
Better Left Unknown


Jiyong stood at the door, his shoulders slumped and his cheeks tear-stained. From where he stood, he could just see Seungri’s face. He looked serious and distant, very much unlike the Seungri Jiyong knew. He did not dare go closer, he could not face him.

As his senior and close friend, he chose to disregard Seungri’s feelings. He knew Seungri held a torch for Chaerin for many years. Even during their trainee days, he could tell Seungri’s feelings for Chaerin were more than that of a brother’s. That was one of the reasons why Jiyong suggested they kept their relationship a secret. However, no matter how he tried to break the news to him, he could not do it.

Jiyong watched his face from afar and silently wished that somehow Seungri would open his eyes and tell them it was all a sick joke. At least then perhaps he can make amends for the pain he caused him.


“Hyung, can I ask you something?” Seungri mumbled as he shuffled over to Jiyong.

Jiyong contemplated for a moment before sighing and putting away his half written lyrics.

“What is it?”

“Uhm,” Seungri began, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt, “There’s someone I’ve liked for awhile…” Seungri’s voice trailed off and he shot a cautious glance at Jiyong. Jiyong gave the younger one a small nod, indicating that it was fine to continue.

Seungri fidgeted slightly and continued in a small voice, “I want to tell her how I feel… Should I hyung?”

“How long have you known her?” Jiyong choked out though he had a good guess who he was talking about; Seungri for one was never really good at hiding his thoughts and feelings.

“A long while, but I think she only likes me as a brother.”

Right there, Jiyong knew that right then he should have come clean. He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. “Seungri I-” Jiyong started but somehow the words got caught in his throat, “I’m sure she’ll love that…”

A grin spread across the younger male’s face and his eyes crinkled into a smile. “Thanks hyung!” he cheered, his usual vivacity returning.

“No problem,” Jiyong answered quietly as Seungri skipped out of the room. He swivelled in his chair and buried his head in his hands, hating himself for the coward that he was.


“Hyung! How could you! You knew, I’m sure you knew,” Seungri exclaimed, pointing a finger accusingly at Jiyong.

Jiyong dropped his head in shame. What could he say, after all, he really did know. “Seungri-ah, I’m really sorry,” Jiyong said and reached out a hand towards Seungri. Seungri huffed and shoved his hand away turning his back toward Jiyong.

“Dongsaeng,” Jiyong sighed warily and tried to get Seungri’s attention, “Look, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to confess. Yes, I guessed that it was Chaerin and I tried to tell you but I don’t know why I just couldn’t. I was wrong Seungri, I’m sorry I let you down.”

Seungri gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. “I trusted you hyung,” he spat and stormed out of the studio.

Without even realising it, Jiyong’s eyes welled up with tears of remorse. Seungri’s every word stabbed deep into his flesh. From the moment he entered the argument, he had lost the fight because Seungri spoke only the truth, the cold hard truth. As soon as it began, the judge had struck the gavel and pronounced him guilty.


Jiyong’s eyes drifted to the figure hunched up on the ground. He watched as her shoulders convulsed with sobs and winced as her agonizing cries pierced through the silence. He started to move forward but his hands grasped the door frame, keeping him from straying too far from the door. He wanted so much to be beside her, to hug her and comfort her. He wanted to be able to tell her like always, “Everything will be fine Hunchae.”

But everything is not fine.

He gave her his word that he would protect Seungri but he could not. Angry tears fell from his eyes and his fists clenched. He detested himself for giving them so much pain; all these would not have happened if he never let his feelings get the better of him.

He should have known.


“ Seungri!” Jiyong swore as he saw the silver car spin out of control. He lurched forward as Yongbae slammed the brakes. “Call you back Hunchae!” he muttered quickly into the phone. He slipped out of the car and ran in the direction in which Seungri’s car was supposed to be. The light sheen of black ice atop the road glimmered in the light that shone through their headlights.

Jiyong stood in the middle of the road slightly disoriented; he had expected to see a wreck but all there was in front of him was an empty road. He squinted into the distance and saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at him curiously. Their eyes locked for a moment before it turned its head and leapt into the bushes.

“Ji! Over here!” Yongbae’s urgent voice rang out. Jiyong whirred around and his eyes widened at the sight that greeted him. Seungri’s car laid overturned in the river that ran alongside the road. Before he knew it, he found himself wading into the river. He shivered as icy cold water gushed past him but continued to push against the flow to get to the driver’s seat. His numb hands felt around frantically for the door handle. Grasping onto the handle, he took a deep breath and plunged himself into the freezing waters.

Jiyong tugged at the door but the merciless river pounded against it keeping it shut tight. Through the window of the car, Jiyong could see Seungri shoving at the door furiously, his eyes wide and frantic. “Hang in there Seungri! Hang in there! Hyung will get you out!” Jiyong screamed in his head. Jiyong started to throw his body against the window in attempt to smash it, the car was slowly filling up with water. Jiyong watched as Seungri craned his neck and took in his last breath of air.

“This is not going to work! We have to flip the car!” Yongbae shouted over the roar of rushing water as Jiyong surfaced gasping for air.

“I’ll move over there!” Jiyong yelled back and edged away from Yongbae. He was soaking wet and his body trembled uncontrollably but he did not seem to notice. His mind was entirely set on getting Seungri out that he did not mind his steps. The next thing he knew, he was submerged underwater. He reached out desperately in attempt to stop himself from being dragged away by the water but his hands merely slid past the smooth surface of the car. He felt his head hit something hard and then everything became pitch black.


Jiyong’s eyes followed Yongbae as he passed him silently; they have not spoken since the incident. Jiyong noticed that Yongbae’s clothes were still slightly damp from the water. His face was pale and he shivered slightly as he crossed the room. He paused when he reached Chaerin and crouched down in front of her. He reached out and grasped her hands in his.

Chaerin lifted her head and sniffled. Stray strands of her blonde hair stuck to her face where the tears have dried. Yongbae attempted a comforting smile but it turned out more like a grimace. On a normal day, Jiyong would have laughed at his pathetic attempt.

Chaerin glanced at him wearily and her sore eyes scanned the room for the person she needed the most. “Where’s Jingyo oppa?” she croaked, her voice raspy and weak.

“I’m right here Hunchae!” Jiyong wanted to scream but he did not, instead, he took a hesitant step towards her.

“Chaerin-ah,” Yongbae began bringing her attention back to him. She reverted her gaze to him but something about his expression made her cower.

“Where’s Jingyo oppa?” She asked again, this time in a mere whisper. 

“Chaerin,” Yongbae exhaled and frowned wondering how he should go about telling her, “Chaerin, he’s gone.”

“Gone where?” she questioned, her voice a notch higher than usual, though she was not quite sure she wanted to know the answer.

“Chaerin, I’m sorry, he’s dead.”

Chaerin’s eyes widened but she could not utter a word. She blinked, once, twice, then her eyes rolled and her body slumped.

Jiyong shot over to catch her, but she fell right through his arms.


“Seungri and Jiyong… Wait, what was it I called him again?”

“Jingyo,” Bom replied patiently.

“Oh that’s right,” Chaerin chirped as her lips spread into a smile. She crouched down and gently placed the bouquets of flowers on their graves. She pursed her lips in concentration, trying to sieve out a memory but none came. She sighed, “I’m sorry, I tried but I really can’t recall anything. I heard we were great friends though, I’m sure if I remembered I would have been really glad to have met you guys.”

Yongbae shot Bom a worried look, “Is it really okay to just let her be?”

Bom sighed and gave him a wry smile, “Even if she remembered, she’ll probably spend her days trying to forget. It’s better this way.”

Chaerin stood up, smoothing out her jeans with her hands. “Well, I guess that’s it for today,” she announced looking from Bom to Yongbae. She skipped up and squeezed between the two hooking an arm with each of them. “Let’s go!” she said brightly and pulled them away, dancing into the sunset.








A/N: That's it for now folks! Hope you enjoyed reading this and a big thank you to my lovely subscribers for sticking around ^^


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Chapter 2: Whoa jiyong died?!
Ad how did Chaerin lost her memories omfg
This is so sad ):
1234567891 #2
Chapter 2: omg why did i read this... no im here feeling all sad T^T least chae is happy? :/
soojinCL #3
Chapter 2: OMG!!!! seungri and jiyong died :'(
I'm glad chae lost her memories
it's such a greart story but it's so heart breaking :-(
Chapter 2: omg! asdfghjkl!!! JIYONG DIE????? :"((
i was crying when i read the first chapter about seungry died. And then in the last chapter!! omg Jiyong died too?? I cant imagine how chaerin is felling. my god you have no idea i'm cry so hard . huhuhu..

great story.. tragic and angsty .. /cries/
mbubbly #5
Chapter 2: i'm really sad right now. omg, ji died. I cried reading this. my heart breaks with Chaerin :( it's a nice story despite the tragedies. thank you
Chapter 2: why Jiyong die???
Chapter 1: yeah, you should make this a short story :)