Chapter 2

Everything Is Just A Game
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Chapter 2













"It's a very powerful thing when someone sees you as the person you wish you were."














When the bell rings, we are ushered back to our classes. I could still remember Yoon Ah's enraged glare, drenched in a strawberry smoothie mess. As she stiffly walked away, she bent down and whispered so close to my ear that I could feel her hot breath on my ear.

"Watch out."With those two words, I knew that she wasn't all talk.

She smirked at me and her and her clique walked away haughtily, all eyes on them.




The teacher tapped my desk three times. I gulped, unknown what to do. This was my first time I wasn't paying attention.

I meekly look up and met her stoic gaze a sheepish smile.


Mrs. Lim rolled her eyesand sighed expiratedly, muttering incoherant words.

I breathed a sigh of relief and payed attention for

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Chapter 20: Update juseyoooooo~
Dara23 #2
Chapter 20: Next chap plsss
Chapter 20: Cant w8 for next chap
update soon
daragon18 #4
Chapter 18: I just finished reading it in one go and Oh boy!I'm hooked!A beautiful story and I'm counting the next and hoping to read it sooner.I'm a curious person you know and I'm racking my brain on any possibilities of what happened Dara before.hope you can update sooner authornim!fighting....
Chapter 18: omg I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this update!!! Dara's story will be revealed soon, I hope?!?!?!
Thanks for updating! Nice writing as always :D
author-nim you're a meanie!! what will happen to my otp omfg
kimchan #7
Chapter 15: oh the gif's above u noticed those dance moves too...hahaahaha another clue
Chapter 15: Oh my god good god this...
I hope nothing crazy happens alksdjfalskdjflkjsdfj
Well now Dara's parents have been added to my fast growing list of curiosity lol
Thanks for the update!!! XD