[34] Morning Kisses

Change Me

|Kai's POV|

Vanilla. Did she change her perfume? well vanilla is nice too. I thought as I nuzzled my nose at her nape not bothering to open my eyes, dragging her body closer into mine. Her warmth comforts me in so many ways, that sometimes I hope I could cling to her like this, for forever. 

I slightly opened my eyes and her pearl white skin welcomed me. And like a magnet, I dragged my face towards her nape once again and placed butterfly kisses. I heard her moaned in her sleep and I can't help but smiled satisfyingly as I continued to shower her with pecks. My hand travels around her waist and glide it on her side in a slow perpendicular motion. I felt her hands hovered onto mine as he turned around to face me.

Oh God, she is an angel in spite the fact that she has just woken up, with eyes still closed. I can't help but smile and leaned forward to kiss her. If mornings are always like this, I tell you, I'm more than welcome to wake up early everyday just to see this sight and cuddle for the rest of my life.


Morning kisses. 


One of the things I had included in my list on "What I Wanted To Do When I Get A Girlfriend" back in highschool. Waking up in the morning with your special someone at your side, showering you with morning kisses, I thought it's the most splendid thing on earth. Just a mere kiss could make my body tremble, what more if... ok, that's a whole new different story.

I parted my lips and so did she, tilting my head a bit on the side, to get a better access. Not caring for morning breathes, I just continued taking her all in. I travelled my lips along her jaw line and resumed peppering her with kisses, her skin right under her jawline. Her fingertips slide at the back of my head, pressing me deeper into her skin, my name.

"K- Kai..."

"Kai s- stop it..."

I ignore her plea and pushed on kissing her.

"Kai I said stop..." 

But, no... I didn't. I can't stop. This is so addicting and for some reason, I can't held my self back anymore.

"The ... I told you to stop!" and I winced in pain.

"T- The hell! What was that for!?" I said getting up and my jaw literally dropped.

"K- Kyungsoo hyung...!?" I said confused. I rubbed my blurry eyes to analyze what was happening when I saw her on the floor laughing hysterically, Kris with a disgust look on his face, and Kyungsoo hyung who was under me, with his exposed collar bone into view, his arms covering his face from embarrassement, I guess. W- What did I just do? 


|Your POV|

I woke up the next morning, my whole body in sore, as I was pressed between two guys and I think if I could have woken up few more minutes later, every vein of my muscles could have gone cold already. 

Good thing Kris oppa's head was now leaning on the other side. I pushed Kyungsoo oppa's legs off of me, and slowly got off the couch, but stopped mid-way when I noticed Kai shuffling in his sleep, he was about to grab again my waist but failed when I abruptly stood up. So he ended up nuzzling at Kyungsoo oppa's back instead, and I giggled at the sight. I find it really funny that I even thought of taking at least a remembrance of this very precious moment, thinking I could use this later on to , or rather blackmail him(insert evil laugh). So, I hurriedly went towards my room and grabbed my cellphone, but even before I could turn my feet around. Dad's picture came into view and I slowly made my way towards it.

"Goodmorning Dad." I said pulling my head back facing the cieling, as I blinked my eyes for few times to keep my tears from falling. I brought my hands towards the frame slipping my fingers on the details.

"Sometimes I feel like, you had something to do with how Mom met Uncle Wu. If Mom could have stayed that day on the house, instead of visiting you, all of this wouldn't have happened. Remember that she had just gotten well from cold that day? but she still insist on going, because she said, you visited her on her sleep. I'm not blaming you Dad, rather, thankful. Thank you for giving mom a chance to be happy. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I couldn't go with her that time and keep her safe, because of school. I'm such a useless daughter, aren't I? I'm really sorry." I mumbled wiping my tears away. "I promise you that I won't give up just yet. I'll make your dreams come true and will make you proud of me. You, Mom, Kyungsoo, Abeonim, Kris and Jongin, alright?" I said sniffing and grinned widely.

"Alright! see you later Dad." I turned my heels and went straight outside my room closing the door and leaned on it for few seconds. I don't wanna go downstairs, and be questioned as to why I look like I just cried or something. So, I breathe in and out to calm my senses and as soon as I know my eyes aren't that obvious anymore. I came downstairs and saw Kris standing beside the sofa gawking down on it. I walked slowly behind him and asked what's wrong, when my jaw dropped at the sight.

"Yah! you two! are you just going to stand there? Mind helping me out here?" Kyungsoo wailed at the both of us.

Kyungsoo oppa was trapped in between Kai's arms and the latter was hovering on top of him, nuzzling at the crook of his neck.

"Umm... I don't mind. But wait..." I trailed off, still looking a bit amaze at the sight, as I slowly take a step closer and brought my hands in mid-air holding my phone.

And then, *Click*

"Yah! What do you think you're doing... A-aah..." Kyungsoo half shouted and covered his mouth right after he made a shameless moan. And what happened next made me guffawed entirely.

"Oh.My.God Kai is you in his unconcious state..." Kris mumbled sarcastically.

Kai was starting to Kyungsoo's neck passionately. And I'll be lying if I told you it didn't .

"K- Kai..."
"Kai s- stop it..."
"Kai I said stop..." 
"The ... I told you to stop!" and Kyungsoo hit Jongin on the head with his balled fist. Kyungsoo flushed in red from embarrassement, burrying his face in his arms. Kai winced on top of him.

"T- The hell! What was that for!?" Jongin growled in his raspy voice, obvious that he has just woken up.

"K- Kyungsoo hyung...!?" He said and that made me laugh even harder. And Kris, still gawking at them.



[A/N] And so here is a short filler... for you guys~
Sorry for the long wait...:(

We're back in school, and I seriously hate it.
I feel a bit pressured right now, with all our future projects and stuff.

I hope you could bear with me guys and wait for me...
A bit of drama is soon coming, but don't worry, it won't be too angst since I hate it...
Not that I hate, hate it... I just don't want to include angsty on my stories...
I've had enough of it on the other fics I've read, and I hate having too much heartaches...
This fic is mainly to make you guys feel all fluffy and stuff...:)
I hope you guys won't mind ^^

Note: Did you noticed what I did there? xD
I'm so deprived with KAISOO nowadays...
Sorry can't help it! xD


That's all for now... Hope you liked this update! xoxo


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[150330] THIS STORY IS UNDER MAJOR REVISION...please bear with me! Currently finished Ch.6


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Chapter 67: OMG!! You're really Amazing! This story is soo beutiful, i really love it! It soo sweet, and you make me love kim jongin moreee omg >_<
Chapter 67: oh god, how i love this story~!!! thanks for this beautiful story and like really, really, really thanks because of hunhan XDDD
I love you and thanks again for this amazing story and the amazing ending :)
good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 67: Kyaaaaaa~ done reading this story! ^^
DAEBAK! I really like it. :)
eunshiia #4
Chapter 67: It's done! Omg!!!
Thank you so much for this beautiful ending author-nim!
Although i'm kinda late in reading, still, I really reall love it.
I'm happy to be a part of this story. And i loved everything all throughout.
You're great author-nim!
snowz28 #5
Chapter 66: Omg this ended TT
Anyway it was a beautiful journey so happy to see it getting updated ^^
Fantastic story and great fluff :3
And gosh why is jongin such a sweetie pie like I can't take it ):
And too bad luhan doesn't get a chapter with sehun ): but nahh I don't like gay stuffs too cause sehun is straight :D he must be hahahah ^^
Great job author :)
snowz28 #6
Chapter 66: Omg it's gonna end?! ):
Please extend till they get older and then married etc...
Omg jongin loves hyunjae so much it's endless omgoodness so much fluff
Oh and yes there's a twist there (: the one week twist. Hehe I see that lol
But anyway I'm glad things didnt turn out ugly although its kinda weird how the parents only need their son for a week and then he can come back to Korea for the rest of his life... That's abit absurd... Or maybe it's just me haha
eunshiia #7
Chapter 66: Omo! I laughed so hard at the part where jongin only has to go for a week. And they have been all worried about it. Lolol.
So....Jongin and Hyunjae had a scene, what should i say? Ugh. Maybe, more of these in the future author-nim? Lol, kidding xD
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 65: whoa whoa whoa ty lol. i love this couple they're so cute. i think having him around would be nice but i also agree with the whole reunion when they're older though so either way is okay... as long as they are together in the end. because they deserve it. ahh a sequel would be fun even if it's only a few chapters of like a few years of their lives..
snowz28 #9
Chapter 65: Hey author it's me again haha
OMG omg it's supposed to be pure love hahahhaa
Anyway IMO, I think jongin should go, stayin back for a girl may be all romantic but the truth needs some sacrifice
Reunite them when they're older ;D make a sequel hehehhee