Ow.." He moans loudly as he sits down, and props up his leg on one of the nearby stools.

"You okay?" Siwon asks, stopping the mixing machine, and looking over at him with a worried expression on his face. "I have some Tylenol with me, do you need any?"

"N-no..I'm fine." Kyuhyun rests his head on the wall, and closes his eyes. He neede a couple of mintues of sleep, despite the fact that he has been up, ot, and about since 3 'o clock in the morning. "Thanks though. I appreciate it."

"Oh, alrighty then." Siwon winks in his direction, and turns back around.

Kyuhyun steals a glimpse at him with only one eye, and quickly closes it, so that Siwon wouldn't think that he was a pevert or a person in the category. He smiles to himself, before slumping over in the seat, clearly showing that he was worn out and done for the day.  Soon after that, he begins snoring.

Siwon sits down infront of the sleeping boy, and chuckles. "You must be sleepy?"

Kyuhyun jumps, almost falling onto the floor. "Oh my goodness! Please, don't do that again!" he squeaks, covering the blush that was appearing on his face, but it was no use.

"I'm so sorry. Here you are." Siwon holds out his drink, smiling. "So um...want to talk? I'm the only one here and I need someone to talk to."

Kyuhyun takes his drink, and takes a long sip from it. "Sure, I have a couple of minutes. What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's see...what do you do for a living? I'm stuck here, working for my grandmother. My parents are out of town for business, so yeah." Siwon shrugs, and lets out a sigh. "They are technically always gone."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I work for S.M Entertainment. I'm a member of Super Junior." Kyuhyun rests his head back onto the wall, and lets out a small and nervous laugh. "I'm sorry for coming here looking unprofessional."

"Wait...I remember you now! Your the youngest of the band, right? My sister loves you guys, like..one hundred percent. She has posters all over her wall." Siwon rests his hand in his palm, his elbow on the table.

"Oh, thank you! And yes, I am the youngest. The baby. I'll try to see if I can get tickets for our next concert to give to her. Will that make her love us even more? I'll even throw in a backstage pass."

"You would do that, for her?! Thank you!" Siwon shoots up and shakes Kyuhyun's cold hand. "Thank you so much! This will make her feel alot better than how she is doing now."

"Why do you say that? What's wrong with your sister? Is she sick?"

"She's getting over leukemia, and she's been in and out of the hospital for the past month. My parents tried to get her to a concert of yours, but never acutally got tickets. But, you just made her wish come true. And I thank you for that."

Kyuhyun looks Siwon straight into the eye, and smiles again. "Your welcome. I would like to meet her someday too. She's a fighter."

"She is indeed one." Siwon takes a look at his watch, and sighs. It was already going on 10 'o clock. "I'm about to close, would you like me to drop you off home?" Siwon twirls his car keys on his fingers, making Kyuhyun more attracted to the man than he already is. "It's dark and it's getting late."

Kyuhyun shakes his head. "No, I'm fine." He starts to get up, until he gets knocked down by a sudden cough. "Oh god..that hurts" He says, rubbing his throat.

"You sure that you don't need me to drive you home? It's supposed to storm tonight an.."

"I'm okay, Siwon, I promise. I'll be fine. See you later." Kyuhyn gets up, and heads towards the entrance. As he was walking, his vision was getting blurry. He rests against the door, and pushes it open gently, before tumbling to the ground. "Ugh.." he moans, struggling to get back up. He was feeling like complete at the moment, and he didn't want Siwon to notice. He has already had enough eye candy for the day. Save the rest for later.

"See, your not okay. Let me take you back to my place." Siwon sprints over to help Kyuhyun get up, and to a table. "Wait here, let me get my coat and shut everything off, alright?" He rests the back of his hand on his forehead, and snatches it back quickly. "Your burning up.."

"I am?" Kyuhyun replies airily, his eyes getting droopy. "I'm sleepy.."

"Go ahead and go to sleep, I got you." Siwon wraps the scarf around Kyuhyun's neck, and pulls his hat over his ears so that he wouldn't he would get an infection in his ear. "Alright?"


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-Author's Note:

Wow, thanks for all of the views, subscriptions, and comments! I really appreciate it. ^^ You all are encouraging me to write more. *nods* Even though it isn't much, I really thank you all for the love that this is getting~




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I will be updating very soon! I've been busy with other things, so stay tuned!


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Chapter 9: Ill wait~ so take your time ok?
Chapter 8: Honey the is really needed, they are going too fast hahahahahahahaha :D
Chapter 8: Hi....I'm a new reader. And I like this story. Update soon please
Chapter 8: Oh, this is moving so fast! hahaha
They think going out on a date is too early? They're already in love with each other lol what's early about a date?!
Chapter 8: Can't wait to see sj member inspect wonnie....
Chapter 8: I cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 8: I read this while listening Breakdown...the lyrics somehow matched, in my opinion. :^) (mimicking siwon's smiley he posted recently)

They are moving really fast, but i don't mind. This is like a romantic comedy without too much trouble in betweens.
Chapter 8: i <3 u too babykyu ;)
Chapter 6: I like this very much :D..please update soon
and I want them to go in a date together or maybe Kyu take Siwon to introduce him the other members :))))
You love him? Oh boy! Kyuhyun is so whipped hahaha
I need more fluff! :D