[15] Can I hug you?

Change Me


Can I Hug You?


You usually don't come late when it comes to your brother's matter, well there were times when you'd be late like 15mins or so, but not getting too late  taking longer than an hour to arrive. Because less than four hours already had passed and you're still out of sight. And the thing that made them really more worried was that you're not picking up your phone.

"Has she contacted you yet?" Kai asked Kyungsoo. Who's now so stressed dealing with the customers and what's been happening.

He checked his phone again. "Not yet!" he answered, Kai can tell that he's so worried from the tone of his voice.

"Kyungsoo hyung, I know we're too busy right now in here. But, give me a minute, just a minute to check on her."

Without further ado, Kyungsoo agreed.

"Yes please Kai-ssi! Please go!"

Well if there's anyone else who's more worried for you other than Kai, that would be Kyungsoo. The only thing that's stopping him from going is the cafe.

I know I asked for more customers, but why does it have to be today? I'm sorry Hyunjae-ah, Kyungsoo thought as he sighed.



"Guess who's this?"

I know that voice. 
I've heard it somewhere before. 
It gives off a very nostalgic feeling. Why am I hearing it? 
Where am I?

I tried to open my eyes as wide as saucers but my sight is blurried. I tried to squint my eyes for a few times, but it's still the same.

"Honey you've grown up so well." the voice said again. Tears started to fall one by one as I get to familiarize it.

"D-dad?" I muttered inbetween deep breathes when suddenly i felt cold breeze pass through me.

"Dad!" I half shouted. "P-Please! Please don't go dad!" I tried to shout. But even though I felt like I was already shouting as hard as I can, no voice were coming out.

My feet is starting to get numb. I can't move. "W-where are you?" I said mumbling as I choked in my own tears.

"I'm here Hyunjae-ah" the distant voice said.

"Hey! Hey! Hyunjae-ah! Wake up." he tried to lightly slap you. "Oh god! You've got a fever." You slightly woke up and tried to familiarize the person who's infront of you.

"J-Jongin?" you managed to say with half lidded eyes since you're still a bit out of it.

"I need to bring you to the hospital!" he said. As he carried you princess like.

"H-h-hospital? N-no. Please no." you said weakly."N-not there. M-mom." just then you passed out.

Since you had objected to be brought in the Hospital for whatever reason Kai doesn't understand.  He had decided to contact Kyungsoo and ask for your home address. Kai explained everything. Kyungsoo asked Kai to keep an eye on you first until the cafe closes.


Kai managed to bring you home safely. He laid you flat on your bed, tucking you under your blanket as he seated right next to you, but you are still shivering nonstop.

Kai has no any idea on how to take care of someone who's sick. All he knows is when someone's freezing, you have to hug each other. Body heat.

But Kai is different. He isn't an opportunist, though he likes the idea and he really likes you, he doesn't want to cross over the line.

Confused. He stayed sitting. Palming your forehead as bits of sweat started to form. "Right!" he hurriedly went to the bathroom and took the things he needed. As he came back, he started wiping your face with wet towel soaked in warm water. And lastly pressed the dump towel on top of your forehead.

"They'll pay for the consequences." Kai whispered as he hold your hand.


"D-dad!" you mumbled. "W-where are you?" you breathe.

"H-Hey I'm here" Kai whispered. Since he doesn't want to startle you.

You tried to open up your eyes slowly and you can only see someones silhouette figure infront of you. When your eyes had finally adjust to the darkness. You can't believe who you saw.

"J-Jongin?" you said still weakly. You tried to sit so you could see him better, and since you feel it's a bit awkward talking to him while you're lying.

So I wasn't dreaming?

"H-hey don't get up. Your fever is still high." he said as he tried to hold you back from getting up.

"N-no I'm good. I wanna sit down for a moment." you shivered from every movement you make.

Silence took the both of you right after.

"T-thanks btw for not taking me to the hospital" you said looking at Kai.

"It's Ok. But for what reason?" Kai asked.

"My mom is in there."

"She works there?"

"No she is confined there, she had been to an accident just a month ago. But she's fine now, just recovering. I just don't want her to run into her daughter knowing I got sick. That would only stress her. And I don't wanna add up to her worries anymore."

A month ago, so that explains it. Kai noted mentally.

"So... uuh~ I heard you calling your dad.Where is he?"

That took you by surprise, but you still answered,  "H-he is- he passed away" you said.

"Oh, s-sorry~" Kai said apologetically.

"I just dreamt of him." you said as you dragged your blanket around your shoulder to lessen your shivering.

"And I miss him." you hung your head low inbetween your arms under the blanket as tears threatened to fall.

"Do I look pitiful now?" as you shifted your gaze to Kai still not lifting your head on top of your arms hugging your knees tightly.

You don't understand yourself why are you telling this all to Kai. But his very presence makes you feel at ease. You thought, maybe, maybe because of this fever that's why I'm being like this. Yup I must be hallucinating. And maybe this could only be just a dream.

"N-no you're not." Kai objected.

Though the whole room was covered in darkness. Kai is still glowing infront of you. The moonlight is enough for you to spot in the darkness his beautiful eyes. Though you can't really tell what's the color of it.

"Can I hug you?" Kai blurted all of a sudden.

"W-what? But..." you backed your head, before you could continue. Kai stood up from the chair he was sitting on beside your bed and settled to your bedside infront of you.

"I-I'm sick..." again but was cut off when Kai brought you inbetween his arms.

"I don't care." he retorted as he add up, "You're not pitiful. You're actually very strong and really brave." he said to you still locked in his arms, his chin placed on top of your head. "I'm sure your dad is proud of you right now saying, you've grown up so well"

Tears that you worked hard on not to show earlier started to fall down endlessly. Those words he uttered, the ones you've heard in your dreams. Was it just a coincidence?

Your hands that was gripping your blanket earlier has now made its way to Jongin's back gripping his shirt tightly. If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up anymore.

"Hey you're still shivering. Is it because of  fever or you're just nervous from touching my body?" Kai managed to joke and you hit his back in response.

"Can we stay like this for a little longer? You're really warm." you said. This is a good dream I don't wanna spoil.

Still believing that it's all just a dream. But a very good one.

On the other hand, Kai was so flustered from your tight hug and he can't bring himself to object. Since, it's you who initiated it this time. Thank you Body Heat!,he mentally shouted.



Sorry for a very very late update.
I seriously don't have any motivation updating this story anymore.

Who am I talking to anyway? lol

So, here's another lame update.
What do you guys think about gentle Kai?
(talking to myself againㅍ_ㅍ)

So there you go.
Have fun reading and Thanks!

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[150330] THIS STORY IS UNDER MAJOR REVISION...please bear with me! Currently finished Ch.6


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Chapter 67: OMG!! You're really Amazing! This story is soo beutiful, i really love it! It soo sweet, and you make me love kim jongin moreee omg >_<
Chapter 67: oh god, how i love this story~!!! thanks for this beautiful story and like really, really, really thanks because of hunhan XDDD
I love you and thanks again for this amazing story and the amazing ending :)
good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 67: Kyaaaaaa~ done reading this story! ^^
DAEBAK! I really like it. :)
eunshiia #4
Chapter 67: It's done! Omg!!!
Thank you so much for this beautiful ending author-nim!
Although i'm kinda late in reading, still, I really reall love it.
I'm happy to be a part of this story. And i loved everything all throughout.
You're great author-nim!
snowz28 #5
Chapter 66: Omg this ended TT
Anyway it was a beautiful journey so happy to see it getting updated ^^
Fantastic story and great fluff :3
And gosh why is jongin such a sweetie pie like I can't take it ):
And too bad luhan doesn't get a chapter with sehun ): but nahh I don't like gay stuffs too cause sehun is straight :D he must be hahahah ^^
Great job author :)
snowz28 #6
Chapter 66: Omg it's gonna end?! ):
Please extend till they get older and then married etc...
Omg jongin loves hyunjae so much it's endless omgoodness so much fluff
Oh and yes there's a twist there (: the one week twist. Hehe I see that lol
But anyway I'm glad things didnt turn out ugly although its kinda weird how the parents only need their son for a week and then he can come back to Korea for the rest of his life... That's abit absurd... Or maybe it's just me haha
eunshiia #7
Chapter 66: Omo! I laughed so hard at the part where jongin only has to go for a week. And they have been all worried about it. Lolol.
So....Jongin and Hyunjae had a scene, what should i say? Ugh. Maybe, more of these in the future author-nim? Lol, kidding xD
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 65: whoa whoa whoa ty lol. i love this couple they're so cute. i think having him around would be nice but i also agree with the whole reunion when they're older though so either way is okay... as long as they are together in the end. because they deserve it. ahh a sequel would be fun even if it's only a few chapters of like a few years of their lives..
snowz28 #9
Chapter 65: Hey author it's me again haha
OMG omg it's supposed to be pure love hahahhaa
Anyway IMO, I think jongin should go, stayin back for a girl may be all romantic but the truth needs some sacrifice
Reunite them when they're older ;D make a sequel hehehhee