→ Sunny's Writing Tips




If you have titles like that one above, or are planning to write a story with that title, then I suggest you go have a long hour thinking about why you would do such a thing.

Not only does the title reveal the whole story, but it also has wrong grammar and improper use of punctuations and symbols. The title is eye-catching, but right away, you know you wouldn’t read it because the plot of that story is already running through your mind.

Am I right or am I right?

Titles are supposed to make you question, they are supposed to be mysterious and unique. I’m not telling you to name you angst story ‘Garden of Serendipity and Eureka’ or something like that. The point that I want to make is that titles should be well-thought out before you post anything.

When you’re writing a fluff or romantic comedy story, I suggest a title that would make the reader confused or make them laugh a bit. A little smile would suffice. Here are some of the titles I have thought of:


  • My Alien Grandm- Girl
  • Falling in Love (Literally)
  • Operation: Cupid Finds Love
  • Perks of Dating the Annoying Dragon


I know some of them are not unique or creative, but I just thought of them now. Fluffy stories need fluffy titles that would make your reader go “Aww! The title is so cute!”

Not necessarily in that way, but you get what I mean. A title defines your story way more than your description and foreword, so I guess you guys should put your thinking caps on.

As for angst titles, here are some:


  • Love is Not All You Need
  • Of Daggers and Words


So, what I want you to remember, a title is something you need to think about really hard. You can’t just type anything randomly and hope for the best. Make the title descriptive and unique (bonus points if it’s funny) and try to let it revolve around your story.

Thanks for reading! Comment on what you want me to give you tips for ^^

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Chapter 5: Hellu~ I was wondering, would you consider romance a genre on it's own? Or would the story need another genre to carry through, to make it interesting? And, would you consider drama a genre as well? Or does it count as light angst?
Awesome shop, by the way~!! I hope you update soon~!! \(^o^)/
deluforselu #2
Characters? Thank you! I loved this
exoplanetlayouts #3
Helpful, never seen a story like this before ^^
Chapter 1: Hello! I am veryyyy like veryyy thankful for your tips, they had helped me soo much! I'm wondering if its okay to take the title you made on chap. 1 ? :D Pleaaase? :D Thank you very much :D
Chapter 5: Please update~!
Chapter 2: otl my eyes and mind xD /dizzy/
I want to ask, if I make a story with character profile, but just like:

Lee Sunny:
16 years old
Sulli's sister

without her/his character is it still a minus?
Chapter 5: You're so funny! Hmmm, something I still need help with is writing a one shot. It's tricky business, you know! Since you don't know how long to go on for, but too short isn't a good thing either.
snsdfan9 #8
Thank you for making this :D
Chapter 4: Wow. I'm learning a lot from you. I kind of understand what you feel about the common plots. Hehe.
Chapter 4: I always love it when you update because then I can compare myself and see, did I do this? And if I did, I'd have to add something or edit something to change my mistakes. Thanks!