Misfortunes - IV

Question Marks of Love

                             Saturday, afternoon. Luhan, sat on their veranda watching the sun set. With his phone on his lap it made a sound that made their dog look at him. It was a text from Sunny saying, "Do you have Yoona's number?? Cause I'm lost..." He made a sound that made his mother  asked, "What are you doing there?" He looked at his mom by the kitchen window, smiled and shook his head. He remembered, they have a group homework, Luhan's group is done with it, just a while ago.

Luhan's phone made some sound as he checked on his contacts for Yoona's number. He was already on the M's when something stopped him. He scrolled back and saw Melody Yuleigh's phone number. He wondered how did he got it. He thought and though until he remembered the first day of class, when Yoona borrowed his phone. He clicked the options and thought of deleting it but he didn't. "SUN LUHAN!" This time the dog bark as the ringtone simultaneously rang because Sunny sent it 5 times.

After sending to Sunny Yoona's number. He returned to looking at his contacts--to Melody's number.



"Noona!" Young Luhan called out to Melody.
"O ... Jay!"
"Melody noona, please let me borrow your physics textbook..." Luhan pleaded with his puppy eyes and hijack smile.
"Why? Let me guess... who have an upcoming competition."  Luhan nooded. 
"You smart kid! You're still a freshmen and yet you're already in a quiz ball about physics. Are you sure you aren't a returnee?"  Melody said jokingly to Luhan and patted him. She handed the book to him. "Take care of it, we still have an upcoming test, okay?" 
Luhan nodded obediently.

The day of the competition came.
"What is it noona?" Luhan was in a hurry but he stopped to her what Melody will say.
"Good luck." Melody waved by to Luhan and headed to her classroom. That added Luhan's confidence and won 2nd place. He was indeed happy that he won because he scored 2 points at one strike. Before the said competition he planned to confess to Melody that he likes her.

He went back to school nervous slash happy. He searched for Melody and found her sitting on a bench at the back of the cafeteria.
She looks down in her situation. Her head down, her hands in her lap holding her hanky.
Luhan noticed it so instead of calling out Melody from a far, he just ran towards her and sat beside.

"Noona..." he tilted his head to see the face of Melody--she was crying. "Noona... Why-why are you crying? What's the problem?"  Melody lifted her head to meet Luhan's eyes. "Did you won?" She said with a gentle smile. Luhan nodded and managed to give a shy smile. Melody wiped the tears from her face. Luhan hates to see this, to see Melody crying... " What's the matter noona?" He dug into his pocket and shove out his hanky and gave it to her. "Congrats." She ignored the question like it never existed. 

Luhan pushed gently Melody's head to his shoulder. "Just pour it out..." Luhan said looking at the twilight sky. I was so happy in going back here, but i was saddened when I saw you like this... I ..." He doubting in continuing what he'll say. "It... it saddens me to see the girl I like cry..." He finally said it. The feeling he had in his heart for like 8 months, for 8 months he expressed, but now the time he's waiting to say it finally came. Melody detached her head on Luhan's shoulder. She opened but nothing came out. And then again she opened , "J-jay, you  are too young for me, and I don't want  people to see me dating younger boys than me. S-sorry." She ran away leaving Luhan and his stained with tears hanky. 




Melody was his first crush and first love. Since elementary he had no crush. That's why he's always been teased as 'gay', added by the fact that he's living with girls. (because his father is not at home all the time) And the fact that he's friends with a girl and a boy who constantly looks at the mirrror like he have a serious relationship with it.  Teasing continues till he reached 1st year highschool. It stopped for a while when they heard of his infatuation with Melody. (Luhan is known in their school because he's the team captain of the dance troop when he was in elementary)

He thought about what Baekhyun said to him, "You're gay... You change just because of some sort of First-Love--First-heartbreak thing." "You're gay... You change just because of some sort of First-Love--First-Heartbreak thing." It kept playing in his head. Stupid, I told you I'm not gay. 


Baekhyun was walking to the school bookstore to buy some construction paper for their homework. Infront of him is a giant lady--as he describes it. He looks at the floor, at his newly washed shoes. He's been keeping it clean from their house until their adviser will check their shoes. Owners of unrefined shoes will be walking with their socks only in their room. He distanced from the lady when he saw the floor around her is trailed with mud.

When it was his turn, the lady stepped back, on his shoe leaving a mud mark. Baekhyun's eyebrows met looking at his now stained right shoe. "What's yours?" Ask the storekeeper. "Oppa! Sorry!" Baekhyun looked at the lady with anger. It was the same girl who accidentally poured soup on him. It is Charyeol. "Sorry!" He walked out of the of the place.

He headed to the nearest sink and wiped the mud with his bare hands from his shoe while cursing.


As the morning ceremony going on, their adviser walk back forth in their line head down--obviously looking at their shoes. Baekhyun is a bit relieved when the man who brought a stick and pointed it to those unrefined shoes pass him by, press it till the toes are felt. Until his name was included in the announcement. "Okay, Sy, Cho, and Byun--socks for the whole day." He felt his body become hot. He don't know whom will he get angry. To Charyeol or to their adviser? As Baekhyun removed his right shoe, he is even hotter when he saw he is wearing white socks. "Fudge" he cursed under his breathe. He wore back his shoe and headed to have a talk with their adviser.
"Sir, I cleaned my shoes... I just that... somebody accidentally stepped on it." He explained to their adviser who wasn't looking at him.
"Accidents is no excuse Mr. Byun." Their adviser turned around to face Baekhyun. After hearing it Baekhyun new this year would be a strict year.
"Because accidents are just events that are meant to occur yet people don't like it so thay call it  'accident' Accident also means chance. Baek, even accidents have reasons." He walked away from Baekhyun like the conversation didn't happen a second ago.

Baekhyun went back inside and constrainedly removed his shoe and put it in one corner.
"Where did you go?" Asked Zelo from the back that made Baek's hair on his nape stand up. 
"Our adviser is our English teacher, right?" He ask without turning to Zelo for clarification. Zelo nodded--like dumb, as if Baekhyun has eyes on the back of his head. But didn't mind his reponse for he is thinking about what their said. How Sir. Donghae--their adviser defined accident is totally different from how his father defines it. "Everything in this world is because of accident. Even how the world become is an accident."     "Nothing is meant, it's you who make it."  He lives in that life. Being the only child seems to be an accident and not seen as a grace by him.  



"Hurry up Sun-sun! We're gonna miss the front seats!" Zelo keep shouting from the door as he waits Sunny finish packing her bag. "It's not like we're going to watch movies!" It become their to sit infront when it comes to club meetings. Especially now, they're going to announce the informations about the dance troop final screening. 

Sunny and Zelo still made it and sat on the front seats. Sir Eunhyuk asked the latest auditionees who passed to raise their hands. Including Luhan who is beside Zelo. Zelo looked at Luhan in awe. Luhan just auditioned just a while ago, before Sunny and Zelo arrived. 
"For those who still want to join, this coming Saturday--tomorrow is the final screening. I'll meet you at the dance hall."  



"Baek, we're being called to the guidance office." Not for counseling but because they're part of students guidance organization. (It is under the guidance office) On their way to the office they need to pass by freshmen's classrooms. It's already cleaning time so students are usually seen with mops and brooms. Baekhyun was at the classrooms side while Luhan is at the railings side. Some students who aren't cleaning are seen outside playing, running, chatting. A tall girl came out out from the farthest classroom, carrying a broom horizontally that is beyond her body. Because the girl is taller than Baekhyun; the end of the broom hit Baekhyun's abdomen. Paralyzed for a moment and again got hit by a boy who's carrying trash bin. Fortunately the contents of the bin is only crampled papers, biscuit wrappers and the excess after sharpening pencil. The boy and Baekhyun stumbled on the ground. "Hyung, I'm sorry!" The boy immediately stood up and held a hand to Baekhyun who is still clutching his abdomen.

"Oppa! Sorry!" As Baekhyun opened his eyes he saw the girl that bumped him first. He recognizes the features of the lady, he've met her before, they always meet. With her bangs on one side, her ponytail laid on her right shoulder. It is Charyeol. "Oppa, are you awake?" Baekhyun is starting to register in his mind where he is now. He looked around, he is surrounded with white beds and white curtains. Beside his bed is a small table with some bottles. He's in the infirmary. 
"Good for you, its already dismissal when it happened, you didn't miss any class. But I guess your parents is waiting for you at home." It was only him and Charyeol. He looked at Charyeol and mouthed under his breathe. "As if you know." 
"Oh, glad you're already awake. I already called your mom about what happened and she said she's going to pick you up." Luhan walked in the infirmary and put in his pant's pocket his phone. "Charry, thanks for the time, are you sure you don't want to walk home with me?" Charyeol shook his head and went out.
"That girl... she thinks I can't punch a girl? Is that why she repeats on hurting me? humiliating me? Is that what she thinks? Well she's wrong." His temper when it comes to Charyeol is always hot. 
"Relax, she's just a girl, a kid like us, it was an accident, okay?" Baekhyun hissed and wondered why he's here.
"Am I hurt bad? That I was totally knocked out?" He reached out his abdomen which right now feels nothing.
"Not really, but the thing you drunk knock you out." Luhan's phone made a beep sound. "Oh, your mother is already waiting outside." Luhan patted his head like a kid but Baekhyun moved it away. 




Author's note: Two more days and after it, I'll be concentrating in updating.

Photo above is Yuleigh, Yuri Melody!


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A little bit of waiting... 'Cause finals is coming. :)


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Chapter 6: Who is Melody actually?
Chapter 9: I want to know a little more about drysdale!!!! Also It's like seven in the morning and I am reading your story kehehehe~ UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 6: So Yuri is melody. UPDATE SOON!! I will wait!!
Also I am the first one to comment!! I am not a silent reader! FIGHTING
Chapter 5: Awesome story! It is funny that chanyeol is 'charyeol' FIGHTING!! UPDATE SOON!!