Foreword and Description

→ Sunny's Writing Tips


I'm back! So I've read the comments and I see that most of you would like me to give tips about the description and foreword.

First of all, what is a description? In a reviewer's point of view, I would say that a description is where the summary of the story is placed. As for the foreword, this is mostly used for author's notes, inspirations on why you wrote this story and credits.

There is no right or wrong way to write a description and foreword. We all have our own styles and ideas that we incorporate in this specific section. However, there are limitations and boundaries in stylizing your own description and foreword. I would like to talk about the proper way of writing a description and foreword

In the description, I suggest you put the summary of the story there. A summary is basically describing what goes on in the story. There are some reviewers who would say that your description reveals too much of the plot. That's where we draw the line in describing our plots in the description. If you want, then I suggest you to only describe on why the main character, or protagonist, got into that situation, whether it be good or bad. Or, you could also describe the , which is a bit risky, considering that it's the highlight of the story.

For the foreword, I encourage you to write on why you were inspired to write your particular story. So, if you lose your confidence halfway, just go back to your foreword and read why you started writing this in the first place. You could also insert a snippet of the contents of your story, just a small scene will do.

Now, let me have an example of a...messy and unsophisticated description and foreword:





Doesn't that look messy? Listing out the characters attributes and personalities like you're making a list for grocery shopping?! That's ridiculous. Never put your character profiles in the foreword or in the description. You're supposed to introduce your characters when the story starts, not before it even begins. And the description?! Never do that. No one will care if it's your first story or your thousandth story. 

Summary of the lesson:

Whenever you write a description and/or foreword, make sure it looks clean and appealing to the readers and other writers out there.

Description > summary of the story Foreword > author's notes/snippet of scenes/paragraph on who or what inspired you to write this story

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Chapter 5: Hellu~ I was wondering, would you consider romance a genre on it's own? Or would the story need another genre to carry through, to make it interesting? And, would you consider drama a genre as well? Or does it count as light angst?
Awesome shop, by the way~!! I hope you update soon~!! \(^o^)/
deluforselu #2
Characters? Thank you! I loved this
exoplanetlayouts #3
Helpful, never seen a story like this before ^^
Chapter 1: Hello! I am veryyyy like veryyy thankful for your tips, they had helped me soo much! I'm wondering if its okay to take the title you made on chap. 1 ? :D Pleaaase? :D Thank you very much :D
Chapter 5: Please update~!
Chapter 2: otl my eyes and mind xD /dizzy/
I want to ask, if I make a story with character profile, but just like:

Lee Sunny:
16 years old
Sulli's sister

without her/his character is it still a minus?
Chapter 5: You're so funny! Hmmm, something I still need help with is writing a one shot. It's tricky business, you know! Since you don't know how long to go on for, but too short isn't a good thing either.
snsdfan9 #8
Thank you for making this :D
Chapter 4: Wow. I'm learning a lot from you. I kind of understand what you feel about the common plots. Hehe.
Chapter 4: I always love it when you update because then I can compare myself and see, did I do this? And if I did, I'd have to add something or edit something to change my mistakes. Thanks!