
Romanticized Realities & Realistic Dreams


You’ve changed, he’s changed, that motherer’s changed too! But guess what? None of it’s gonna make it on the headlines of your personal morning paper. Or maybe he does.


“You’re keeping something from me, I can tell.” Kyuhyun sat beside her on the couch, automatically letting her lay her head on his lap. “We can talk about it whenever you want. If you ever want to.”

“I don’t get why he’s upset. I mean, we’re in an open relationship. He asked for this, I gave it to him. What’s the point of being in this kind of relationship if he’ll get upset over us going out together?”

Sooyoung liked Kyuhyun, that’s it. She just wasn’t sure of what brought about those feelings because he was the one there when Changmin wasn’t or she was really drawn to the boy. What’s not to like about Kyuhyun? She couldn’t figure out herself.

“He’ll never let go of you. I thought you knew that?” Sooyoung looked at him, the expression on her face saying what-the--is-this-ery?-you’re-supposed-to-be-on-my-side! “I know, but its true!” Kyuhyun tried hard not to laugh. As much as Changmin was beginning to be entertaining, he’d never let his guard down on Sooyoung.

“I can’t move if he’s gonna be watching everything I do. It’s sick! Confusing!”

Kyuhyun sighed. Thinking twice. Maybe Sooyoung was right. It wasn’t really fair for him.

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Aw I read this again after years and it still makes me smile. :)
A very good job on this!
Chapter 15: it is good
please write more
Thank you! :)
tangled9138 #5
oh I love it :] Changsoo.. ~~
i've read this story on your lj :) sorry i can't leave a comment cause i don't hv any lj account :(<br />
thank God i found this story here :))<br />
i rlly love your story ! <br />
so real, i even can feel the chemistry .i can imagine if i were sooyoung ~<br />
woah such a real story in a real life :)<br />
your sentences are good . can i say this is my favorite one of changsoo fict ? kkkk, already fall in love with your fict author ,great job :D<br />
<br />
haha i'm so excited to comment this fict, sorry for too long . i'm just too crazy bout changsoo XD <br />
<br />
p.s : sorry for my bad english. English isn't my 1st languange ,hehe hope you'll understand it :)
@wotarmaylen oh! so there's that tag! I added it. Thanks, man! :)
i've always loved this one-shot. :) <br />
btw dearie, you can include changsoo in your tags too. that way people who ships changsoo can easily find this fic :)
yuiko_rj96 #9
yay~! so nice! haha (i just finished reading the whole story) <br />
hahaha<br />
ChangSoo Fighting! <br />
all-nostalgia fighting!
@ohbibimbap Man, nice name. LOL Jsyk, this is the first time I did a request. Haha! I love you~