a good boyfriend.

soft kisses, harsh words.

[[to understand more, please read my first story "Song and Key " this is a sequel to that story.]]


Taemin's POV


YuNa walks back into the practice room practically in a daze.

Onew keeps practice going but I want to check up on her…something seems off.

“Taemin! Where’s your head?!”

I turn and see Hyung looking severely annoyed.

“Sorry,” I say while watching YuNa in the mirror.

She’s hidden herself in her sweatshirt and moved to the back of the room.

We nail the set and nothing. Silence.

Not even a "SHINee hwaiting!" from our writer.

“Take a ten minute break,” Onew says and they all rush out.

I sit down and face YuNa.

“What’s up?” I call across the room.

She doesn’t answer.

I crawl across the floor and sit myself toe to toe with her.

“YuNa, what’s wrong.”

She looks at me with a weak smile.

“Everything’s fine.”

I make a face.

“You’re lying.”

I can see that she’s fading fast so I stand up and give her a hand.

“What are you doing?”

“Cheering you up.” I pull her closer to me. “Isn’t that what boyfriends do?”

She becomes even more distressed.

“Okay, so I would talk about the B word, but I’ve got to get you to smile.”

I walk over to the radio and play the CD.

“You know this one,” I whisper taking her hands and helping her dance.

“It’s new, I don’t know it yet.”

The chorus of replay starts up and I let go of her hands.

“You’re such a liar.”

She hits each step perfectly and I can hear it. She’s humming.

The next song begins and she’s wearing a half smile.

“Come on, ‘Lucifer’ is cake compared to what I’ve seen you do.”

Her eyes pierce me.

“What are you talking about?”

I laugh, “Just dance.”

Within seconds she smiles so big that I melt. This is the YuNa that I’ve come to love.

“You’re humming,” I tease.

She scrunches her face.

“Am NOT.”

“Are too.”

She rolls her eyes and starts to sing along while maintaining the choreography.

My jaw drops…she can sing? No freaking way! …although I kind of got the feeling she could.

“What the h - ll? You too?!”

YuNa runs and turns off the music.

Jonghyun shuts the door and walks towards us.

“What’s going on?”

I look at him blankly.

“Well,” YuNa starts, clearing . “Taemin was making fun of me saying I was too short to dance.  Then he was ragging on me that I didn’t know the lyrics because I was a stupid American.”

I look over at her to plead innocent but she gives me a “go-with-it” look.

I smirk.

“Just because I’m little doesn’t mean I can’t dance. In fact I love dancing,” she says to the vertically challenged kindred spirit.

He looks at me like at any moment he could smack me.

“What do you have against short people?” he asks taken aback.

“N-nothing,” I shrug.

“You used to be shorter than me in our trainee days,” he says standing up straighter.

I hold my hands up. “Hyung, you’re not short.” I look to YuNa whose snickering.

He shakes his head and then turns to YuNa, “You sing?”

Her head moves side to side fiercely. “Aniyo, I don’t sing.”

“But you can.”

“Ani-aniyo! I was just goofing off, nothing serious.”

He looks at her suspiciously. “You’re not a trainee are you?”

She waves her hands frantically. “Aniyo!”

He scoffs. “You shouldn’t waste your talent, understood?”

She looks down at her feet like a child being punished. “Araso.”

“I’ve got to go find the guys. Be back in a few,” Jonghyun says excusing himself.

I grab YuNa by the shoulders. “I didn’t know you could sing so well, why didn’t you tell me?”

She looks away. “I’m just okay.”

“No, you’re amazing!”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to my chest.

“You're full of surprises.”

Her fingers lightly touch my shoulders.

“Please, don’t ever hate me.”

I squeeze her.

“I could never hate you.”

I feel her hands ball into fists and I begin to understand that whatever is bothering her is more serious than I thought.


another short one, so sorry :(

what do you think about the banner? i kinda went crazy and made banners for each of my stories the other night and was up until six am finishing them. They're not great, but i think they'll do. >.< (don't expect much from me. I may have gone to art school but i'm taking a break.)

anyways the new story is up :D and it has a banner as well.

hope I can finish this one soon. it's kinda making me tired (I've known the ending since i started writing it. and this ending will not be as funny as the last. no granny :'(


much love,


SHINee hwaiting!


i know i don't say this enough but i love my subscribers ^^ you guys are awesome. its great to know i'm not completely wasting my time (eventhough my sister says i do heh heh).

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completed? :(
doraemonmojacko #2
ohmygosh! i nver thought there would be such story in here like this
i loved these!! i read them both in one sitting :D
NOOOOOOO WHY DID U HAVE TO END IT!!?!?!?!?!?! WHYYY?!?!?!?! *starts spazzing*<br />
ok I'm fine now but I love this story...I didn't want it to end...-3- <br />
But I guess it had to. Oh well I'll be happy. :)
Helloo . (:<br />
First Time Commenter And New Reader .<br />
(:<br />
Well if you think about it most stories have a "bad guy" It keeps it going. But I will always love your story! :D
eMDee18 #7
i just subscribe..and i love ur plot ^^
SignedAnon #8
wooo!! new reader here! read both the original and this sequal in one day (props to you for being such an amazing author that this was even possible)! update soon, its really good!!!