The Breathe of "BLISS"


          A single night sealed away the future of three people. Be it be fate or be it destiny but a single bewildering incident intermingles their Futures.



            May be I was too naive at that time to know anything. Maybe I was too self conceited to see anything. Maybe I was too arrogant to hear anything. All I want was “to pursue my ambition” but I was too much perturbed by it, that my mind has forsaken everything else.



            May be I was too shy to mingle with others. Maybe I was too prudent to talk to others. Maybe I was too sensitive to involve in a conversation. All I want was “peace without hurting others neither hurting myself” but I was too much chivalrous to the idea, that I’ve become forsaken.



            May be I was too much engrossed in popularity to feel you. Maybe I was too heedless to not look after you. Maybe I was too frivolous to see your listlessness. All I want was “to be known” but I was too much delighted by it, that I have forsaken you.   




Just want to share this humble fic with you.Please do point out my flaws as I can only improve my writing through them.

     Thank you for reading this - you



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ajengpristy #1
please update soon^^ i love your story
Chapter 1: Eoo.. Ex bestfriend?? What happen to them??
Chapter 3: This is beautifully written.
Please update soon, I'll be waiting
That_Inspirit #4
I really miss this fic. I hope you continue to write this even though it's been such a long time since you've updated. ^^
update soon..
percieve #6
Wow! The flow of the story is really nice...Waiting for your update..
Chapter 3: love your writing style. I really love the plot too.
Hope you can update soon :)
soomuch_A #8
Chapter 3: Oh! The truth is Suzy's parents and brother were dead by accident with Luhan's father that cause Suzy become alone now..
But, was it that make Suzy and Luhan's friendship broken?
I hope Luhan not dead. Update soon...
bhadra001 #9
Chapter 3: Hey! You are from akp!. I'm bhadraOO1 from there too. We have talked before. You write beautifully. :)