A New

My Way

At times I felt bad that I was treating her this way. But every time I looked in the mirror it reminded me of why I was doing it. Shaking my head, disgusted at who I was I looked away.

"Man what the hell is wrong with you," Youngbae glared at me.

"What do you mean?'

"You know what I mean! Why are you being so ing mean to Minzy," he said.

The rest of the guys looked my way waiting for my answer and I knew I had to play this off cool, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? Everyone can see what an you are to her," Seughyun spoke up raising an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I thought he was on my side? Since when did he care about how I was treating her?

"He's right man, you've been acting weird lately," Seungri chimed in.

I coughed a laugh looking over to Daesung, "What, are you going to say something too?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "What, it's true."

I looked at all of my so called brothers not knowing how they could all turn on me, "I see how it is."

"Jiyong stop being a drama queen and fix things between you and Minzy," Youngbae demanded.

I glared at him reminding him that I was the leader, "Don't tell me what to do and mind your business with your little girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Is that why you're acting like this," Youngbae was laughing at me making me even more upset. He noticed the fury burning in my eyes and smiled, "Jiyong we're only friends. You can have her."

What the hell? Did he just refer to her as if she was an object?! "What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying if you want Minzy you can have her since we're only friends," he said.

What was going on? Why was he saying that to me? I looked around to the rest of the crew and they sat nodding their heads as if agreeing to such a stupid idea. "Don't talk about stupid like that," I growled.

Youngbae slung his arm over my shoulder, "You can't fool us. We all know how you really feel about Minzy."

My world shattered as he spoke those words. Did everyone really know? I looked around the room for conformation and sure enough no one had a shocked or surprised face. "I..." what the hell am I supposed to say?

"You know that's the worse way to show you like someone. Hanging out with one of their closest friends and acting all hard in front of them," Seungri spoke as if what I was doing was so easy.

"I can't..." my voice trailed off feeling my chest tightening.

"You can't what," Daesung asked.

"I can't be with her. She's too...I just can't," not wanting to explain knowing if I did I'd probably break down.

"Oh gosh, Jiyong don't be a little girl about this. Just tell her how you feel already," Seughyun rolled his eyes.

I pushed Youngbae away and looked at all of them. They didn't understand. No one understood, but CL. To think that I called them my brothers. "You guys just don't understand."

"Oh we understand perfectly," Youngbae cut me off.

Glaring at him for being such a pest I needed to challenge him, "Really? What then?" He crossed his arms looking as if he was debating on whether or not to tell me. "Spit it out already!"

He sighed as he nodded, "Okay brother to brother...I think you're just scared. Scared to love her."

"But..." I had my reasons.

"But nothing. You're scared that you'll hurt her along with the rest of the girls you've hurt," Youngbae finished waiting for me to say something back.

"I...well you're right," I finally gave in. There was no use. I was holding this in for too long now and I couldn't lie to them or myself any longer. "But I can't Youngbae," my voice cracked as my chest tightened with the build up of emotions. "I can't love her. She's so pure and innocent. So fragile. But look at me. I'm a monster, breaking girl's hearts left and right. I just..." The tears fell as my mouth let out all the feelings and emotions I've had bottled up for so long. "I just can't do that to her. I know that I'll break her heart in the end and it will kill me if I'm the one who ruins her." Falling to my knees I hit my chest gasping for air, "I can't do that to her. I won't."

I sobbed in place, yet no one came to comfort me. They just sat there in silence. But I didn't care. I didn't need their pity, I didn't want it. I am the one digging my own grave and I'm going to lie in it. I continued to cry as I held myself letting my forehead hit the ground. Doing so I heard them one by one leaving and I felt grateful for that. I needed to be alone.

I sat with my head still on the ground letting the tears fall freely. I didn't care, this was my way of getting all of my feelings out. Watching as my tears formed a puddle on the ground. I heard someone come in. But that didn't stop me from lying there in my puddle of tears. I knew one of them would come back for me sooner or later.

There was no sounds but my sniffling and footsteps from behind. I listened carefully as whoever it was sat behiind me and began to rub my back. It was soothing and it relaxed me. "I'm sorry...you have to see me like this," my voice cracked as the person continued to rub my back. There was no reply, not even a grunt and I grew curious to who it was. Shifting slowly I rubbed at my eyes to clear my vision and looked to see it was none other than Minzy. She was smiling down at me! Crap! I quickly pushed myself to my feet and felt a little light headed doing so. But I quickly wipped at the tears trying to make myself look somewhat decent, "What are you doing here," I growled embarrassed that she was seeing me in such a state.

She shrugged her shoulders walking closer to me, "I just wanted to come see you."

My heart began to pound as I backed away from her, "I...I'm busy right now!"

"Doing what," she asked with a smile on her face.

Why was she smiling? "Getting...uh...trying to think of lyrics to write for my next song," I lied.

She continued to walk up to me, when I found myself corned up against a wall, "Can I help?"

I felt sick to my stomach with the smell of her soft flowery scented perfume. She was too close. Dangerously close, "Uh...no!"

"Why not," she pouted not noticing how uneasy she was making me feel as she leaned in closer to me.

"Minzy..." I breathed hoping that she would get away before I did something I'd regret.

She rose her eye brows as she put a hand onto the wall behind me and leaned in to where she was only a breath away, "Yes?"

I bit my lower lip to restrain myself and pushed her away from me, "Can't you leave me alone?!"

"NO," she glared at me with angry eyes that I've never seen before.


She shook her head as she walked up to me and embraced me tightly, "No, I'm tired of you pushing me away." Though I tried to wiggle out of her embrace, she squeezed me tighter and began to cry. "Stop pushing me away," she cried into my chest.

I could feel my shirt dampening from her tears and it burned right through me. I was making her cry. I was causing her pain. All because I couldn't control my heart. "I'm sorry," I breathed into her hair as I wrapped my arms around her small body. "I'm sorry that I've been so cold to you," my voice squeaked as I felt myself crying with her.

"I don't know what I did wrong. But tell me and I'll fix it," she cried into my chest. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Can't you just tell me what I did that was so wrong for you to hate me?" I pulled back a little too look down at her face. She was so beautiful even when she cried. I used my finger tips to wipe at her tears as she smiled up at me. "Oppa tell me please!" I sighed looking away. How can I tell you? "Oppa please I'm not going to let go until you tell me."

"I can't," I honestly answered.

"You can't what?"

"It's just...Minzy you know how I am," I looked at her hoping that she knew what I meant. But she didn't, she looked at me wanting me to explain further, "I can't...love you." There it was. Now she knew how I felt, why I was pushing her away, why we needed to keep our distance from each other. I looked in her eyes scared of what she'd say and I saw something that I had never seen in her eyes. It made me worry and I felt the need to save myself, "I know this is too much for you. But I love you Minzy. I didn't want to hurt you because you know how much of a player that I am. I just couldn't do that to you. Please understand." She only stood starring at me with that new and unfamiliar look at me. It felt really umcomfortable. What was she thinking? "Minzy..." 

"Is that why you've been acting distant from me," she finally spoke. I nodded not being able to speak the words.

She sighed as she shook her head at me. "What?"

She glared up at me, squeezing me, "You punk! You could've just told me!"

"I couldn't! I don't deserve to be with you," I confessed the words I kept telling myself.

"Shut up! You're so annoying you know that," she continued to glare at me.

"Minzy!" That was a first that she was speaking so rudely to me.

"Yeah I said it! You've been acting like a litlte kid and it pisses me off," she said.

A little kid? Am I hearing right? "What?"

She pushed me away as she glared at me with clenched fists, "You're selfish! Did you even consider me?" I didn't understand what she was saying. Of course I did, that's why I did this in the first place. "You think you can just push me away and everything will be okay? Well it's not," she shouted. My eyes widened at her shouting at me, never once had she raised her voice at me.


"Shut up! I'm not done talking," she barked and I quickly did just that. Knowing I deserved whatever she was about to say. "Jiyong..." her voice trailed off as she looked away. Tears started to fall from her eyes and it hurt knowing that I caused them. But she glanced back at me this time with a vulnerablility written all over her face, "Jiyong I...I love you too."

Her words pierced right through me making my mouth drop open. "No, you can't!" Those words made me scared. Never have I felt so much fear as of now. This moment I tried my hardest to prevent was now happening. "Minzy I can't love you."

She walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face. It happened so quick that I looked to her not knowing how to react, "Don't say that Jiyong! I'm not one of those girls that you can just dispose of when you feel like it."

"I...I'm with CL," the first excuse I could think of.

She crossed her arms as she rose an eyebrow at me, "Liar!"

I nodded as I looked away, I knew my eyes would give me away and hoped that this nightmare would end already, "Yeah me and CL are dating."

I heard her let out a hiss of frustration. This was just too much. She was different. I thought I knew her, but she's showing me a side that I've never seen. "Well I guess you wanna do this the hard way." She walked over to me and turned me. I tried my best not to look her in the eyes as she held my jaw in her hands. Before I knew it her lips were forcefully pressed against mine.

AHH!!! "Minzy..." I tried to pull away.

"SHUT UP," she growled as she hungrily took my lips to hers again.

I stood limp trying to not enjoy her lips to mine. She felt so good. I felt her tongue brush against my lips and was shocked at the sensation letting out a small gasp. She took advantage of it and slipped her tongue right in. Letting it explore my mouth as she pulled me closer. As much as I wanted to fight it off her moan set me on fire, "Ji..."

I sighed through my tears of defeat as I finally gave in. Letting my arm wrap around her small waist bringing her closer as I began to kiss her back. I made up my mind. Though I was basically going to hell for ruining the purity and innocence of this beauty it will be worth it. "I love you Minzy," I breathed in between our deep sweet kisses.

She paused as she looked up at me with that same unfamiliar look, "You better!"

I laughed as I took her lips to mine once again, embracing her tightly. Now I understood exactly what that look was. It was the look of love. The look that I had to learn to accept. She was mine and now I am hers. Even if I don't deserve her, she somehow still wants to be with me. With me? The thought of that makes me kiss her with all my driven passion. This is it. I knew this was the beginning of a new me, of a new us. Though I'm scared out of my mind, I am going to try, no... I will change my ways all for her. 


Author's Notes:

There you have it! My three shot is done! WOOT WOOT! Yes GD just got woman-handled in here LOL! My girl Minzy is down like that! haha, thanks for reading!!! <3 Don't worry animefreak! haha, I was determined after minzy's pov to make it a happy ending. even if it was a little dramatic, I still found a way to make it a happy ending! yay!!! Thanks to Tablo's awesome song From the Bottom my imagination was inspired to write this!

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Chapter 3: THAT WAS JUST AMAZING and I love you for that, dear citizen.
blackvipwalker #3
Chapter 3: What a beautifull ending...gd got woman handled..go minzy
animefreak858 #4
hey lets make this one a happy ending. please
blackvipwalker #5
Chapter 2: You update..yay*doing my happy dance* I loved it ..update soon
Eminem #6
Chapter 1: ____ i really loveminzyespecially mindragon to be honest
ILoveMinDragon17 #7
Chapter 1: Great story I really love it I hope you make it longer. Gd is such a heartbreaker to our minzy