Chapter 4

You Belong with Me

In the darkness, Yesung silently sat next to Ryeowook’s bed. This room is too familiar with him. He can close his eyes and still know exactly where everything is. It has many great memories between him and Ryeowook, and even bad memories like their fight last week.  Thinking about all the memories  makes him sad. One day they were happy  together, and the next day they were fighting. Now they even fight over a girl. It is ridiculous. Yesung has never cared about any girl in a romantic way. He just needs Ryeowook and only Ryeowook, but Yesung has starting arguing with Ryeowook since the managers and those fools who live in 11th floor complained about them. They said Ryeowook and Yesung were so loud at night, but Eunhae is louder than them. So Yewook were separated. Yesung had fought against it strongly, but surprisingly Ryeowook had been fine with it. No matter how much Yesung asked or even begged him, Ryeowook still decided to move up. It had caused Yesung bitter; he started to pick fights with Ryeowook. Poor Ryeowook didn’t understand why Yesung was so mad at him. At first when Yesung got mad, Ryeowook just calmly tried to make Yesung happy. However, lately  Yesung gets mad a lot over nothing, Ryeowook can’t  take it anymore. He has been arguing against Yesung, even throwing Yesung out of his room last week. Yesung has vowed never go back to Ryeowook’s room again that night, but now here he is.


Ryeowook’s cellphone’s ringtone makes Yesung startle, but he keeps quiet, sitting in the dark.

“Yeboseyo?” Ryeowook answers his phone. “Ah Sulli, what wrong? You soud drunk. Ah I am a….OMO WHAT THE HECK?” Ryeowook screams when his cellphone gets yanked out of his hand.

“Who is there?” Ryeowook quickly turns on the light.”Yes….”

Yesung suddenly gasps Ryeowook and kisses him passionately. Yesung puts all of his anger and jealousy into that kiss. He bites Ryeowook ‘s lip and then gently runs his tongue over it, smoothing it. He knows Ryeowook likes it when he does that.

“Ah…Y.e.s.u.n.g…” Ryeowook sigh in Yesung’s mouth.

When Yesung’s mouth leaves his, Ryeowook was breathless. Ryeowook has missed Yesung’s kisses and touches so much. He was about to smile at Yesung but a look from Yesung stopes him.

“Why did Sulli call you? “ Yesung demands in a hard voice.

“She is drunk?” Ryeowook answers.

“When did she start calling you when she is drunk?” Yesung glares at Ryeowook. His hair slowly turns pink. “What are you to her? No. What is she to you?”

“Yesung, there is nothing to get jealous about. She is drunk, she doesn’t know what she is doing.” Ryeowook begs Yesung to calm down.

“They say when a person is drunk, he is the most honest.” Yesung  said.

“So what if she calls me?” Ryeowook starts to get mad. “You know who I like. And I thought you said you never wanted to go back to this room last week? Why are you even here?”

“Ryeowook, listen.” Yesung softly says when he saw Ryeowook is about to cry. “I’m sorry for everything I did. I was mad when you accepted to move to 12th floor. I thought you would fight for us like I did but you didn’t and I started being cold to you because of that. But now I know it is foolish. I still love you even if you don’t love me as much as I do.”

“Yesunggg…”Ryeowook is so touched by Yesung’s speech, he runs into Yesung’s arms.”I’m sorry , too. I didn’t fight for us, not because I don’t love you. I was afraid because I love you so much. I was scared if you leave me one day, I won’t be able to live. So I thought to put some distance between us, but it was a mistake. I’m miserable here without you.” Ryeowook buries his face in Yesung’s chest.

“Hey.” Yesung gently lifts Ryeowook’s face to his and kisses him softly.”We can work this out. We can spend each night in each of our rooms like Eunhae. Monday my room, Tuesday your room…”

“Then what’s about Sunday?” Ryeowook asks.

“We can spend it in my car.” Yesung grins. “It will be fun!”

“But you don’t have a car?” Ryeowook asks again.

“Then we use Leetuek’s car. He has leather seats.” Yesung winks at Ryeowook.

“You are so bad.” Ryeowook blushes and smiles shyly.

 He jokingly pushes Yesung away, but Yesung yanks him back against his chest. Yesung kisses Ryeowook  again with tongues this time. Their tongues tangles together like in a romantic ballad dance. Yesung pushes Ryeowook  toward the bed while kissing his  neck, making hickeys all over Ryeowook’s neck.  They falls on the bed together, arms and legs wrap around each other. They help each other take off their clothes.

“Ryeowook, apply my mask for me.” Heechul  bangs into the room without knocking.

“Heechul Hyunggg” Yesung  and Ryeowook both screams.

Yesung quickly takes the blanket and covers Ryeowook’s body. He doesn’t want anyone else to see his precious Ryeowook’s body.  It is his, and only he can see it. Yesung smiles at his possessive thought.

“Yesung.” Ryeowook  calls him.”How can you smile at a situation like this?”

“It’s OK. Heechul hyung is used to this.” Yesung grins. “And you sounded like a mad wife. So cute!” Yesung kisses Ryeowook on the check.

“Arg , can you guys stop it?” Heechul complains. “Ryeowook, help me with my mask, please.”

Ryeowook looks at Yesung, asking for help. Yesung nods his head.

“Go help him. I’m gonna be here all night, but be quick. I can’t wait for too long.”

Ryeowook smiles and put on his clothes, while Heechul is already on the phone with someone.

“Hangeng? No, nothing is wrong. I just miss you. Those dorks here make me miss you, babe!” Heechul says. “Wait, I’m serious. Don’t hang up. I know you need to sleep but I need you now. Babe…Hello…Hangeng?? Aish.” Heechul curses and hangs up his phone.

“Heechul hyung, lets go.” Ryeowook laughs and get Heechul out of his room.

Yesung is left alone in Ryeowook’s room, he falls back to the bed. Everything is fine like it was before now. Yesung is so happy, he can’t stop smiling like a fool. He falls asleep with a smile on his face, hugging Kiki close to his chest.

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Chapter 5: i heard about sulli X ryeowook but never really ship them because i like yewook more :D
i wonder if ryeowook looked through yewook blogs???? i guess he would feel really shy looking through fan art kkk