Actors at Their Finest

Why Do Pretty Faces Happen to Bad People?

I already have typed up, but it isn't for this fanfic. I think I'll put it out as a oneshot. Probably a Xiuris and Xiuhan. Anyways, aside from things of such matter, I'm pretty satisfied with the details I put into this one. I do feel like some parts are boring, though. I'll try to make up for it in the upcoming chapters. For the next chapter, I think I'll add in some Xiuhan fluff. It might be a bit short, hopefully not as short as the first chapter. There probably won't be any Taoris fluff (I don't really ship them) so sorry Taoris shippers! Then after that, I think I'll make the atmosphere more serious; and by that, I mean getting little Min molested by Luhan . . . so there's that.

"Eugh, I can't believe you made me do this," Minseok grumbled, pulling the beanie over his red ears. He shoved his hands in his coat's pockets, slightly shivering as the cold breeze washed their bodies. "Stop wining, Baozi! YiFan did mention he would bring his friend along. See, now you'll have someone to talk to. Oh, and maybe you'll finally have a boyfriend." Tao smirked, earning a smack on his arms. Xiumin wasn't eager about this whole 'surprise double date' idea, but he couldn't deny the curiosity of wondering who his date would be, how he looked like, what he liked, and everything possible. The pair made their way past the crowded streets of the city, rushing across busy streets, passing faceless strangers underneath the blanketed sky. The only sound emerging from the area were the sounds of civilians rushing past and the soft hum of cars rolling on with their occasional honks and beeps. Venturing beneath the cold weather, the two finally managed to make it to the pizzeria, where the location for the date was. Upon entering, they were greeting with the crisp, palatable smell of pizza along with other goods and the indistinct chatter of customers.

"Oh, there they are!" Exclaimed Tao. Suddenly, he clung on to the shorter one's arm for a moment and whispered in his ear. "Didn't I tell you he was cute? Wu Yi Fan . . ." Tao felt the name play on his tongue; he liked it. "Your guy seems adorable as well, Minseok~ Don't loose yourself too much, hyung." Again, he smirked. "Tch, shouldn't I be telling you that?" Muttered Baozi before they approached Yi Fan and his friend. Tao was right; the eyes Yi Fan possessed, they penetrated deep into his soul, uncovering every secret and lie hidden away and with those intimidating eyes, he felt like spilling everything right now, like the time he devoured the pizza Tao claimed and blamed it on Chen, or maybe when he borrowed Chen's sweater without asking and ended up getting grape juice stains all over it. Chen never really did find out how that happened, but he didn't need to. The punishment for destroying his favorite sweater would be unthinkably horrifying. Xiumin took another look at the man and blinked. Then, he blinked a second time. Looking into those deep eyes, he felt warmth hide behind the facade; or was it? Could the warmth be the mask instead? The striking features of his defined cheek bones and jaw did not go unnoticed. Dirty blonde hair was brushed back, with a few foreign strands dangling over his forehead. After observing Tao's date, his eyes flickered over to his. Sitting opposite of Yi Fan was a young man with bright, doe eyes that added more to the innocence given by the angelic glow of his skin. Underneath the light, he was absolutely dazzling and even more with a dashing smile across his face. His hair set up, nice and neat, just like his clothes. The first impression imprinted on Xiumin was comfort. Just looking at the stranger sprouted a sense of amenity throughout his body. It took an extra moment for Xiumin to realize that lovely creature was his date as he unconsciously approached the two.

"I'm glad we could meet today, Yi Fan." Tao greeted the other, after finally mustering up the strength. "Just call me Kris." He lamely stated, as he pulled the chair out for his date. Tao blushed, and took his next to him; as he did, Xiumin swore he saw a strange, unexplainable smile grow on the man's face. Min shook his head, unsure what to think. That man was stranger than watching a drunk Tao trying to pull off some wushu moves. 'I guess I really shouldn't judge. I did just meet him . . .'  He thought to himself. One of the teachings his parents stressed was never to judge others. Everyone has some sort of disguise and beneath that is a loving, soft individual, no matter how harsh the exterior may be. 'Like a crab!' Xiumin thought, amusing himself with his stupid connection to sea creatures.

"You must be Xiumin," A divine voice rung in his ears, plummeting him away from his thoughts about Kris and to his thoughts about the beautiful young man in front of him. He stood up, proceeding to greet Minseok. Seeing him at full height, he noticed their height difference. The gap wasn't terribly large, but he could notice that Luhan was definitely the taller one here. "O-Oh, yes." He unknowingly spoke in a hushed tone and when he noticed, Xiumin mentally slapped himself for it. The two met just now and Minseok was feeling more scared than ever. He didn't do well with strangers, considering the fact that the two just met and he's forced to date this man, no matter how adorable he maybe. "I'm Luhan. It's nice meeting you, Xiumin." He didn't know what but something calmed down the thumping heart and jittering thoughts. Could it be the soothing effect the delightful voice had on the boy? "You know, Kris over there," He jerked his head towards the blond man. "Wouldn't keep quiet about you guys at all. He kept on going on and on about how cute you two were." Yi Fan scowled at his friend and in response, he simply chuckled. Oh, there it is again. That lovely voice. It reminded him of the sweet voice singers always had. "Sit down, sit down. Let's order something; I'm starving."

As they devoured their food, Xiumin couldn't help but notice that . . .that face Kris always wore on his face, but whenever he turned to Tao, there was this loving grin plastered on his face, as if he was just pretending and forcing himself to smile or maybe even a entirely different man sitting next to the panda. It made him doubt the man and despise him and still fear him, but then the words spoken by his mother and father would always pop into his head. He also took notice of how Kris would wrap his arm around Tao's shoulders, gripping it tightly, and sometimes, looking at him with this unreadable expression. He seemed so protective of the dark skinned man that he almost seemed clingy. 'Clingy' wasn't the word that would efficiently describe Yi Fan, but it was the only word that popped into his head. The man also never spoke much. Only when he was directly spoken or felt the need to flirt with Tao or tease Luhan or take part in something he was truly interested in would he speak. Of course, the youngest didn't seem to mind but it rubbed Minseok the wrong way. Luhan on the other hand, was completely normal. He was the life of the group the entire time; cracking jokes, mocking Kris, or humoring Xiumin.

Afterwards, they went to the movies and watched 'The Gangster Squad.' He honestly thought that was slightly weird. Shouldn't it be movie first, then food? Thankfully, they made it before it started; it was one of the movies Xiumin and Tao were planning to watch. Not this exact way, but Xiumin was pretty content. The pairs ended up sharing the popcorn because the large size was sold at such a low price. Xiumin actually feared that he and Luhan would end up doing that corny thing couples always do in movies when they share popcorn- when their eyes are glued to the movie screen, too engulfed to pull away for a moment, but their mouths craving for more of the salty goodness, that they blindly feel the area for the snack, and when they do, when they plunge their hands in the box, their groping fingers meet and ignite on the unexpected touch. Their eyes meet as they giggle sweetly, looking at each other with longing faces. That is what Xiumin fears the most. He won't giggle sweetly on this first date. Despite how sweet and engaging Luhan behaved, he wouldn't look at him with a darling expression that's screaming to be kissed; no, he would end up retrieving his arm and avoid any possible eye contact as he blushes furiously, thankful that it's dark.

Explosives, the chaining eruptions of shooting guns, crashes from the movie echoed throughout the large room. And then, Baozi heard the wet sounds of a long kiss right next to his ear. Turning his head, he noticed it was Tao and Kris each others' faces off. He wondered which one began the flirting, finding either possibility believable. He was honestly surprised; one moment, Tao was shy and barely spoke a sing word. He only answered with a nod or shake. Now, he's clinging on to the other and kissing without a care in the world. It was impossible to focus on the plot when all he could hear were soft pants of the couple lost in their own world, the shifting sound of the clothed bodies restlessly moving in their seats, and low seductive whispers coming from the blond that he honestly regretted hearing. Quiet breathless moans and whines sounded in the area, making Xiumin relieved that not many people were around them and every few minutes, shouting or gunfire would erupt from the movie. He shook his head at the two who were clinging onto one another as if their very lives depended on deep makeout sessions. It was only the first date and this happened. In his opposite ear, he heard a light chuckle and slightly turned his head to the other side, seeing Luhan who also noticed their little act. Min ended up staring at the deer for too long of a time acceptable, because the handsome man just stared into Xiumin's eyes for a moment, causing the older to blush a deep red, and give a pleasant smile. In a matter of seconds, Minseok felt a hand trail from his shoulder, across the back of his neck, and slide down right above his elbow and cup his arm. He mouthed a 'what' and squinted his eyes as the sensation of the foreign touch wandered to the other side, sending trembling ripples throughout his body and a heart almost beating out of his chest until he finally calmed down. Miseok didn't know how to feel about this or how to react. Tao went as far as to have a make out session while Xiumin ended up shivering under his date's touch. The elder simply sat there, stupefied and unsure what to do. He never did grow accustomed to his touch. The movie was playing in front of his eyes but he processed nothing; just the warmth from Luhan and only that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I had a great time, Xiumin." He stated in a lighthearted, loving tone. "Me too." Replied Minseok, in his soft voice. He looked off to the side, watching Kris and Tao hold hands, talk, and laugh about something. He didn't know what they were saying; they were to far away. He only saw their lips moving and their breaths turning into cold puffs of air that disappeared into the star-scattered night sky. Disappointed by the lack of attention from Baozi, Luhan put his arms on the other's shoulders, towering over little Xiumin, and inched forward with twinkling, vivid eyes. "I think we should hang out more. Do you want to go out again sometime? Just me and you? Hm?" Luhan questioned the other, tilting his head in a cute manner. His long hands s down the shorter one's arms until they reached his hands, grasping them gently. "Oh, I . . ." Minseok was taken aback by the sudden closeness the other had towards him. Yet, he didn't mind. He pondered for a moment then finally decided. "Yes, I'll go." He answered, smiling back sweetly. Xiumin didn't want to lead a single life and he felt that this person, Luhan, would definitely be perfect for him. After plenty of conversations in just one day, he found out many things about the other; some that simply amused Xiumin and others that they had in common. "Good. You know, Kris was right . . . you are very cute." Luhan pecked him on the cheek and left him with that, leaving Minseok slightly flustered at the kiss, but also satisfied. His cheeks turned a deep pink shade and heat spread across his face and to the tip of his ears hidden beneath his beanie. Unknowingly, he rubbed his cheek, the spot were Luhan pecked him, then held it there for a moment, savoring the sensation. Even now, he could still feel innocent touches and caresses and the heat of the other. Xiumin sighed deeply.

"Is this love I smell?" Tao asked, stalking over to his smitten friend with a devious grin on his face.

"You're ruining the moment for me, Tao."

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ahhh xiukai 's gonna pop up; just thought i'd say


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Chapter 6: this is really interesting. Though Kai wants Minseok back, / molesting him is not the solution to it. And Luhan changing for Minseok is great. The concept is well-chosen.

Well done & looking forward to the update.
trishplusmama #2
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE YOU HAVE TO UPDATE THIS :(((((((((;((((;(((55((5((((((
BlackHunnie #3
updaaateeeeeee sooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Chapter 6: o.o oh Kai! Was not expecting that at all! If only Xiumin knew that Luhan had the same thing in mind
BlackHunnie #5
Chapter 6: This is really a good one Author-nim!

XiuHan is just my drugs now. lol.

I hope you'll update soon :D

yow yow yow..
Alen_Walfo #6
Chapter 6: woah...
Kai keep calm ok?
Yeah,luhan you must save xiumin from kai -,,-
Alen_Walfo #7
Chapter 5: LUHAAAAN
Alen_Walfo #8
Chapter 4: hahaha...
Now,you fall in love with xiumin :p
Don't be a player again -,,-