
The Aliens From Mato Planet

"Don't confuse my personality with my attitude.My personality depends on who I am.My attitude depends on who YOU are."

You stormed out of the office leaving the Principal dumbfounded.You smirked.
*That'll teach you.*
It was nearly nighttime.The streets were dark,yet not too dark.And even though it wasn't late,there were no people up and about.
* That's strange.*
And then you saw it.
There was a shining blue thing on the sidewalk in front of you.
You stopped in your tracks and scrunched up your eyebrows.
*What's that?*
As you got closer to the unknown shining object,it seemed to shine brighter.
When you were close enough,you saw that the object was a crystal shaped like a bunny's head.Your mouth gaped open.
*It's beautiful and cute at the same time.*
You turned the crystal around and saw black letters that stated 'B.A.P'.
You frowned at the foreign acronym and pocketed the crystal.
*Nevermind that.When I get home,Chanyeol's gonna kill me for getting home so-*
A gush of wind interrupted your thoughts.
You closed your eyes and stumbled back a little.
As you opened your eyes again,you saw six guys charging your way.Your eyes went as wide as saucers.
They were blonde and charging at you with a speed that could win them more than a gold medal at the Olympics.
You scolded yourself for thinking too much and held your bag in front of your face.
*Wait,what am I doing?I should be running away from these weirdos!*
You quickly glanced at the 6 blondies and saw that they gradually slowed their running speed.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and started running quickly.
*Thank the Almighty Bacon I'm on track & field.*
You ran until you got pulled back by someone.You turned around and squealed as the one of the blonde weirdos slung you over his shoulder.
You were about to scream when he asked,
"Hey Earthling,where do you live?"

Hahaha! Let's play a guessing game. Who do you think that blonde weirdo is? Comment your answer! I LUB YOU ALL!!! REMEMBER to SCroll like a buffalo and to not be a SILENT READER!!!


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key2391 #1
Chapter 11: Please update I love this
Chapter 7: Hmmm....very interesting choice to show the start of the story though the Mato bunnies perspective.... Zelo:hyung,make me lunch Jongup:Okay...?
Thank you so much!!!
Chapter 6: BAP BUNNIES!!!! SO CUTE!!!and excellent story so far^v^
Chapter 5: they are really turned into a stuffed bunny with Unique color too!!
Chapter 4: Thank you! *MWAMWAMWA* LUB YOU!
exo_we_are_derps #7
Great story looking forword to it!
Yep.While typing this in,I'm all like,oohh la laa.
vachina #9
Chapter 4: Ooh.. So the one that carried her was Zelo.. OMGGGG.
Imma leave you hanging. ;)