picture with who?

soft kisses, harsh words.

[[to understand more, please read my first story "Song and Key " this is a sequel to that story.]]


YuNa's POV


I stand in the corner as the guys take shot after shot.

“Miss, I’m afraid that you can’t stay here. This place is reserved for SHINee only. Fans aren’t aloud,” a woman tells me.

“I’m SHINee’s writer. I have an ID card made by SMent if you need it,” I say looking up at her over my glasses.

“What kind of writing do you do?” she asks as I continue scribbling in my notebook.

“The secret kind,” I say writing my last line in English.

She snorts something under her breath and walks away.

“YuNa, how did it look?” Minho asks taking a seat next to me.

“Looked pretty good. I’m defiantly impressed.”

“Minho, hurry and get back over here. We’re doing singles now,” the photographer yells.

“Okay,” he calls walking back to the set.

I see Taemin and sneak away to follow him.

“Morning,” I say to the first member to completely wonder away.

He looks up with a huge grin. “Hey.”

“How’s it going?”

He gives me a confused expression.

I wave my hands side to side, “Off the record.”

He clenches his teeth, “I’ve got a massive head ache from sleeping funny.”

“I have some pain killers if you want,” I offer.

“Sure, that would be great.”

I fish the bottle out of my bag and hand it to him.

“Thanks,” he says swallowing them and taking a sip of his water bottle. “How’s the writing coming?”

“Pretty good.”

The left side of his mouth pulls back into a smile.

“Working on something new,” I tease.

“Like what?”

I grin. “Total secret.”

“What kind of secret?” he asks taking a step closer to me.

 “WHAT!?” a man screams in pain.

I naturally snap my head around towards the commotion.

“Sir, I’m sorry. I thought that she was coming. Unfortunately she couldn’t make it and her manager failed to contact me,” the woman who was bugging me earlier pleads.

“The shoot is ruined! Did you hear me? We held off on the photos with her because you thought she was late and now she’s not even going to show! What am I to do now?” the man cries into his hands.

“Maybe we could get another model,” the woman says in a lost effort.

“Where are we going to find a female model at a time like this? We need her right now.”

“We could…” the woman’s voice trails off.

“Looks like you all are done with the shoot,” I say looking back to Taemin.

“Not necessarily,” he says making a face, eyes concentrated on something behind me.

I turn to see the woman walking towards us. She stops two feet away with a desperate expression and bows her head, “Miss, do you think you would model for us? I know you are a writer but for the sake of the shoot, please assist.”

I look to Taemin whose face reads “don’t ask me.”

I turn to the woman. “For the sake of the shoot.”

She looks up almost shocked. “Well then, right this way. Thank you very much.”

She takes my wrist and pulls me to a room.

“The model before is a big time idol,” she says handing me an outfit to change into. “She was going to be the focus for SHINee’s article where they talk about their dream girl.”

I quickly change into the dress and pull my hair down from its bun.

“I need to take care of the boys. There isn’t a makeup artist on the set at the moment, at least not one that can work on you. So you’re going to need to do your own hair and makeup if at all possible. Just keep it cute, you can do that right?”

I glance at the woman who is clearly stressed out of her mind.

“Their stylist is hiding somewhere, so don’t worry.”

She smiles, “Thank god. I’m no good at these things,” she says gesturing to her unmade face.

“Don’t worry. Cute and sweet. I can use whatever is here?”

She nods again.

“Leave it to me,” I smile to the right. “I’ve got this handled.”

I call MeiXing who quickly gets to work.


TaeMin's POV


The four of us are rushed back to the set after being told that our single shoots are done, but we’re still needed as a group.

“Um, what exactly is this for?” Jonghyun asks while a MeiXing fixes his hair.

“The five of you will be having an interview after this where you reveal what kind of girl you are interested in,” manager Kim says appearing out of thin air.

“Where is my model?” the photographer says to the woman with a clipboard.

“She should be done soon. She’s different, but still cute.”

There’s a small cough and the photographer squeals with excitement.

It’s the girl from the photo.

“Too adorable,” he says as the girl walks towards him. “What’s your name if you don’t mind me asking.”

The girl bobs on her feet causing her curles to bounce.

“I’m ah....” She turns and a familiar face makes its appearance. “Jung YuNa. I didn’t bring my contacts with me and my glasses are too dorky for the shoot. Please be kind to me, I’m a little blind.” Her hair moves slightly with her shoulder to reveal orange tinted lips.

“Well it was very lucky that you happened to be here.”

Minho starts to say something but she calmly says in a soft voice, “Just happy to be here.”

And with that the shoot continues with her as our main focus of attention. At one point, the five of us are lined up each taking a peak over the others shoulder to see her.

“I think that’s about it,” the photographer says.

“Wait! I think we should try interacting with her on our own just for a variety of shoots,” Jonghyun suggests.

“Sure, if you have the time,” the photographer says trying to disguise his excitement.

“I’m first!” Jonghyun says raising an arm into the air.

The two of them take shots while goofing around. There’s a lot of giggling and hugging for the camera. Next Onew is up and holds up his phone as if he’s waiting for it to ring, while YuNa holds out hers with a cute expression.

“Hey, Taemin, please don’t say anything,” Key says stepping forward to play long lost lovers with YuNa.

Suddenly it’s my turn and I start to feel bad that we’re using her as a prop. “How are you fairing?” I ask her walking back onto the set.

“Doing fine, you?” she asks tilting her head with a smile and there’s a flash.

“Pretty good, you seem to be a natural at this.”

She winks and holds her shoulders up higher in a flirty fashion.

I laugh, so it’s going to be like that. There are periodic snaps while I take her hands and try to show her how to dance. She rests her head against my shoulder and I feel the sick sensation in my stomach again.

“Taemin,” she whispers.

I grip her hands tighter.

“I think that the photographer’s out of film, he hasn’t taken any shoots for a while.”

I pull her away and look at her in the eyes.

She gives a smile before griping my hands lightly.

I take the chance I’m given and kiss her on the forehead. Before my nerves calm there’s a flash.

I look up at the photographer.

“I never said I was using film, this makes it digital,” he says gesturing to the red wire coming from the camera, and then connecting to a laptop about ten meters away.

I look back to LiMing who’s turned her face away from me but still is holding my hands.

“What was that?” Miho smirks.

“All for the picture,” I say walking away from YuNa.

She tries to hide her face with her hair but a piece of it slides to reveal that she’s blushing.


writing more, but with school?...aish. i hope i can still update :)

much love,


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completed? :(
doraemonmojacko #2
ohmygosh! i nver thought there would be such story in here like this
i loved these!! i read them both in one sitting :D
NOOOOOOO WHY DID U HAVE TO END IT!!?!?!?!?!?! WHYYY?!?!?!?! *starts spazzing*<br />
ok I'm fine now but I love this story...I didn't want it to end...-3- <br />
But I guess it had to. Oh well I'll be happy. :)
Helloo . (:<br />
First Time Commenter And New Reader .<br />
(:<br />
Well if you think about it most stories have a "bad guy" It keeps it going. But I will always love your story! :D
eMDee18 #7
i just subscribe..and i love ur plot ^^
SignedAnon #8
wooo!! new reader here! read both the original and this sequal in one day (props to you for being such an amazing author that this was even possible)! update soon, its really good!!!