First Flight



Contrary to popular belief, Heaven isn’t made up of pure white and cobalt blues. There was a speck of one other color.


That was the color that was appearing and disappearing behind the clouds every few minutes. That was the color of the hair which belonged to the main character of this story.

“You shall be punished to fall onto the face of the Earth based on Rule 23, you shall be stripped of all your powers, memories, wings and you shall develop the feelings mortals feel. “ An omnipotent voice resounded through the court. The court was a place of outstanding beauty, even though it was indoors, the clouds were able to pass through the pure white marble walls and float slowly and beautifully. The court was illuminated by three giant pearls which was said to possess stars.

The majestic view was enhanced by the figures in white robes by the sidelines. The figures all possessed wings which were as white as snow. If one viewed the scene from the top, they would witness a spellbinding sight.

However, in the middle of the room, stood a young boy, probably younger than twenty-five. The boy had hair that was crimson. A crimson congruent to the one flowing through our veins, similar to the roses that the mortals on Earth picked and sold. The young boy also had black orbs that shone when light fell on them. They reflect the innocence the young boy had in him. The purity he was born with and never dissipated.

“You will not grab any of your belongings from anywhere. You shall not talk to anyone on your way to the Heavenly Gates and no one shall aid you in any form.” The voice bellowed. If one was to look up at the throne sitting upon the highest step, they would see a two young men sitting side by side. One had tears threatening to fall, the other showed no feelings.

The young boy with red hair stared down at his feet, not daring to move or fidget around. He felt the countless pairs of eyes that stared at him. He felt as though those eyes looked straight into his soul and felt his fear.

The boy was always afraid of being shunned. He was born different, being the only one with striking red hair while the other angels had blonde or brown hair. The color red was forbidden in Heaven. Parents had taught their children never to use the color red for anything. For the color belonged to a certain devil in Hell. A devil that we would soon take a look at.

Kris Wu, also known as Lucifer, sat on his throne looking throne an ancient grimoire uninterestedly; he had been giving audiences to the other lesser demons in Hell since eight in the morning. Not that he cared.

Hell was the opposite of Heaven. Dark, filled with the color Black. The people living there did not look monstrous. In fact, they were the epitome of superficial perfection. These “demons” possessed wings as black as crows’. The densely overgrown black roses populated the entrance of the castle.

The castle was protected from other demons by an ominous mist. A storm was brewing. The lesser demons knew that their King was unhappy. The sky which was pitch black a few moments ago, became blood red in a split second.

Kris Wu, was the demon of highest authority, he became King when his father passed away due to a horrible poisoning incident. Up till now, he could not decipher how the King of all demons could have been killed by a type of measly poison. Kris Wu was different from the other demons. His perfect genes gave him height and looks. He was tall. No scratch that! He was extremely tall. He also possessed defined features and a mob of dirty blonde hair. That was half of the problem, demons were never supposed to have blonde hair or blue eyes. They were supposed to have hair which was of dark colors, they were also supposed to have blood red eyes.

Kris Wu could never look at himself in the mirror. He was always criticizing himself for not being normal. Not having dark colored hair and crimson eyes. He was always alienated by the other demons due to his blonde hair and blue eyes. Not that he minded it, he was fed up with Hell, and was plotting a scheme to escape the Hell hole and go to Earth. The place which he could only imagine and visualize in his mind and never got the chance to take a glimpse at.

Jumping out of his seat, he teleported away to his brother’s room in a puff of black smoke.

“Jongin, I’m leaving Hell into your capable hands till I return from my vacation,” was all his brother heard before trying to pull emptiness from black smoke.

By the time Kris had packed his bags and collected some jewels and money from the treasury, he opened his closed wings. Three pairs of bat-like wings could be seen. Three pairs of blood red wings that looked like the blood of the innocent people he had killed over the centuries and millenniums.

Kris was more than ready to fly out of his ominous castle and away from the sickening place he used to call home. He had totally ignored the shouts after him and the profanities thrown in his direction as he jumped out of the Victorian window.

The angel, who was the main reason why an angelic court was held could be seen getting escorted to the Heavenly Gates by two other angels. All three of them were of equal height. One with large eyes which reminds everyone of an owl, and the other who had eyes lined with Kohl.

“Joonmyeon Hyung! Come back soon, it wasn’t your mistake.” Was all the boy with crimson hair heard as he was pushed out of the Heavens by the guards.

This time, he did not have his wings to help him fly.


A/N I wonder if i disappointed anyone of you? I'm terribly sorry for taking SO long to post this story. Didnt have enough inspiration. Do drop a comment for me and remember to take time to read my other stories if you like. 

P.S :  If you are a fan of G.Dragon/You please take time to read my friend's xxxjojozxcxxx stories. 




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2439 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww it was just getting exciting! how i wish this was continued :(
Kris failed to notice what he should have! looks like they all got eyes on the 2 otherworldly beings in the surface of the Earth now...
Chapter 6: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 6: *squeaks* I love this holy crap!!! Krisho man, Krisho
yukinaq #4
Chapter 6: Good luck on your exams :D
Brigi_monster #5
Chapter 5: *becomes a gross mess of feels*
Chapter 4: of course krisho! i can't wait to see their encounter ><
Chapter 3: Oh my God... Kris hurry up. You have to help Joonmyun.. D:
Please update soon!
Nkim1004 #8
Chapter 3: Kya~~~~ :3 you updated!
Chapter 3: AHHHH!!! My heart was pounding like crazy!!
Please update soon.