Chapter 2

Kim Jaejoong HATES kids
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When Jaejoong heard the news that Changmin was coming back he kind of got worried. He didn't want a childish boy clinging to him and listening to his whine. He couldn't sleep at night thinking what if Changmin wants to sleep over at his place? What if Changmin tags alone with him everywhere? All these what ifs made him really furstrated. He really was not looking forward to that day. But when the day arrived and he went to the airport to pick up Shim family nothing that he was worrying about happened. Jaejoong was supposed to be happy about it right? But he was rather disappointed.

Shim Changmin - THE UGLY BABY SHIM CHANGMIN - whom he used to hate... Opppss... Nope not hate, Jaejoong is denying it was hate right now... Whom he used to dislike so much; had grown up into a handsome hunk. Once Jaejoong saw his younger neighbor he just could not take his eyes off. Those large eyes... Chapped lips... Mismatched eye smile... Long legs and well built body... Everything about Shim Changmin was seductive. He kept staring when the younger guy greeted his parents and talked about his life in USA. He was totally hypnotized by the perfection in front of him. He came out of his "dreamy" state when Changmin looked at him. His heart was beating rapidly. He felt awkward. He couldn't decide what he should do. Should he smile and say "long time no see Changmin-ah" or just give him attitude like before? So that Changmin would cling to him? He wouldn't mind a clingy Changmin right now.

But what happened was totally unexpected. Changmin just looked at him from head to toe once and then right when Jaejoong was supposed to smile at the younger boy he turned away and started looking for someone else. Not even a Hi? Didn't he recognize me? May be he is looking for his Jaejoong hyung.

Again when Jaejoong is about to say that he was right there Changmin beat him to it.

"Where is Yoochun Hyung?" - The older man was really surprised with that question. Changmin didn't ask about him but his best friend.

"Oh Changmin-ah your Youchun hyung could not come to see you. He couldn't take the day off from work. But he'll deffinitely meet you at night." - Jaejoong's mom replied.

"He has work today? He didn't say anything about it in his email though." 

"Seems like you guys kept in touch through emails. That's good. Why didn't you keep in touch with your Jae hyung hmm? He used to be your favorite hyung before. You recognized him right?" 

Jaejoong couldn't help but tsk-ed. Emails... He ignored all the emails Changmin sent him where as Yoochun replied to them. Of course the younger boy will be closer to Yoochun than him now. He was cursing himself in his mind. Stupid.. idiot.. jerk... Why didn't you reply to his emails? He hates you now. Ugghh!!!

Changmin was surprised for a moment when he heard the tsk sound. He remembered clearly that his hyung didn't like him that much when they were kids. Does he still hate him? But why? He couldn't help but sigh. What is wrong with this hyung? But he decided to talk anyway. 

"Hi hyung! How are you?"

The older man was surprised for a while. Changmin talked to him. The gorgeous man in front of him talked to him which means he is not angry. But something was off. Changmin's voice didn't have the affection like the old days anymore. The greeting sounded more like a formality. 

"I am good." - He was feeling so awkward and guilty that he couldn't utter anything else. He forgot all his courtesy and didn't even ask him back that how his dongsaeng was.

"Good then." - was what he got in reply. After that Jaejoong's parents suggested it would be better to go home and talk in peace. But Jaejoong knew he would feel anything but peace from now on.


Instead of going home Jaejoong went to Yoochun's workplace and barged into his room. Yoochun who was working in his office was really surprised to see his friend there. But before he could say anything he was being strangled by a very furious Jaejoong.

"Yahhh! What's wrong with you? Let me go... *cough cough* Let me go you idiot."

The he was totally ignored by his furious friend. But soon he was tired and Yoochun took the chance to get out of his grip.

Yoochun was coughing. It was nothing new between them.

"YOU!!! YOUUU..." 

Jaejoong was so furious that he couldn't go past YOU.

"Yes I... What did I do now?"


"Of course I was. I told you several times before that he had asked me about you. I even told you to reply to his emails remember?"

Now that he thought about it when Changmin was sending him emails, Yoochun often told him that the younger boy was worried about him and asked him to respond to his mails. But all these happened only because his best friend replied to those emails back. If none of them replied then none of this would have happened. 


"Seriously Jae? Why are you being so worked up about it? What is going on?"

Unlike Jaejoong, Yoochun was calm and mature. That was the reason why they could be best friends. Their opposite personalities was what made their relationship strong. Yoochun was the only one person to whom Jaejoong could show his true self without getting judged. Because of that he started sobbing at that moment. 

"I think... I think Min hates me now Chun. I think I am not his favorite hyung anymore. You have become his new favorite hyung."

His best friend didn't know why Ja

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dumplingrije #1
Chapter 3: still waiting for next chapter 😫
lanasakura1 #3
Chapter 3: I hope you would still update the story... I really love this story so far and it’s so hard to find JaeMin’s stories....
soleyjun #4
Chapter 3: If it is difficult to find Jaemin stories in these days more for me than just read jaemin because I do not like the minjae is even more complicated because in most stories the dominant is Changmin to me I like more a dominant Jaejoong, Although sporadically I hope you update your stories Jaemin
Chapter 3: You still have a lot of readers waiting for you to update your JaeMin fics. I hope you would still continue this. Have you moved on to a different fandom? Seems like you've stopped updating all your JaeMin stories.
kyrakawaii #8
Chapter 3: more please :)
I will wait forever here TT haha is OK if you lost interest but I just want to comment here again that make know that I'm still here :3