Kisses from Judas


"I'd rather betray others, than have them betray me." ~Cao Cao. Written for Let's Write to this Modest Proposal.


Written for MusicChibi and Scheherazade's Let's Write to this Modest Proposal, a collaboration with minminXP who wrote the outline for this story.

Apologies in advance for any historical or cultural inaccuracies; they were unintended. The story begins in the late 180's AD, for any interested.

EDIT 2/27/13: Reviewed by Midnight-B2UTY at Written in the Stars Review Shop.

EDIT 3/7/13: total word count: 3835 + 4395 + 4712 + 3370 + 3138 = 19450

EDIT 3/9/13: fixed fonts and foreword. Reviewed by kiwikawaii at Diamond Graphics and Review Shoppe.

EDIT 3/12/13: Reviewed by SoaringCliche at Beastly Shop.


According to the Synoptic Gospels, Judas identified Jesus to the soldiers by means of a kiss. This is the kiss of Judas, also known (especially in art) as the Betrayal of Christ, which occurs in the Garden of Gethsemane after the Last Supper, and leads directly to the arrest of Jesus by the police force of the Sanhedrin (Kilgallen 271). In Christian theology, the events from the Last Supper until the death and resurrection of Jesus are referred to as The Passion.

(from Wikipedia)


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nadiara #1
Chapter 5: Uwwaaah this is amazing! I don't know what to say. You guys are sooooo great that you could get this idea about the boundaries. It doesnt even ever come to my mind lol
Chapter 5: woah. i really enjoyed the story, especially since it ends happily (with a hint of taoris!). i liked the descriptions of Zitao's uncertainty and ambition and all that too. if its strange i'm reading this quite sometime after you uploaded it, i was searching for good historical to read hahaha. i do'nt suppose you have a pdf of it, do you? (:
I thoroughly enjoyed the story !
Thankyou to the both of you for planning and writing this story :)) <3
Congrats on winning the writing contest~ :D