Chapter 11

Everything Is Just A Game
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Chapter 11







“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”














Bom’s POV





The next few days, things happened as the usual; almost dying when Dara drives to school, ignoring the snarky remarks from YoonAh, working with Seunghyun Alien on the project, etc.


Another week passed until one day, the school announced something exciting (for the first time)!


A week after next week, Field Day is going to be held!


(A/N: If you don’t know what a Field Day is, it’s like a day with just playing and exercising for one day.)


Dara groans, hating the idea, while Seunghyun, Seungri, GD, Youngbae, Daesung, and I giddily talk about training for that one day.


“Who knows?” I bite my lip, full of excitement. I haven’t done field day since I was in primary school and I’m very enthusiastic about playing. “Maybe you get first prize if you win all of the games!”


“Now remember,” The calm and collected Seungri reminds me. “Instead of thinking about winning, think about having fun first.”


I pout for a moment until I let out a giggle.

“Deh, Appa!” I salute to him.

“Dara,” I call as she sleepily looks at me. “Do you want to train with me?”





YoonAh intervenes as she smirks at them, not caring about the professor and the students watching her.

“Well, of course she doesn’t want to because she’s fat and ugly like you.”

The boys’ fists curl as Dara bites the inside of her cheeks, seething with anger.

“I would love to see you guys train for something as this.”

“Shut up YoonAh,” Heat spreads rapidly like a wildfire all throughout my face.

“Why?” She sneers, enjoying our fumed looks. “The truth hurts.”

“You know YoonAh,” Dara calmly looks at her tiredly. “Just because you’re thin as a toothpick doesn’t mean you’re so awesome.”

YoonAh scoffs. “I never said that.”

“You didn’t,” Dara nods, agreeing with her. “But you implied it.”

“Well, duh. You’re probably incapable of training and same as that piggy girl Bom.”

I look down at my hands on my lap, my eyesight blurring as I try to block out the painful insults YoonAh keeps firing at me.

“So you want me to train?” Dara questions with amusement sparkling in her eyes like diamonds.
I immediately wish that none of this ever happened. Knowing Dara, she loves to prove people wrong and humiliate them to teach them a lesson to not mess with her. Although this is one of her habits, I also know that she knows what I’m feeling right now.

“Fine, but you do too.”

“What?” YoonAh’s jaw dropped, flabbergasted about what Dara wants her to do.

“Well,” Dara drawls, unleashing her unbridle personality. “You did say you wanted to see me and Bom train.”

YoonAh’s face contorts with mixed emotions, but composing herself, not wanting to publically humiliate herself, which always happens anyways.

“I said to watch, not train with you losers. You’d probably do something a primary student can do because you and Piggy are so fat.”

“Hey-” Daesung tries to in, trying to stop the fresh argument, but alas, it didn’t work.

“Shut up, Ugly!” YoonAh screetches. “No one wants you here anyways.”

I can practically hear the boys wanting to mercilessly murder her and banish her alongside with her cumbersome personal

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Chapter 20: Update juseyoooooo~
Dara23 #2
Chapter 20: Next chap plsss
Chapter 20: Cant w8 for next chap
update soon
daragon18 #4
Chapter 18: I just finished reading it in one go and Oh boy!I'm hooked!A beautiful story and I'm counting the next and hoping to read it sooner.I'm a curious person you know and I'm racking my brain on any possibilities of what happened Dara before.hope you can update sooner authornim!fighting....
Chapter 18: omg I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this update!!! Dara's story will be revealed soon, I hope?!?!?!
Thanks for updating! Nice writing as always :D
author-nim you're a meanie!! what will happen to my otp omfg
kimchan #7
Chapter 15: oh the gif's above u noticed those dance moves too...hahaahaha another clue
Chapter 15: Oh my god good god this...
I hope nothing crazy happens alksdjfalskdjflkjsdfj
Well now Dara's parents have been added to my fast growing list of curiosity lol
Thanks for the update!!! XD