
The Aliens From Mato Planet


You stared at the blondes,also known as B.A.P,with a clearly dumbfounded expression plastered on your face.

"We said:And we're B.A.P,aliens from Mato Planet,here to study about humans!"

You stared at them again and started looking around.

"Where are the cameras?"

Yongguk looked at s,clearly confused.

"What cameras?"

You looked him carefully in the eye and saw that he was sincerely clueless about being confused when you asked him about cameras.

"Hyung,I don't think Earthling believes us,"Zelo said with a worried expression,"What are we going to do?"

Yongguk went deep into his thoughts and suddenly remembered what the crystal did.


You hesitated a bit befor answering.


Yongukk held out his hand.

"May I have the crystal?"

You looked at him with scrunched up eyebrows.

*Crystal?What crystal?A cryst- Oh,THAT crystal*

You fumbled with your pockets until you got a hold of the bunny-like crystal.

You held it up and timidly asked,"This crystal?"

He inspected it carefully and then said,"Yes."

You then handed the object to him and wondered what kind of prank he was going to pull on you.

*Is he going to-*

"Look carefully,"he ordered.

Yongguk held the crystal to his lips and lightly kissed the B.A.P logo on the back.

Then something unbelievable happened.

~Baekhyun's POV~


We,EXO,were scouring EVERYWHERE we could to find our precious baby,Minhee.





I rolled my eyes at Chanyeol and Luhan.

*They could have just walked up to each other and asked quietly.*

We were still searching for her until we heard,

"Oppas,what are you doing?"

~End of Baekhyun's POV~

B.A.P turned into bunnies.Bunnies.

And not the normal ones.

These ones looked like bunnies that popped right out of a cartoon.They also looked like stuffed animals.

And You know the weird part?

They could talk,walk,and they were wearing different colored masks.

Yellow,red,blue,white,green,and pink.

And then they started talking to you.

"Now do you believe us?"the one with the blue mask,Zelo,asked.

Of course,you believed them by now,so you answered,

"So if you're aliens,why are you on Earth?"

"To study about Earthling people."

Then you stopped talking and started thinking.

*Well,I believe them because they're so sincere about it,but-*

"And since you found the crystal,we will live with you,as the prophecy says."

The bunny with the red mask,Yongguk,kissed the crystal again and they turned back to their original form.

You stared at them."B-but you c-can't-"

Zelo stared at you than ran to your swing and hugged you.

"Noona,please take us in,or else we won't have anywhere to stay!Please Noona!"

He looked up at you with tears in his eyes.

You felt guilty and quickly thought about your choices.

*Should I let them?If I don't ramen boy will be heartbroken!Fine,fine.Okay.I can trust these blonde aliens.*

You finally gave in and said,"Fine,I'll take you in,but under ONE condition."

Zelo looked up at you,tears completely gone,and said,"Anything!"

"Okay,You have to turn into your stuffed bunny forms whenever someone visits and whenever I tell you to."

"Okay,"all of them answered(Well,except for Daehyun).

"I want you to turn into your bunny mode right now,since I'm taking you home and some "people"(EXO) might be over."

And they did as you told them.

You picked them up and put them in your arms one by one.Surprisingly,all six of them were fluffy and all fit perfectly into your arms.

You got up from the swing and started walking home until you found all of EXO crawling around on the ground,lookin for something.

"Oppas,what are you doing?"

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key2391 #1
Chapter 11: Please update I love this
Chapter 7: Hmmm....very interesting choice to show the start of the story though the Mato bunnies perspective.... Zelo:hyung,make me lunch Jongup:Okay...?
Thank you so much!!!
Chapter 6: BAP BUNNIES!!!! SO CUTE!!!and excellent story so far^v^
Chapter 5: they are really turned into a stuffed bunny with Unique color too!!
Chapter 4: Thank you! *MWAMWAMWA* LUB YOU!
exo_we_are_derps #7
Great story looking forword to it!
Yep.While typing this in,I'm all like,oohh la laa.
vachina #9
Chapter 4: Ooh.. So the one that carried her was Zelo.. OMGGGG.
Imma leave you hanging. ;)