in spite of it all.

soft kisses, harsh words.

[[to understand more, please read my first story "Song and Key " this is a sequel to that story.]]




I look around the room slightly dazed. My best friend and her boyfriend, who happens to be in a boy band sits with the rest of his group while my childhood friend (also in said boy band) sits at the end of the line…next to his long lost love, my older sister. I guess this isn’t so awkward.

I leave the crowded room to get a glass of water and find myself followed.


“YuNa,” Jonghyun says poking his way around me. “I was wondering if you could tell me what is going on with Minho and your sister.”

I pour the water and take a sip.

“You mean the details?”

He nods his head.

I make a puffer-fish face and slowly let the air out of my cheeks.

“What do you know so far?” I ask him.

He looks at me confused.

“I’ll start where you were left off,” I offer.

He smiles. “Basically, they’re childhood friends.”

“Is that all you know?”

He shrugs.

I take another sip of water.

“That’s pretty much it. He and I were really close when we were little and his Hyung and YuHee’s twin brother were close. She and I have always been close, so the five of us were pretty much together all of the time. He’s just excited because he didn’t realize that she was in Korea.”

He gives me a look. “I want to believe you, but something seems missing.”

I dump my water into the sink. “Believe what you want, but that’s the truth.”

“I think there’s something you’re not telling me.” He looks me in the eyes and then starts to tickle my sides.

“Jonghyun!” I gasp trying not to be loud. “Ani-ani-ani-aniyo!”

“Tell me, Minho is like my brother.”

I double over, “YuHee is my sister.”

“Just tell me.”

“Aniyo,” I laugh.

The door swings open.

“Hyung?” Taemin asks.

I get a look at his face. He seems almost hurt.

“Taemin, it’s not what it looks like. YuNa won’t tell me anything about Minho and YuHee’s relationship.”

I look at Taemin pleadingly. He can’t tell. He shouldn’t tell! If it gets out it could be a scandal. I could lose my job, YuHee would be shamed by the general public and where would that leave the boys?

“YuHee and Minho are,” he stops and looks at me, taunting me. “They are nothing more than old friends. That’s all.”

Jonghyun looks from him to me.

“What’s going on between you two?” he asks.

“Stop looking for gossip!” I say shooing him away.

“I must be missing something,” he says running his hand through his hair. “I guess I’ll ask Key.”

I shake my head; if Key tells him then I’ll just strangle the both of them.

“That was close,” I breathe after Jonghyun joins everyone else.

Taemin walks past me and grabs a soda from the refrigerator. “You owe me big time.”

I look at him.

“Do not.”

He chuckles, “Then I guess I should go tell Jongie that they have a thing for each other.” He pops the lid off. “That’ll go over well.”

“How did you find out?”

He smirks, “A birdy.”

“You can’t tell.”

“Who’s stopping me?”

My eyes widen. He has a point. I have nothing on him, and he suffers in no way by telling.

“Exactly,” he sneers.

“You don’t seem to understand the consequences of letting this get out,” I warn him.

He sets his drink on the counter and lowers himself so he can talk in my ear. “You don’t seem to understand much either.”

I smack him.

“I love my friends and if any of them get hurt because you can’t keep your mouth shut, I’ll turn the blog into a gossip frenzy,” I threaten him trying not to cry.

I want Minho to be happy. I want YuHee to be happy too. If anything happens to them and I could have stopped it, I would never forgive myself.




“Your face looks red,” Key laughs when I take the back seat in his car.

I touch the side of my face. “Shut up.”

MeiXing takes the passenger’s seat and we’re all in.

I try my best to ignore Jonghyun’s singing as I attempt to get some sleep.

“Taemin’s asleep,” MeiXing says trying to hush Jonghyun.

“Wonder why.” Jonghyun pokes at my side and I ignore him.

I barely slept last night. After putting YuNa in bed I just laid there and watched her until I fell asleep. I woke up early and was bored out of my mind waiting for anyone else to get up.

I don’t exactly know how it happened, but now she hates me…and that’s the last thing I want right now.


so hey, sorry its been a long time...i'm sick...again. it's the exact same stupid thing too! I'm trying to write more but it doesn't appear that i'm getting very far. -_-'

sorry for being a terrible uplaoder, but thank you subscribers **bows head in thanks..and because i'm still sick.

much love,


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completed? :(
doraemonmojacko #2
ohmygosh! i nver thought there would be such story in here like this
i loved these!! i read them both in one sitting :D
NOOOOOOO WHY DID U HAVE TO END IT!!?!?!?!?!?! WHYYY?!?!?!?! *starts spazzing*<br />
ok I'm fine now but I love this story...I didn't want it to end...-3- <br />
But I guess it had to. Oh well I'll be happy. :)
Helloo . (:<br />
First Time Commenter And New Reader .<br />
(:<br />
Well if you think about it most stories have a "bad guy" It keeps it going. But I will always love your story! :D
eMDee18 #7
i just subscribe..and i love ur plot ^^
SignedAnon #8
wooo!! new reader here! read both the original and this sequal in one day (props to you for being such an amazing author that this was even possible)! update soon, its really good!!!