
The Aliens From Mato Planet


It was a sunny day.Everybody in your class was gossiping about who got who sent to the hospital,who got who expelled,and who did it with who.You were sitting in the back of the classroom,right next to the window.You were,as usual,an invisible person to everybody BUT the teachers and EXO.You were a scholarship student,so the teachers payed special attention to you since you and practically kept the school from running out of business.*This school has nice windows,but their students are-*"Okay,class."The class immediately silenced."Please return to your seats."Everybody did as the teacher,Mr.Kim,said."Thank you.Now get your homework out and please pass them to me."You got out your homework and frowned as the seat in front of you was empty.*Hmm.Chanyeol-oppa isn't here*You sighed*Whatever.I'll ask him about it when I get home.*After Mr.Kim collected all of the homework(which only three people actually did,including you),he said,"Today,we are going to group people up to do an essay on George Washington."Everybody groaned.Mr.Kim chose to ignore the groans and started grouping people up.You ended up being paired with some obnoxious nerd who started blabbering as soon as he sat down in front of you.You just stared blankly at him,then moved your stare to the window.*Chanyeol-oppa,how could you just leave your little sister alone?*You sobbed in your mind until you were interrupted by Mr.Kim yet again."At the end of this ruler,there is a stupid person."You turned around and glared at the teacher.You rolled your eyes as you saw that the ruler was pointed at you.You scoffed loudly so that the teacher would hear you and bravely asked,
"Which end?"

Oh my gosh.I know this chapter is really short and I apologize for that!!!If you're sticking with this story,I thank you so much!(because I'm really bad at thinking of stories) But good bye for now! *MWA* I LOVE YOU ALL!


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key2391 #1
Chapter 11: Please update I love this
Chapter 7: Hmmm....very interesting choice to show the start of the story though the Mato bunnies perspective.... Zelo:hyung,make me lunch Jongup:Okay...?
Thank you so much!!!
Chapter 6: BAP BUNNIES!!!! SO CUTE!!!and excellent story so far^v^
Chapter 5: they are really turned into a stuffed bunny with Unique color too!!
Chapter 4: Thank you! *MWAMWAMWA* LUB YOU!
exo_we_are_derps #7
Great story looking forword to it!
Yep.While typing this in,I'm all like,oohh la laa.
vachina #9
Chapter 4: Ooh.. So the one that carried her was Zelo.. OMGGGG.
Imma leave you hanging. ;)