Dating Advice

Why Do Pretty Faces Happen to Bad People?

 Yah...finally finished. It honestly didn't take that long, but I hope it's good. I'm sorry if I didn't capture Tao and Xiumin correctly. Just say so, and I'll fix it. I unexpectedly threw in the Xiutao brotherly love. I think it'll be a great way to introduce Kris and Luhan. I'm not sure about Chen though...and I feel like adding Lay in somewhere. He's so funny! Well, I'll worry about that once I get there. I know, this first chapter's boring, but please bare with me!

Oh gosh, I'm really scared to uncheck the 'Hide Chapter' box . . . I'm sorry if this doesn't come out well!

"Xiumin! Xiumin!" The distressed young man stood between Xiumin and one of his true loves; the cooking channel. The recipe was complex, requiring rare ingredients, many kitchen wares, and the concentration of an experienced surgeon, all of which Xiumin had. Annoyed by the maknae's disruption, Minseok leaned to the left and looked around the intruder, writing down notes in his book without taking his knowledge-hungry eyes off the screen. "Baozi," he whined, looking down cutely at the other with begging eyes and doing his best aegyo. The long groan triumphed over the volume of the television, annoying Min. He gave in and averted his attention to Tao. "What is it, Tao? You know my show's on!" He sighed, tossing his notebook on the coffee table. The elder looked up at the younger one's face that had anxiety written all over it.  Beneath his dark eyes were bags showing inklings of sleepless night and day-to-day insomnia. "Oh, you look really tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?" He questioned, with worry loud and clear in his voice. He patted the area next to him, signaling Tao to sit down, and he complied. Tao made a long 'uunnn' sound and shook his head childishly. "I need your help, Xiumin . . ." He scooted closer.

"With what?" He frowned. By the looks of Tao's appearance, it looked very important.

"I met this guy at the mall, last week, at the shoe store. He was really nice, and we talked for a bit and then . . ." His voice trailed off, causing Min's ears to perk up. "And then what?" He asked protectively, tilting his head. 'What did this guy do to Tao? What did he say to him? Did he hurt him at all? Because if he did, I'll kick his !'  Ever since the day the two met, he felt it was his duty to take care of the younger one. But also because he is the younger one. The Korean realized that Tao is a master at wushu, but concealing his amazing power is a layer of shyness and the personality of a vulnerable, giggling highschool girl.

Minseok leaned closer, his chubby face tilted down and squinting eyes looked up at the other's tense face. "What did he do?" Each word came out emphasizingly stretched.

"Xiumin, he . . ." Heat arose on Tao's cheeks and his turned to the side, staring at the carpeted floor. His heart skipped a beat. Min rested a friendly hand on the other's lap, in an attempt to console the seeminly troubled maknae ."He wanted me to . . . h-he wanted me to . . ." The younger boy stuttered. A lopsided grin slowly took over the hesitant one's face and his voice grew an octave higher. "He asked me out. He asked me out on a date! Isn't it great?! I mean he's so hot and sweet and, oh, his eyes! His eyes, Xiumin. There were so dreamy and gentle, but yet, I felt them intimidating me as well . . ." ZiTao clasped his hands together and looked up musingly at the space floating over his head. Meanwhile, the elder groaned at his nonsense fangirling. "Ugh, Tao . . . you're killing me . . ." Xiumin shielded his eyes from the sight, resting his arms over them and threw his head back into the couch. "Why are you doing this to me, little boy?" Cried Baozi. The daydreaming youth payed no attention to the other's antic as he continued the romantic fantasy playing in the theater of his mind. Xiumin saw into that disturbing mind theater once and it was the most corny, terrifying thing he had laid eyes on. "Oh Yi Fan, of course I'll be yours!" He whispered sweetly, lost in his own world. Xiumin chuckled at the his comment and pulled himself back together, into his more mature mood.

"So, what did you need my help with?" The question plunged Tao back into reality and he regained his composure. "Oh, yeah," He let out a deep sigh and began to talk. "Well, you see, our date is tomorrow and I'm just so nervous. I haven't been on a date for a while and I'm just so scared, like what if I do something wrong? What if I accidentally spit in on his face or get something gross stuck in my teeth for the entire day without even knowing?" Tao cringed at the thought. 'So this is it?' Xiumin thought to himself, unsatisfied by the lack of drama he thought he would have to deal with."So do you want me to do about it?"

"Well, I was thinking, maybe you could go with us? Please?" His dark eyebrows lifted upwards and his bottom lip curled downwards into another adorable expression. "With you?! No way, ZiTao. You're the one being asked out, not me." Xiumin absolutely despised being the third wheel. Again, he frowned, crossing his arms and looking directly forward. 'What would I do while Tao and his date made lovey-dovey eyes with each other?'

"It'll be fun, Minseokie!" Suddenly, his eyes brightened and he made an 'o' shape with his mouth. That meant the younger had an idea and right then and there, Xiumin knew this is where things would get worse. "No . . . oh, no." Slowly, he shook his head. "No, Tao. I don't know what you're thinking, but I won't do it!"

"A double date! That way you can help me out!"

"Me? On a date? Tao, you know I haven't been on a date since, like . . . when was it, one month? Or . . . maybe two months ago? Eugh, anyways, I'm not going! Not me."

"So? I haven't been on a date for a while and I'm going." The devious panda whipped out his cellphone and rapidly texted the man, his fingers tapping on his phone and bouncing everywhere. "No, no, no, no, no!" Minseok shouted, attempting to grab the phone from the other's hand, but with his excellent reflexes, Tao quickly dodged him and jumped off the couch, causing Minseok to plop down, with his face buried in the cushion and arms falling forward. "You stop right there, Tao!" He picked himself up and chased the other around, from living room to kitchen. "You can't get me, gege!" Retorted the younger, sticking his tongue out as he continued running and texting. It's dangerous, but worth it. They ran around every obstacle until Tao finally sent the cute message from a safe distance. The sudden halt gave away that the deed was done and Xiumin's eyes widened. "Oh no . . ." He whispered. The other simply cackled and disappeared into his bedroom, completely satisfied with his actions.


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ahhh xiukai 's gonna pop up; just thought i'd say


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Chapter 6: this is really interesting. Though Kai wants Minseok back, / molesting him is not the solution to it. And Luhan changing for Minseok is great. The concept is well-chosen.

Well done & looking forward to the update.
trishplusmama #2
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE YOU HAVE TO UPDATE THIS :(((((((((;((((;(((55((5((((((
BlackHunnie #3
updaaateeeeeee sooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Chapter 6: o.o oh Kai! Was not expecting that at all! If only Xiumin knew that Luhan had the same thing in mind
BlackHunnie #5
Chapter 6: This is really a good one Author-nim!

XiuHan is just my drugs now. lol.

I hope you'll update soon :D

yow yow yow..
Alen_Walfo #6
Chapter 6: woah...
Kai keep calm ok?
Yeah,luhan you must save xiumin from kai -,,-
Alen_Walfo #7
Chapter 5: LUHAAAAN
Alen_Walfo #8
Chapter 4: hahaha...
Now,you fall in love with xiumin :p
Don't be a player again -,,-