Broken to a Hundred Pieces



Warning: Possibility to Hurt Feels



With a firm mind on what he'd do, Donghae went on his laptop and searched around. Typing in 'Lee Eunhyuk' as he found from credit card reciepts, he searched diligantly, wanting to know just where to find the man he had longed to see for over a week now. It took a while, but Donghae soon found him via social networking sites and found his address. He was going to find out what was wrong even if it hurt his business in the middle of a busy day. Business didn't matter at a time like this to the chocolatier. After all, he had money to spare and didn't have to worry about his rent this month since it was already paid in full.


Address and box of chocolate-covered strawberries in hand, Donghae took a breath and stepped out of his shoppe, ready to find where the elusive and beautiful customer of his had gone. He wasn't about to lose Eunhyuk now. He was far too close to admitting how he felt and was bound determined to say it sometime or another. So, as he stepped out into the world of the crowded streets, Donghae looked with hawkeyes to the streets and followed them as he knew them. In a way, he felt like he was on a mission of mass preportions, his actions swift, but not suspicious.


Eventually, Donghae found the right street. Now he just needed the apartment building, the floor, and the number. This was the simplest, yet the most difficult part for the chocolate artist. It was simple to find the apartment itself, yes, but explaining hy he was there would be much more of a challenge, indeed. Shall he say that he does delivery now? No, it'd be for the worst. He'd end up running around town if it got out. Say that he got worried? That wouldn't work either; Eunhyuk would think he was a creep and may never come back to the shoppe! The only other alternative was to tell Eunhyuk one of the furthest things from the truth; say that he didn't want the strawberries to go to waste. After all, strawberries being wasted was the least on Donghae's worries at the moment.




After a couple more minutes of searching along the street, Donghae found the right apartment building. As he looked at the address once more and began climbing the cases of stairs, he thought to himself bout what could possibly be happening. Maybe Eunhyuk was sick. If that was the case, he thought that maybe he could make the ailing man some soup. Chocolate wasn't his only specialty; just his best. Finally, Donghae got to the room and with a slightly hitched, nervous breath, full of doubt and shakiness, he knocked on the wooden door, marked '37C'. The door opened and a woman stood there.


"Hello.... M-May I help you?" she asked quietly, looking up at Donghae. He was a little confused.


"I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong address. I'm looking for Lee Eunhyuk's apartment."


"No, you've got the right one," came the voice of a man, then the figure stepped out. The platinum blonde, flowing hair and lush lip gave it away before anything else. Eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk looked at Donghae for a moment with curious eyes, his mind obviously turning this way and that, wondering why the chocolatier from across town was here. Eunhyuk leaned against the door frame and told the woman to go back to her writing, or something along those lines, and told her that he would handle this. When the pretty woman wasn't in hearing range, Eunhyuk spoke.


"A special delivery? Why are you really here?" he asked. Donghae was almost at a loss for words, his cool state of mind and plan almost going completely to a viscous mush in his head. Without a thought more, if at all, he handed Eunhyuk the box of strawberries.


"You haven't been coming to the I thought I'd bring these to you, free of charge. Now.....out of curiosity... Who's that girl?" Donghae spoke and asked quickly, his voice low and quiet. Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow and made a confused face at the personal question, but acted like it was obvious.


"That's my girlfriend.... You know, the one I keep telling you about." The chocolatier's heart broke in two. "And I haven't been coming to your shoppe anymore because my girlfriend is allergic to chocolate, and I can't very well kiss her and just let her have a stupid allergic reaction." Ten pieces. "And furthermore, I'm creeped out that you actually came to my place in the middle of the day for seemingly no reason. If you stalk me again, I'll call the cops on your sorry, stalker behind." Fifty pieces. The door slammed in Donghae's face after the strawberries had been thrown back at him had shattered his heart into their last one hundred pieces.




As Donghae walked back to his shoppe, his head was hung low and tears were in his eyes as he stared down at the chocolates. Valentines' Day was around the corner and, frankly, Donghae felt as though nothing was important anymore. Not his job, not love, not anything. He considered closing shoppe or handing it to someone else, however his pride got in the way. The heartache had broken the chocolatier into a hundred pieces, like thin sheets of sugar hitting a cold, stone floor.

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Fanaeh #1
Chapter 7: ohh.that is fast!!
Wait, i'm confuse, i thought it has been months since hae got rejected
but it turns out just to be 2 days?fail me
i wonder what hyuk is thinking
why hyukkie is not in kitty outing while doing it?!!
Haha.can't wait for next
Chapter 6: Hyukkie! Do you like Donghae now??
Can't wait for the next chapter, update soon:D
Chapter 4: Donghae's decision is splendid xD Closing the chocolate shoppe he had been working hard to make was not a good decision and since it was his passion too, I'm glad he decided to be strong :3
Chapter 3: Wow Hyukjae should have been nicer D: That hurts ._.
Chapter 3: That was cruel of Hyukjae and totally unnecessary. He should have been nicer with his words.
But the story is really interesting so far^^
Thank you for sharing it~
Chapter 3: Poor HaeHae:(

please update soon!
haethrusts #7
Chapter 3: omg. Hyukjae!!! I mean Eunhyuk!! How can you do that?! At least say it nicely to Donghae. OMG I hate you so much :((( come here Donghae baby, I'll hug you. Author, please make Eunhyuk regret and stuff ok!!! Ugh angry at him >:(
Chapter 1: soooo nice!! please update soon!!