Chapter 6

Everything Is Just A Game
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Chapter 6




Believe you can, and you're halfway there.



Chapter 6



"Corn, corn, corn..." I mumbled softly as I doodle various corns on the corners of my notebook. Corn with a bow, corn with bread, even me posing with corn!


I love corn.




The teacher's shoes click-clacked on the tiled floor as she walked in the room, her head tilts up, holding a pointer and tapping it on her other hand.


"Class, we have new students."


At my peripheral view, I saw Dara, sitting beside me with a nail art pen, designing her neon pink nails, rolling her eyes as the announcement reached her ears. Of course, all the girls giggle, hoping that the boys who they met are our new classmates.




A guy who weirdly looks like a panda stepped in the room, confusing the squealing girls.


“I’m Lee Seunghyun,” He bows politely and sat in the front of the row where Dara is sitting.




A guy with the brightest smile I have ever seen bounces in.


“I’m Kang Daesung!”


I heard the girls murmur rude things like, ‘ew, he’s so ugly,’ or ‘soooooo not cute!’


I’m pretty sure Daesung heard that since these girls don’t know how to whisper. Still, Daesung smiles widely and skipped to the seat in front of me.


“Hello!” He greets me.


“Hi,” I return his bright smile.


“Annyong~!” He greeted Dara. I thought Dara would ignore him, like she usually does with everyone, but surprisingly, she smiles back.


Suddenly, all of the girls squeal and giggle. We all looked to the front of the room and saw a bashful guy, despite his hip hop kind of style.


He gave us a shy smile, a small wave, and quickly sat in front of Daesung.


Daesung laughed as he shakes his head.


“Oh Taeyang, always so shy.”


“You… Know him?”


Daesung nodded.


All five of my friends are in the same homeroom.”


"But..." I bite my lip. "I thought there are only two new guys."


"Nope!" Daesung shakes his head cutely. "We surprised our friends by moving to this school!"


A deep, baritone voice greets the whole room.


“Hi, I’m Choi Seunghyun.”


He flashes a quick smile, a slight wave, and sat on a vacant seat to my right.


“Hey,” A guy drawled as he strolled in, giving Dara a wink, causing me to snicker as Dara remains oblivious and continues her conversation with Daesung.


“I’m GD.”


The girls growled with jealousy as GD sits at the empty

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Chapter 20: Update juseyoooooo~
Dara23 #2
Chapter 20: Next chap plsss
Chapter 20: Cant w8 for next chap
update soon
daragon18 #4
Chapter 18: I just finished reading it in one go and Oh boy!I'm hooked!A beautiful story and I'm counting the next and hoping to read it sooner.I'm a curious person you know and I'm racking my brain on any possibilities of what happened Dara before.hope you can update sooner authornim!fighting....
Chapter 18: omg I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this update!!! Dara's story will be revealed soon, I hope?!?!?!
Thanks for updating! Nice writing as always :D
author-nim you're a meanie!! what will happen to my otp omfg
kimchan #7
Chapter 15: oh the gif's above u noticed those dance moves too...hahaahaha another clue
Chapter 15: Oh my god good god this...
I hope nothing crazy happens alksdjfalskdjflkjsdfj
Well now Dara's parents have been added to my fast growing list of curiosity lol
Thanks for the update!!! XD