[60] Stalking Is Hassle

Change Me

S T A L K I N G  I S  H A S S L E

"Are you up for some stalking?" Kyungsoo asked the other guy in the room.

"You mean stalk them?" Luhan asked flabbergasted.

"No, I mean stalk them. God! Do you really have to repeat what I've just said?" He said rolling his eyes in disbelief.

"But, what if we got caught?"

"That means we have to be more careful for us not to be seen." Kyungsoo spoke as he rested his head on his palm, his elbow supporting its weight.

"I don't think Hyunjae would like that though." Of course, she wouldn't like it. Who would like to be stalked when dating? No one. Luhan murmured mentally, quite unfavoring the idea.

"I'm not planning to interrupt them. I'm just worried for my little sister. She's still in highschool."

"Soon to be college." Luhan reminded firmly since there's only few months left before your graduation.

"Whatever, she's still a child to me." Kyungsoo easily shruged off. "Anyway, aren't you curious to see what they would do on their date?" He said trying to persuade the deer guy who's eyeing him intently.

"Not even a bit." Luhan nonchalantly said. It's true. He isn't curous at all, because there's another thing in his mind he's more concerned about right now, and it's related to what he have to ask and tell you, that's why he went today. But, unfortunately, you were not around. Wait! What if... Maybe... Maybe I could get an idea if...

"Hyung! Let's stalk them!" Luhan exclaimed suddenly becoming excited making the older one blink his eyes from the abrupt change of mood.

"O-Okay... what makes you change your mind?" He asked straightening his back.

"That's not important. Let's go!" The deer guy ushered him to stand up. Since the longer they chat in there, the more chances they'll miss some worth ideas.


"Where are you guys going? Can I come too?" 

The two guys blinked at the figure blocking the kitchen door way.

"I totally forgot about you..." Kyungsoo suddenly mumbled to himself, but enough for Luhan to be heard. "Sure you could come along as long as you'll behave and not be a pain in the ." He nonchalantly said before proceeding to walk away. Baekhyun jumped giddily starting to feel excited, as he followed suit the two guys.

"What? He's coming too?"

Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes, leading the way. Before halting mid-way to the living room. I forgot, I dont have a car anymore. Kyungsoo contemplated. Then, as if on cue, Kris went downstairs stretching his long arms upward. He eyed the tall guy, and the latter froze when he saw three guys were staring at him─actually the other two had no idea why they're doing that as well, they just mirrored what Kyungsoo was doing, that's all. Kris almost missed a step from the intense glare the three was giving off, mostly coming from Kyungsoo. How can he be so intimidating? Kris gulped.

Little did Kris know, Kyungsoo isn't doing it on purpose. He's just simply looking at the guy, waiting to get a proper distance to ask him something. But, he doesn't need to know that.

"What? What's wrong? What did I do?"

"Do you have a car?" He deadpanned.


"Can I borrow it?" 

Can I borrow. Can I borrow. I borrow. borrow. borrow? BORROW!?

"No. Of course, no!" He strongly rejected. Right! It's Kris who we're talking about here people. He's a stingy bastard when it comes to his precious little baby─his bumble bee colored camaro. But, somehow he wanted to take back what he said when he saw Kyungsoo's stare intensified.

Honestly, Kyungsoo's too far from being angry. He's just feeling disappointed, sadly disappointed. But, he doesn't know that his expression is giving off somehow, a different impression to others. You know, plain dark eyes staring up ahead, not leaving his gaze away from his target, like he's already plotting in his head  as to how he'd torture and murder the poor victim who'd come across his stare kinda like. And Kris, was basically the said target right now, so yeah... who knows what might happen.

The other two who's beside Kyungsoo, made a few steps back away from him, as the guy's stare was seriously starting to make them shudder. The two panicked at the back flailing their arms frantically towards Kris, gesturing to agree to the guy, while making a sleething gesture towards their neck, as if telling they will all be dead if he didn't agree. Begging and pleading to do anything. While on the other hand, Baekhyun was simply making stupid faces.

Kris' eyes went wide, insides started to panic, for some reason that he doesn't understand.

"M-May I know where are you going?"

"Going to save my little sister from the ert guy." He plainly stated, his expression starting to go back to normal. What's normal to Kyungsoo anyway?

Kris contemplated for a minute. Quite liking the idea.

"I'll drive you guys. But, that doesn't mean I'm agreeing to any of this, alright? I just don't let anyone drive my baby other than me, get it?" He stated awkwardly, face flushing from embarrassment.

"Whatever you say Kris hyung..." Kyungsoo singsonged not biting the tall guy's reason. Before turning around to the other two, smirking in victory.

The two panickly shook their heads in agreement. Shoving their thumbs up in front of Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo knows where you guys were going since he asked Jongin about it earlier before. As to how he had managed to get Jongin to tell him about his plan, is beyond everyone's knowledge. 


The four stood in front of an equestrian park, all mouths' agape, except for Kyungsoo, all for different reasons.

"Horses! I love horses! Are we going horseback riding Kyungsoo-ya?" Baekhyun beamed thrilled at the sight.

"Are you sure they're here hyung?" Luhan asked skeptically totally ignoring the other guy.

"I'm sure they'll be here. But, I don't know if they are already here or not, yet." He explained before proceeding to the entrance. The three followed suit.

"I'll pay for our entrance fee." Kris offered, Kyungsoo stepping aside, blinking at the tall guy. Confused to Kris' sudden generosity. Well, Kris is really a generous guy, Kyungsoo is just unaware of it until now. "We've been here before, you know family trip..." He stated earning some nod from the others, "Typical Kai." Kris mumbled scoffing.

Few more minutes after cheking the parking lot for a familiar car, they didn't saw any sign of Jongin's. The four guys just decided to chill for a moment on a snack bar in one corner of the park. Soon after, Kyungsoo had spotted the car they have been waiting for and ushered the guys to hide even before they could be seen.

They are now standing amongst the people─some family, relatives or friends of the people experiencing horseback riding. The three was so focused to look at you and Jongin from afar, while Baekhyun failed to as he was too engrossed to the horses galloping back and forth in front of him. He really likes horses.

Kyungsoo was busy eyeing the two, while Kris was trying to curse Jongin inside his head for being such a genius for choosing this as part of their date, and then Luhan taking notes inside his head for some important parts to do and not to do on a date, since he still thought his date with you before failed miserably. Then, there's Baekhyun, let's not forget about him shall we?

The guy right now was trying his hardest to push aside other people so he could pass through them to get a better view, since he's too short to see the pretty horses. When Kyungsoo's eyes noticed Jongin's attention traveled amongst the crowd, he squealed for everyone to hide, everyone did except one. That's right, Baekhyun was too absorbed with the horses he didn't hear the instruction coming from Kyungsoo. The latter abruptly pulled the guy's shirt, making the guy stumble back a little, but his hand slipped off of it, making the guy support back his weight and stand up again. 

"Ah Kyungsoo! What's wrong with you?" He whined, before turning his head to whatever was in it behind the fences. Then another pull, Baekhyun went stumbling back once again, his bum meeting the ground.


"You stupid idiot!" Kyungsoo hissed at Baekhyun hitting him on his head with the palm of his hand.

"Argh! Soo! That hurts!" Baekhyun winced rubbing the back of his head.

"I told you to be careful and not to be seen," Kyungsoo scolded knocking the other boy on his head, as if that's enough to wake the other boy's senses.

"But horse back riding looks so fun! I haven't ride one before. Can we try it? Can we? Can we?" He excitedly squealed clapping his hands while giggling, making Kyungsoo sigh in defeat.

"Why is he with us anyway?" Luhan lifelessly complained to Kyungsoo who's beside him, crouching and peering intently at Baekhyun who's trying to stand up once again but failed because Luhan had already managed to pull the guy again to sit down locking his head in his arm.

Kyungsoo can't possibly tell Luhan that Ahjumma Lee had asked for him to look out for the other short guy for a moment. Because, he doesn't want to ruin the last bit of pride hanging from the short guy, when he agreed to take care of him. He didn't know he'd be this hard to handle though, if he only knew, he might not have accepted it, or not. Seriously, how old is he? Kyungsoo sighed looking at Baekhyun, who's now pouting.

"Alright Baekhyun-ah, but not now, maybe next time, I'll bring you here again. Just promise to behave, and I'll tour you around here when you had another free time. IF and only if, you'll behave. Got that?" Kyungsoo stated almost pleading, since he doesn't want to be seen by you, or he'd be so dead. The least thing he'd want right now, is for you to get mad at him. But, as an acting brother ever since, he can't help but get worried at you, that's all. It's been long since he'd set aside his personal feelings for you. He'd admitted deep inside, there's no chance of him and you being together. That's why, if being a brother is the only chance he could get to be with you, he'd do anything. Although, he's still jealous, that is a fact.

"What I don't understand is, why do I have to be here as well?" The tallest guy among the four spoke at the back of Luhan, and the two just rolled their eyes. Kris was starting to regret he had agreed on this, because only the thought of being caught by Hyunjae doing this, is already eating him alive. So, his only solution is to play safe

"Hush Kris hyung, we know you wanted to do this too..." Luhan commented earning a dark glare from the said guy.


"Do you know where they are going next?" Luhan asked as they followed Jongin's car from behind another car, since Kris car is somehow an attention grabber . Why yellow? Kyungsoo tried to complain earlier, but had chosen to shut his mouth instead, before Kris would change his mind.

"I have no idea actually. All I know is that he said, he'll take him to a restaurant after horseback riding," He said not leaving his sight to the car ahead. "He said he doesn't want to bring her to a fancy restuarant since Hyunjae doesn't like places like that. And I have to give him credit for that." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Well, Kai is really a decent guy if you get to know him deeply." Kris defended.

"Still a ert." Kyungsoo stressed. "I don't want my sister to get taken advantage of," He defended this time.

"Hey, she's my sister now too, you know!" Kris retorted. "I know Kai is an attention seeker bastard with a skinship , who can't keep his hands off of our little sister, but yeah, he's a good guy and I trust him." Kris huffed, eyebrows furrowing, not believing himself for defending Kai from Kyungsoo. Well, he really is a nice guy, although childish sometimes. But, yeah, at least he's not irresponsible. That, is another fact.

"Fine, whatever."

Luhan had opted himself to not get in between the fight of the two guy, and just laid himself back on his seat. While Baekhyun, was actually behaving on his seat. Even though his eyes beg to differ.


After another few more minutes, they arrived at their next destination. Kyungsoo alighted the car first, before the other three. Kris went to Kyungsoo's side, whose mind had flown somewhere else.

"Is there something interesting over there?" Kris asked bringing his hand just right above his brows to peered in the direction Kyungsoo was looking to, which was the restaurant. Kyungsoo snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Jongin stepped out of the car, hauling Kris downwards with him, while the other two was well hidden at the back. When Kyungsoo took another second before deciding to peek again he stood up slowly behind another else's car to check if the two had went in inside, but unfortunately they haven't and the worst part even was that Hyunjae was looking towards in their direction. He crouched down again, not realizing Kris was doing the same thing. His eyes widened in horror, Kris was too oblivious to what was happening, Kyungsoo pulled the taller guy in haste, making another guy met his bum onto the ground.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Kyungsoo hissed at Kris. "Oh God! Hyunjae saw us! I'm so dea- No! WE are so dead!" He whimpered crouching, ruffling his hair in frustration.

"She did?" Kris gasped.

"Yes! You careless prick!" He frowned, half yelling to Kris.

"W-What are we going to do now?" Kris started to panic.

"L-Let's go home. I mean, now. Like, right now!" Kyungsoo's mind was seriously in panic mode. Just like in the first place, he doesn't want to intervene with the date. He just wanted to see how will it go, just in case something bad might happened. It's not like he's expecting something bad will happen, he said, just in case. But, he wanted to do it stealthily, he didn't know this is going to be as hard as he thought it would be. Now, he has dug his own grave.

Now, that you had seen them. Kyungsoo doesn't want to dare follow you any further. Or, maybe the other reason as well that made him felt guilty with his action, was after he saw the restaurant you'd went to. It's the same restaurant you had celebrated with your mom's birthday. And, it's the same restaurant as well where you had vowed to him that you'll forever be on his side, even if you found another special someone, as long as your family stays together with each other. Kyungsoo found himself smiling to... well himself, tears forming and threatening to fall, but even before they could slide on his cheeks he had already pressed his palm on his eyes to wipe it away. There's no way in hell he'd let these bastards see his tears, aside from Hyunjae.

"You're right." Kyungsoo said all of a sudden.

"What?" Kris asked suddenly, shifting his gaze off the road for a sec to look at the doe-eyed guy sitting on the passenger seat.

"Nothing. Just realized something." Kyungsoo offered a warm heart-shaped smile, surprising Kris in return.

"You know you could be really cute when you're smiling," He said out of nowhere making the doe-eyed boy rounded his eyes even more, if possible, from shock.

"I dare you to say that again." He said grabbing Kris arm with his right hand before slapping his head with his left.

"A-ah...Yah! Can't you see I'm driving?" Kris yelled making the other boys at the back catch their attention.

"You're disgusting." He scoffed crossing his arms.

"For a moment, I thought you're an angel, but I was wrong, beacuse you're a real devil in disguise." He muttered under his breath.


"Luhan-ssi, you think Hyunjae will get mad at me too?" Baekhyun who has been silent since he had been promised by Kyungsoo, asked to the deer boy, sitting silently himself at the corner. I have my reasons, I was just drag into this. Luhan was thinking of ways to explain to you if ever the others would tweet him out that he's with them.

"Oh, definitely." Luhan absentmindedly stated making the shorter boy coil in the corner. But, I didn't know we'll be stalking them on their date though, he whimpered to himself.


Now, there's only one thing they had to worry as of the moment. To face your interrogation and wrath as soon as you got back home later.

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Haha! I feel glad I was able to update earlier than expected. I don't know if this update is good enough, same as to the previous ones, since I haven't gotten quite any feedback from most of you guys Orz. That makes me sad, seriously. Tell me if I'm a failure as an author. Sorry if I communicating with my dear readers. T.T

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this update! Please, do spare some time to comment and subscribe if you can. :) And upvote if you liked my story :) I'd be forever thankful.

And, for the record, if I'm not mistaken, I think this is the longest chapter I had, with 2,974 words!

See you guys on the next update! xoxo

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[150330] THIS STORY IS UNDER MAJOR REVISION...please bear with me! Currently finished Ch.6


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Chapter 67: OMG!! You're really Amazing! This story is soo beutiful, i really love it! It soo sweet, and you make me love kim jongin moreee omg >_<
Chapter 67: oh god, how i love this story~!!! thanks for this beautiful story and like really, really, really thanks because of hunhan XDDD
I love you and thanks again for this amazing story and the amazing ending :)
good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 67: Kyaaaaaa~ done reading this story! ^^
DAEBAK! I really like it. :)
eunshiia #4
Chapter 67: It's done! Omg!!!
Thank you so much for this beautiful ending author-nim!
Although i'm kinda late in reading, still, I really reall love it.
I'm happy to be a part of this story. And i loved everything all throughout.
You're great author-nim!
snowz28 #5
Chapter 66: Omg this ended TT
Anyway it was a beautiful journey so happy to see it getting updated ^^
Fantastic story and great fluff :3
And gosh why is jongin such a sweetie pie like I can't take it ):
And too bad luhan doesn't get a chapter with sehun ): but nahh I don't like gay stuffs too cause sehun is straight :D he must be hahahah ^^
Great job author :)
snowz28 #6
Chapter 66: Omg it's gonna end?! ):
Please extend till they get older and then married etc...
Omg jongin loves hyunjae so much it's endless omgoodness so much fluff
Oh and yes there's a twist there (: the one week twist. Hehe I see that lol
But anyway I'm glad things didnt turn out ugly although its kinda weird how the parents only need their son for a week and then he can come back to Korea for the rest of his life... That's abit absurd... Or maybe it's just me haha
eunshiia #7
Chapter 66: Omo! I laughed so hard at the part where jongin only has to go for a week. And they have been all worried about it. Lolol.
So....Jongin and Hyunjae had a scene, what should i say? Ugh. Maybe, more of these in the future author-nim? Lol, kidding xD
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 65: whoa whoa whoa ty lol. i love this couple they're so cute. i think having him around would be nice but i also agree with the whole reunion when they're older though so either way is okay... as long as they are together in the end. because they deserve it. ahh a sequel would be fun even if it's only a few chapters of like a few years of their lives..
snowz28 #9
Chapter 65: Hey author it's me again haha
OMG omg it's supposed to be pure love hahahhaa
Anyway IMO, I think jongin should go, stayin back for a girl may be all romantic but the truth needs some sacrifice
Reunite them when they're older ;D make a sequel hehehhee