
Snoopy and the Llama

drabble twenty-one; charmander

genre: fluff


description: amber doesn’t really mind running around in a charmander costume, apparently.


and apparently, henry doesn’t really mind either.





Not to say that Henry was really all too surprised about it, but Amber walking around the SM building in a Charmander costume was not really something Henry was expecting.


She popped into his practice room head first, bright orange Charmander-face-hood and all, with a wide grin, totally unashamed to be wandering about in a ridiculous Pokemon get-up. In fact, she seemed even more comfortable and relaxed than ever before, as she strolled in past the door and plopped herself next to Henry on the ground.


“Hi,” she said cheerfully, and he, who had frozen in utter confusion from the instant she’d walked in, finally unfroze and slowly bent his knees before fully sitting down on the ground.


“Should I even ask?” He questioned, one eyebrow quirked upwards. Amber shrugged, fiddling with the tail of the costume.


“Someone dared me to,” Amber responded. “This is actually pretty great. I’ve been getting weird looks all day.” She snickered, looking up at him. “Including from you.”


Henry huffed. “Okay, well, it’s not every day you see somebody running around in a Charmander costume.” He crossed his arms and pouted, turning away from her. Amber laughed, throwing her arms over his shoulder and curling up closer to him.


“I have another one,” she said, her voice muffled against his shoulder. “Wanna join the weird Pokemon crew?”


-- -- --


Sometimes, Henry thinks he has absolutely no restraint.


Well, actually, he had said no, at first. But then he realized that Amber wasn’t really asking so much as she was forcing him to join in on her ridiculous one - and now two - person “Pokemon crew.”


Then again, Henry’s willing to do almost anything Amber asks of him. Especially on her birthday.


“I’m not leaving this dorm,” Henry declares as soon as he walks out of the bathroom. Amber’s waiting in the hallway and bursts out laughing, seeing Henry in the Pikachu costume. He’s a little too tall for it, the sleeves too short and the pants only coming down to his shin, barely touching his ankles. He wiggles his toes, shuffling over to the couch in the f(x) girls’ living room, sinking into it immediately and pulling the hood of his costume low over his face. The ears tip forward and he nearly cries out in embarrassment.


“You look cute,” Amber snickers, following after him. She tugs on one of the ears and his cheeks grow hotter than before, using one hand to keep the hood pulled over his face and his other hand to swat at her.


“Stop it,” he mumbles, and she sits down on the couch beside him, practically laying herself over him as she tries to peek at his face underneath the hood. “Stooop,” he whines, pushing her away, but she only laughs, catching a glimpse of his red cheeks.


“This is my birthday present,” she says, pushing at his hood. He sighs and relents, pulling his hands away from his face. She pushes the hood up just enough so she can see him purposely averting his eyes, and she grins, leaning close to him.


He wants to tell her to stop, and he really meant to push her away, but she leans so close that he sort of forgets how to breathe (and think), and when he finally looks at her again, he can see that she’s smiling and there’s this kind of purely happy light dancing in her eyes, the kind that he only sees when she’s happy beyond compare, and he knows he’s definitely forgotten how to breathe by now, because that smile is special, and reserved just for him.


“You haven’t said happy birthday to me yet,” she reminds him quietly, and he can’t help but snake his arm behind her and pull her into his lap, molding their lips together in a gentle kiss.


He pulls away and murmurs “happy birthday” against her lips, and she smiles again, leaning into him for another kiss.


(She drags him out of the dorm later, her hand tightly grasping his as she forces him to walk around the city together, in their stupid costumes and her stupidly adorable smile that Henry stupidly thinks makes all of this worthwhile.


And then Eunhyuk catches sight of them, and Henry knows he is never living this down.)





author’s note;

obligatory ty not proof-read birthday drabble

happy birthday to our unique and talented amber! you keep rockin it ok c:


also sorry for never updating LOL

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Chapter 6: Awww this is sweettt.....
Chapter 4: Wangzifan's manga brought me here.. And the original fanfic also the best..!
Chapter 2: So cutee.. I love it..!
Chapter 19: Yasss! Love how you wrote pregnant Amber here. Cute and all. Thank you for this! :)
Chapter 23: Well I missed your masterpiece and need more huhu I camr here again to read all of your story but when will you make another one?? I'll still waiting for you author nim :)
372 streak #6
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing...really love all the chapters...your writing so great! Love it! I'm new with this couple but love them instantly...hope you will continue to write this...thank you again!
Chapter 8: So my parents caught me crying staring at my phone.
No Mom, it's not my life. T_______T
Spageti #8
Chapter 3: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy T_____________________T
GreenTinge #9
Chapter 20: the thing is... you write it wrong in Thai XD the grammar and everything is correct. just one word. it's not พรหม. it's งานคืนสู่เหย้า

"คุณจะไปงานคืนสู่เหย้ากับผมได้มั้ย?" also sound a bit forceful? so "กรุณาให้เกียรติไปงานคืนสู่เหย้ากับผมด้วยครับ" is the gentlemanly, sweet way to ask a girl to prom. though this might not be the case of henber XD
raccooneyes #10
Chapter 23: I would love to see this from Henry's point of view. I love your drabbles.